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DLP - English 7 - Reaction and Assertion

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Republic of the Philippines


Region III

Division of Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija


Carmen, Zaragoza Nueva Ecija


Teacher Noriel D. Miguel Learning Area ENGLISH 7

Grade and Section 7- Artificial
Intelligence, 7- Jasmin,
Quarter Third
7- Daisy, 7- Champaca,
7- Sampaguita
Teaching Date 7:30-8:30, 8:30-9:30- 10:00-
11:00 AM, 11:00-12:00 AM,
March 12, 2024 Time
1:00-2:00 PM, 2:00-3:00,

The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the
Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in
listening to and viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word
Content Standards
relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech, passive/active voice, simple past and past
perfect tenses, and sentence connectors.
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s
identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using
schema and appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing
Performance Standards ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching
written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech,
active/passive voice, simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors
correctly and appropriately.
Learning , EN7RC-IIIe-2.1.7
Objectives Learning Objectives
Write the LC code for
each After going through this lesson, students are expected to:

1. determine assertions expressed in a reading text;

2. react responsibly by formulating valid assertions;

3. note assertion as an effective communicative style; and

4. determine the validity and adequacy of proof statements to support

II. CONTENT Reacting to What is Asserted or Expressed in a Text
English – Grade 7 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 – Module 6:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
React to What is Asserted or Expressed in a Text
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal

Other Learning
PowerPoint Presentation

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Good morning (7-Section), please stand and let us Good morning, Ma’am.
pray. May I request your class president (name) to
come forward and lead us in a prayer? (The class president will come forward and lead the
2. Greetings

Good morning, everyone!

Good morning, Ma’am!

This morning, I want to teach you something.

Every time I greet you good morning, you will
also greet your classmates. Is that clear?
Yes, Ma’am!

So, when I say good morning (7-Section), you will

say good morning, ma'am. Good morning,
classmates. Have a blessed morning to everyone.
(Performing it with actions.) Did you get it?

Yes, Ma’am!

Alright, let’s try!

Good morning, (7- Section) Good morning Ma’am, Good morning classmates
have a blessed morning to everyone. (Performing it
with actions.)

Again, more energy! (repeat)

Very Good! How are you today? We’re doing good, Ma’am!

That’s great, class!

3. Classroom Management

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up any (The students will arrange their chairs and pick up
piece of paper or trash and arrange your chair any pieces of paper.)

Okay, I think it’s clean now. Good job!

Thank you, Ma’am!
You may now take your seat, class.

Here are the rules before we start our discussion:

(The learners will restate the classroom rules)
1. Show respect for the teacher, your classmates,
and yourself.

2. Be on time!

3. Be prepared for class every day.

4. Raise your hand before you speak.

5. No cell phones are allowed during our class

Yes, Ma’am!
Do you all agree with our classroom rules?

None, Ma’am.
Do you have something to add to our rules?
Okay, if none, I will inform you of that during our
class discussion. If I say clear, you will respond,
Yes na yes ma’am!

Let’s try! Clear?


Yes na yes ma’am!

4. Checking of Attendance

Let’s check the attendance. I will call your name,

and instead of saying present, you will say your
mood today for example “I’m happy and blessed”
of course with your highest energy ok?

(The teacher starts to check the attendance

(The student's will responds)

B. Review of the Past Lesson

Do you still remember the topic discussed last

week by Ma’am Rubie?
Yes, Ma'am.
So, what is the topic?
About Citing Evidence ma’am
Exactly! Now let us have a brief activity about
your previous topic. What you're going to do is
thumb up if the statement is true and thumb down
if not.

1. Citing textual evidence requires students to look (The students will participate)
back into the text for evidence to support an idea,
answer a question or make a claim.

2. Citing or documenting the sources used gives

proper credit to the authors of the incorporated
works or ideas.

3. The very act of looking up a reference for

verification serves as an accuracy check.

4. Citation is used to uphold intellectual honesty to

avoid plagiarism.

5. Citing evidence is not important to support a

general statement.
Very good class! I’m glad that you remembered (The students will perform the Aling Dionisia Clap)
your previous lesson. With that give yourself a
Aling Dionisia clap
Now before we proceed to our new topic let us
have first an activity that might related to our new

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson


Activity 1. Let's React

Since we experienced the lockdown due to

Covid19 pandemic, are you one of those who had
enough time to use social media? Do you check
your news feed every day? What motivates you to
scroll through your News feed? Do you react to
others' posts?

Let us check how you react to statements from

varied texts. I’ll be showing you pictures with
statement so kindly focus on our activity.

(Student will read)

Kindly someone read the direction

If someone tells you each of these statements,

what will be your reaction? React these when the
pen stopped to you and react LOVE if it inspires
you, HAHA if it makes you laugh, WOW if it
amazes or shocks you, SAD if it makes you sad,
or ANGRY if it makes you angry. Then explain Yes na yes ma’am!
your reaction about the photo. Clear?

(Students actively participate to the activity)

(Students will answer)

Very good! So, based on our activity, do you have

any idea what’s our topic for today?

Do you have any ideas? (Teacher will call student

in the class to answer the question)

D. Presenting examples/instances of the

new lesson
As you can see class we did react to a certain
statement, information that we have seen so it is
just like reacting to a social media posts, what do
you this our lesson for today?

Okay, so today we will be discussing about React

to What is Asserted or Expressed in a Text

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new

skills (Lesson Proper)

After going through this lesson, students are

expected to:

1. determine assertions expressed in a reading

(The students will read the learning objectives.)
2. react responsibly by formulating valid

3. note assertion as an effective communicative

style; and

4. determine the validity and adequacy of proof

statements to support assertion;

For you to react to what is asserted or expressed in

a text, you need to note assertion as an effective
communicative style.

Assert is defined as to state or declare positively

and often forcefully or aggressively.

For example: The suspect continued to assert his


Through the graphic organizer below, you will (The student will read.)
learn more on how to assert and how to identify
assertive communications.

(Teacher will present the graphic organizer)

Remember: Being assertive doesn't mean you are

to violate the rights of others and appear to be
self-centered or selfish.
(The students will read.)
For you to avoid negative feedback from being
assertive, you need to use respectful, calm and
firm tone accompanied by an appropriate body

Be brave to say no when you need to without

lying about the reasons.
Yes na yes ma’am
Are we clear?

Ok, so now let us have an activity.

So, we all experienced and did survive the

pandemic that just hit the world right? And I want Yes ma’am
you to go back in time where you think about the
news related to the pandemic, how did you react (Students answer)
when a sudden news about pandemic has been

Activity 2.1: Infodemic in times of Pandemic

Covid-19 is everywhere in the news, are you
finding it difficult to know what is true and what
is false?

When the pandemic hits the world, infodemic

arise. This means a flood of information on the
COVID-19 pandemic.

This time you are about to learn an excerpt on

how to navigate the infodemic or any information
that might be not legitimate.

I will be showing you some photos with statement

and I want you to share your experiences how did
Yes na Yes ma’am
you overcome it by gathering news and
information about it. Clear?

(Teacher will present the pictures with statement)

(Students will read)
Kindly read the statement
(Students will do the you-you clap)
Very good! To those students who shared their
experiences let us give them a you you you clap!

Is everything clear?
Yes na yes ma’am!
Are you sure?

A. Finding practical applications of

concepts and skills in daily living.

Activity 2.2: Think before you share

Let us assess how you apply what you learned

from the top tips for navigating infodemics.

Class kindly read the direction (Learners will read the direction)

The pen will continue to play then when it stopped

to you you have to stand up and answer the
statement. Share if the information is reliable or Yes ma’am
Stop if it is a misinformation.

Ok are you ready?

1. The virus was engineered in a laboratory in

The students will collaborate to the activity
2. The COVID-19 virus CANNOT be spread
through mosquito bites.

3. Wealthy elites are using the virus to profit from


4. Herd immunity will protect us if we let the virus

spread through the population.

5. Eating garlic helps prevent COVID-19 because

of its antimicrobial properties.

6. Antibiotics CANNOT prevent or treat COVID-

19 for it work only against bacteria, not viruses.

7. Older people, and people with pre-existing

medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and
heart disease appear to be more vulnerable to
becoming severely ill with the virus

8. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as

pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza
type B (Hib) vaccine, provide protection against
the new coronavirus.

9. Cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand

rub or washing your hands with soap and water
are the most effective ways to remove the virus.

10.Hand dryers are NOT effective in killing the

COVID-19 virus.

ACTIVITY 2.3: Whom do we save first with

the vaccine?

Now, I will be grouping you into two (2), you

have to choose one from the possible Sectoral
Priorities for Covid19 vaccine in the Philippines.
By spinning the wheel.

Who you think must go to the front of the vaccine

line? Make an assertion as you complete the
statement below.

I will give you 5 minutes to work with your group

and choose one (1) representative to present your

Okay, please count 1 to 2 starts here in front.

All right, all the members of Group 1 go here on

the left side while the members of Group 2 go on
the other side, and you may now form a circle and
start with your group activity.

Groups 1 and 2, please write your complete name

on one-fourth sheet of paper, and then write your
answer on that paper below your names.
Yes na yes ma’am
Are you ready?


I think you’re all set. Your time starts now!

The learners will participate to the group activity
(The teacher will guide the students.)

Times up! Please arrange your chairs and go back

to your proper seat.

May I request that the representative of Group 1

go in front and please tell us your answer?

Very Good! Let us give group 1 a you-you clap.

1, 2, 3 (clap), 1, 2, 3 (stamp) (you-you clap)

Next, group 2 representatives, please go in front

and explain your answer.

Great! Let us give group 2 a you-you clap.

Did you enjoy our group activities Yes ma’am!

F.Making generalizations and abstractions

about the lesson

Do you have any questions about our lesson

today? None ma’am
Are you sure? Yes ma’am

If you are really sure, I have some questions

regarding our discussion earlier.

Are you still going to be convinced by any

information you will see, or hear anywhere? Students will answer

Good job!

How about when you are the one who is providing

the evidence how are you going to assert it?

Another, kindly read the instruction

Students will answer
What are your realizations as you journey through
this lesson?

Before moving forward, reflect on the important Students will read

points that you found helpful and challenging by
completing the sentences.

1.After doing all the activities in this module, I

learned that being assertive

2.I realized that I need to improve my


3.For me, the most difficult part of the lesson is

____ 4.I believe being assertive is important
because __________________________

Very Good!

Last question: why do you think your reaction is Students will answer
important to a certain statement?

Now let us play

Truth Navigation

Informations spread faster than the virus. Let us be

on the frontline of truth.

Directions: Complete the table below as you

determine the validity of each given information.
Raise your two hands if FACT if the information
is valid and accurate to the best of our current
knowledge and form your hand like an X BLUFF Yes ma’am!
if it is a false information.


Flooded information from the internet FACT/

BLUFF The students will participate in the activity

1. People should NOT wear masks while


2. Water or swimming transmit the COVID-19


3. Drinking alcohol protect you against COVID-


4. Adding pepper to your soup or other meals can

cure COVID-19

. 5. The COVID-19 virus can spread in hot and

humid climates.

Nice answer!

Any questions and clarifications?

G. Evaluating learning


Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best

answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. When Angela was asked what food she wants

to eat, she was most likely to say, “I don’t know-
same with what you want.” This is an example of

Assessment B
A. Assertive Communication 1. C

B. Passive Communication 2. B

C. Aggressive Communication 3. C

2. Your little brother left a mess in the living 4. C

room, and you’re too busy to clean it. Then, he
told you that it is your job to clean his mess. What 5. HAPPY
will be your response to your little brother?
A. You make me angry with what you said.
B. Yeah, you’re right.
C. Yes. As your older sister/brother, I am also
responsible for taking good care of you but you 9. HAPPY
also need to respect me.
3. Your mom is always busy at work whenever
she went home after a tiring day from work, she
noticed that the house is always messy. Your mom
holds her temper and say, “I feel stressed in this
messy house of ours, and that distracts me from
enjoying being at home. Would you be willing to
clean up a little before I come?” What will you

A. I feel judged.

B. I feel like she is not demanding me to change

but to help.

C. I feel like she’s mad at me.

4. You waited so long and very hungry as you

wait for your mom from the supermarket. When
your mom came, she told you that she forgot to
buy your request food and asserted that you just
eat what she bought for the family. How will you
react to your mom’s assertion?

A. I will be angry to her for the whole day.

B. I will just follow what she said.

C. I will do what she said and explain to her that I

am disappointed.

5. You need to go to your classmate’s house to

borrow his book. As you arrived, he is not wearing
his face mask and he talks to you in less than one
meter away from you. How will you assert to him
that he still needs to observe social distancing and
wear his face mask whenever he communicates to
someone outside their household?

A. I feel happy when you came out to lend me

your book.

B. You are a lucky guy, maybe you feel like you

are a superhero that is why you are not wearing
your face mask.

C. I feel disappointed when you talk to me

without your face mask because I know you are a
good friend and a good friend must always
consider the safety of everybody

H. Additional activities for application or

ACTIVITY 4: Video Reactions (Online) Create

a 2- to 3-minute vlog about your life during
Covid-19 portraying your unique way to beat the
pandemic. Send the link of your presentation to
your teacher.

ACTIVITY 5: FUN- Essay On a one-whole-

sheet of paper, write a 100-words informative
essay about the importance of expressing your
feelings and reacting to someone’s feelings


II. Read the quotations from the book of

“Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John
Townsend. Then, let us check how you feel on
every statement in the quotation and how you
will react on it.
Choose a particular emoticon below that
correspond to your reactions on what is expressed
in the given texts.

Write HAPPY if the statement is true or choose

SAD if the statement is false.

1) When you react to something someone says or

does, you may have a problem with boundaries.

2) When you respond, you are in control.

3) If someone is able to cause havoc by doing or

saying something, she is in control of you at that
point and your boundaries are lost.

4) When you respond, you remain in control with

options and choices.
5) When you have kept your boundaries, choose
the best option.

Do you have any clarification regarding our topic


None, Ma’am.
If none that conclude our discussion, Goodbye

Goodbye, ma’am. Thank you for teaching us today!

Teacher Intern

Checked by: Noted:

Cooperating Teacher III Principal IV


Head Teacher III

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