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Lesson Plan

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Prince of Peace College, Inc.

Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

School Prince of Peace College Level 7

Teacher Cherrylou B. Gozo Learning Area English
Date and Time Quarter Second


A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards The learner proficiently delivers various
speeches using the principles of effective
speech delivery.
C. Learning Competencies EN10LT-IVa2.2: Explain how the
elements specific to a genre contribute to
the theme of a particular literary selection

D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learner should be

able to:

● distinguish the two types of speech

according to purpose;
● demonstrate the two types of speech
according to purpose; and
● appreciate the importance of public
speaking skills and confidence
through impromptu speaking.
II. CONTENT Types of Speech According to Purpose
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages None Available
2. Learner’s Material pages None Available
3. Textbook pages None Available
4. Additional Material from Learning Video Presentation, Interactive PowerPoint
Resource portal Presentation, Laptop and Television, Printed
Instructional Materials
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
A pleasant day everyone please all rise and
feel the presence of the Lord. Ms. Nicole,
kindly lead the prayer. (All students will stand and pray.)

2. Greetings
Good morning, students!
Good morning, Ma'am!
How are you today?
(Student’s answers may vary)
Welcome to our class! Are you ready to
embark on a new learning journey?
Yes, Ma’am!
3. Arrangement of chairs
Students, kindly read the quotation being
(The students will read the quotation being
Does the quotation state the truth?
Yes, Ma’am!

Correct, so before you take your seat kindly

pick up the pieces of trash under your table,
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

arrange your chairs properly, and take your

seats quietly.
(All students will pick up any pieces of
trash and arrange their chairs properly
before taking their seats.)
4. Checking of attendance
Before anything else, may I ask Ms.
Secretary if there are any absentees today?
(Ms. Secretary will answer)
(If none)
Very good, it seems that everyone is present
to learn a new lesson. Give yourself “WOW

Do you know how to do the “wow clap”?

No, Ma’am!
If that so, let me demonstrate it to you.

(The teacher demonstrates the clap to the


Okay, it’s your turn!

1,2,3, go!
(The students will do the clap)

5. Checking of assignments
Did I give you assignments last meeting?
None, Ma'am!
Okay, let’s proceed.

If you are ready, please say, “AHA, AHA,


Classroom Rules
But before anything else, for us to have
healthy and smooth flow of the discussion,
let me present to you our class rules. Students
please read.

(Teacher present the class rule) (The students do as the teacher says)

For you all to remember our classroom rules,

I am giving your own handy copy and please
keep it until school year ends.

Get one and pass.

Will you promise me that you will abide by

those rules?
Yes, Ma’am!
B. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson

Let us have a quick review about the previous

lesson that we discuss last meeting through
an activity. This activity entitled:


Direction: The teacher prepared three (3)

questions to be answered by the student.
Whoever the winner on the virtual race of the
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

duck will be the lucky students who will be

chosen and got the chance to get the correct
answer will get a prize from the teacher.

1. What is speech?
2. How do we use speech?
3. Why is speech important?

Do you understand class?

Yes, Ma’am!
Any questions before we proceed?
None, Ma’am!
(The activity begins)
(The students actively participate)
How do you feel about the activity?
(Students answer may vary)
Very good, it seems that you really
understand our previous topic. Now, I can
feel that all of you are ready for our next
C. Establishing a purpose for the


At this point I want to show you a picture.

What does the image try to convey? For the

first one, who wants to answer?
(Student’s answers may vary)
If you are given the chance to speak up about
these two pictures, what are you going to
say? (Student’s answers may vary)
Good job! You were able to share your
knowledge and opinion even if you have a
short time to think about it.

ACTIVITY: Jumbled Words/Letters!

The teacher prepared a jumbled letters and
words. Those words correspond to the
definition below the jumbled letters/words
that they must arrange.

When a speaker tries to inform a
particular group or audience about a
particular subject, they’re delivering
an_____. (Students will answer)
The speaker aims to persuade the
audience with their opinion. Using
persuasive language, the orator tries
to reinforce the listeners'
perspectives, or feelings about a (Students will answer)
particular subject.


Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

(Students will answer)

Very good, you all get the correct

answer. Those activity has something to
do with our topic for today.

D. Presenting examples/instances of
the new lesson

Upon doing the activity earlier, what do you

think is our topic for today?
Types of Speech, Ma’am!

That is correct! This lesson will give us a

deeper understanding about the Types of
Speeches according to their purpose.

Now at this point kindly read today’s

learning objectives for us to be guided
throughout the discussion. (The student will read the learning

At the end of the lesson, the learner should be

able to:

● distinguish the two types of speech

according to purpose;
● demonstrate the two types of speech
according to purpose;
● appreciate the importance of public
Thank you, everyone! speaking skills and confidence
through impromptu speaking.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills

At this juncture, I want to present our lesson

for today which is the Type of Speech. (Student’s answers may vary)

Do you have any idea what are the types of

None, Ma’am.
There are four main types of speech
according to purpose but today we will only
discuss two.

● Informative Speech - is a type of

public speaking that aims to educate
or provide information to the
audience about a specific topic.

Example: Class Lecture and Business


Can you give an example of Informative

Speech? Public Conferences, Academic Speech, and
Community Speech
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

● Persuasive Speech - the speaker

aims to influence the audience’s
opinions, attitudes, or behaviors.

Example: Book Reviews and/or Editorials

Kindly give an example of Persuasive Political Speeches and Sales and Marketing
Speech, anyone? Presentations

Yes, Ma’am!
Did you understand our lesson students?
F. Developing mastery
Now, at this point let us try to have a group
activity wherein you will use what you have
learned today.

In this activity, we will be having two (2)

groups. I prepared an envelope for each
group containing the task that you must
accomplished within the given timeframe. (The teacher presented the Rubrics to the
The work of the group will be graded based
on the given criteria that will be presented to
you using the Rubrics.
(The students go to their group and start the
The teacher grouped the students in to two
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay now, proceed to your group and for the
representatives of the group get your
(Students will go to their group and will form
a circle)
You all only have 5 minutes to accomplished
the given task. After 5 minutes , finish or not
finish, you will have to present your speech.

Envelope 1: What is PPC? (Provide facts and

information about the school) Discuss it to
the class through an Informative Speech.

Envelope 2:Why choose PPC? (Provide

reasons and proofs that it is worth it to
choose PPC as their school in making their
dream come true.) Discuss it to the class
through a Persuasive Speech.

Timer starts now!

(After 5 minutes)

Time has up let us now start the presentation

with group one. Read your task first then
proceed presenting your output.

What a very informative presentation let us

give them five claps. Now let us proceed with
group two.

You were able to persuade your work

properly, very good group two! Let us give
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

them five claps.

G. Finding practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living



Direction: In a box you will pick one paper

containing one word that tackles social issues
which you will use for your very own speech.

Someone from the class will say a number

and as we count the one where the number
stops will be the speaker.

Are you ready class? Yes, Ma’am!

Ms. Sophia what number? Number ____, Ma’am.

Okay everybody please count. Alright our

first speaker is Nicole.

Nicole, please pick your word in our mystery

box. (The speaker will pick a word and starts his
or her speech)

Alright let’s have another one. Nicole, please

give a number. Ma’am, Number ____.

Alright let’s start the counting with Nicole’s


Alright! Our second speaker is Mr./Ms. (The speaker will pick a word and starts his
_____. Please pick your word dear. or her speech)

Let’s have the last speaker of the day Ma’am, Number _____.
Mr./Ms. Please give a number.

Okay, with same counting procedure please (The speaker will pick a word and starts his
go on class. Please pick your word. or her speech)

Alright very good class! Give our three (The class demonstrates very good clap)
speakers a very good clap.
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about lesson

ACTIVITY: Pick-a-Book!

In a nutshell, let us try to express the

importance of speeches with this activity. (Students will share their learnings)

Choose a book from the screen that contains

a question.

Are you ready class?

Yes, Ma’am!
Who wants to try?
(Students will raise their hand and the teacher
will choose one)
Alright let’s have Mr./Ms. ______ kindly
choose your book.
(The student will choose a book and answer)
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

Thank you, Mr./Ms., _____ you are correct.

Now, let’s try to answer the other books.

(Students will raise their hand and the teacher
will choose one)
(The student will choose a book and answer)
Thank you, Mr./Ms. _______ very good!
Okay let’s have the last book anyone.
(Students will raise their hand and the teacher
will choose one)
Very good! I can see to it that you all
understood our lesson for today.

I. Evaluating Learning

For our assessment, kindly get a ¼ sheet of


Direction: Choose and write the correct


1. It is a type of speech that aims to

educate or provide information to the
audience about a specific topic.

a. Demonstrative Speech
b. Entertaining Speech
c. Informative Speech
d. Persuasive Speech

2. Sharing personal experiences can

inspire others to seek assistance
without fear of judgment. What type
of speech can be used to present this

a. Demonstrative Speech
b. Entertaining Speech
c. Informative Speech
d. Persuasive Speech

3. What type of speech is this “Tobacco

kills, which smokers ignore until they
get cancer or another terminal
disease. It results in 6 million deaths
per year. That means that there is one
tobacco-related death every six

a. Demonstrative Speech
b. Entertaining Speech
c. Informative Speech
d. Persuasive Speech
4. What type of speech is this “YMCA
also offer swimming lessons, group
sports, and other programs to help
develop children's physical health
and self-confidence.”

a. Demonstrative Speech
b. Entertaining Speech
c. Informative Speech
d. Persuasive Speech
Prince of Peace College, Inc.
Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Tel. No. (043) 287 – 3012

5. What type of speech is this “"To sum

up. I've shown you Recycling: saves
resources reduces the amount of
garbage is cost-effective. These three
undeniable facts point to a city-wide
recycling program as the most
sensible and ethical step we can take
in helping create a more sustainable
future. Please, join me in voting 'yes'
on this program in November.”

a. Demonstrative Speech
b. Entertaining Speech
c. Informative Speech
d. Persuasive Speech

Once you are finish pass your papers to me.

You have two minutes to answer. (The students will answer and pass it once
they are finish)
Do you have any questions regarding the
topic that we have discussed?
None, Ma’am!
If there is none, I am giving you an
assignment. Kindly refer to the screen.

Assignment: Write a short speech on how to

address gender issues. You can research on
internet or books to support your ideas. Make
sure that your speech should be at least 100
words. Write it in a ½ crosswise sheet of

Did you understand?

Yes, Ma’am!
Alright! If you do not have any questions
with regards to our topic, please all rises. (Students will all rise.)

Let us pray, in the name of the Father, the

Son, the Holy Spirit Amen. Praise be Jesus

Now and forever, Amen.

Goodbye, class! Thank you.
Goodbye, Ma’am!

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