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Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber's Letter To Gov. Ron DeSantis

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July 29, 2021

The Honorable Ron DeSantis

Office of the Governor Ron DeSantis
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Dear Governor DeSantis:

Over the last seven days, Florida has led the Nation in total COVID cases and deaths by large margins,
and only two states have a higher COVID death rate than Florida. In my own County of Miami-Dade, our
best estimate is that over 530 people are so sick they need to be hospitalized and the percent of those
testing positive is regularly exceeding 10%. Our hospital personnel believe that well over half of those
admitted are infected with the Delta variant, and that nearly all those hospitalized are unvaccinated. As
bad as it is in Miami-Dade County, it is much worse in other areas of the State. For instance, Duval,
Baker and Nassau counties have average case-rates far exceeding South Florida counties.

Although data is limited due to recent State actions, it’s still unmistakably clear that Florida is in the
midst of a surge far, far worse than any other state.
It is also likely, given our status as a destination state, that we are not merely spreading these very
contagious and deadly versions of COVID locally, but likely exporting them across the Nation and world.

This is obviously a disaster, and partly self-inflicted. Still, there are measures we should take to address
this surge. I urge you to:

• Restore the State’s COVID dashboard and resume providing all the information and data that
was previously publicly available so that our residents can be informed;
• Take efforts to determine whether Florida’s vaccination rates are accurate especially in light of
the huge volume of tourists and seasonal residents the State vaccinated;
• Allow local businesses to require proof of vaccination as a passport for participation in business
• Restore to local cities the authority to impose measures that protect residents, including mask

Firstly, in the midst of a substantial resurgence of the COVID virus, we are flying somewhat blind. The
Department of Health discontinued its COVID dashboard and stopped circulating many of the metrics
and data points that were vital in informing the community. This can and should easily be fixed as
keeping everyone in the dark, especially in the midst of a surge, only leaves our residents more
uninformed and, therefore, more vulnerable.

With regard to vaccination rates, I am concerned that the State’s claimed percentages may be
inaccurate and creating a false sense of security among our residents. According to DOH data extracted
from the State’s platform for capturing who has been vaccinated, Floridashots, in nearly half of the zip
codes in my County more than 100% of the senior population has been vaccinated. Among all adults, 17
county zip codes reported well over a 100% vaccination rate. A handful even exceed 200%. Obviously,
we can’t vaccinate more residents than we have. The discrepancy may result from mistakenly including
in the count many thousands of tourists and visitors who received their shots here. Or they are simply
counting people in the wrong zip codes or have not updated population numbers. Although the data is
protected from public purview for confidentiality reasons, the State could easily resolve the
inconsistencies through random samplings. This would go a long way in calculating how many of our
residents actually remain at risk, where they are, and, therefore, how to reach them.

I believe efforts to outlaw vaccine “passports” in the name of personal freedom have contributed to the
resurgence of the virus. There is a huge amount of misinformation about the need for vaccinations.
Some believe if they already had the virus, they don’t need the vaccine. Others have found internet
posts that claim erroneously that the vaccine is a bad idea. Many believe, falsely, they are simply too
young to worry. Our hospitals are filling up with those tragically misinformed and unvaccinated. This
population could be motivated to get their shots if proof of vaccination was a passport for certain
activities. While I understand the importance of letting people make decisions about their own safety,
that deference should also apply to people who run businesses and wish to choose to give their
customers and employees a safer environment. Even FOX News implemented a “passport” that requires
a vaccination in order to come to work maskless. Florida businesses, including cruise ships, should be
free to do the same to protect patrons and workers.

Also, the decision to essentially outlaw local mask mandates has had disastrous repercussions as it has
fully frustrated efforts to cabin the virus’ spread. In response to local governments’ attempts to get
people to wear masks, you have regularly pronounced that you won’t allow cities to shutter the
economy. This is a false choice, as I am unaware of any local government, including my own, that is
trying to shutter the economy. To the contrary, by getting people to wear masks and be smart about
physical distancing, we are promoting a safer and more vibrant economy.

The following chart is instructive regarding the value of masking as it reflects hospitalizations in Miami-
Dade County over the last year. As you can see, our decision to impose a mask mandate was followed
within weeks by a complete reversal of the rise in hospitalizations; and, similarly, your decision to ban
mask mandates was followed by a deadly surge in the virus.

Finally, I respectfully urge you to step back from your public ridicule of the CDC and the medical
community. You have the most powerful voice in our State and one of the most influential in the Nation.
And, so many of your supporters are the ones most likely to balk at getting a vaccine or wearing a mask,
actions that are demonstrably lifesaving. If you simply became a more vocal proponent for vaccinations
and for mask usage at this critical moment, I believe hundreds of thousands would follow your lead. And
undoubtedly thousands of lives would be saved.

Local officials will continue to find ways to urge healthy practices notwithstanding these obstacles. The
point is, we should be doing so with you as our partner and leader, and not our adversary. We should be
seeking to protect our residents with your efforts and not in spite of them.

Thank you for your service to our State,

Dan Gelber

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