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###Using Psychological Science To Understand and Fight Health Misinformation

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Using Psychological Science

to Understand and Fight

Health Misinformation

Copyright © 2023 by the American Psychological Association. This material may be reproduced and distributed without permission for educational
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Front Matter

Contributing Authors 4


Funding Support 4

The Consensus Process 4

Consensus Report on Health Misinformation

Introduction 5

Susceptibility: Why Do People Believe Misinformation? 8

Growth: How and Why Does Misinformation Spread? 13

Response: Interventions to Counter Misinformation 20



Contributing Authors ABSTRACT
Sander van der Linden, PhD (Editor) There is widespread concern that misinformation poses dangerous risks to health,
Department of Psychology well-being, and civic life. Despite a growing body of research on the topic, significant
University of Cambridge questions remain about (a) psychological factors that render people susceptible to
Dolores Albarracín, PhD misinformation, (b) the extent to which it affects real-world behavior, (c) how it
University of Pennsylvania spreads online and offline, and (d) intervention strategies that counter and correct
it effectively. This report reviews the best available psychological science research
Lisa Fazio, PhD
Department of Psychology and Human to reach consensus on each of these crucial questions, particularly as they pertain
Development to health-related misinformation. In addition, the report offers eight specific recom-
Vanderbilt University mendations for scientists, policymakers, and health professionals who seek to
Deen Freelon, PhD recognize and respond to misinformation in health care and beyond.
Annenberg School for Communication
University of Pennsylvania


Department of Psychology This publication was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
University of Cambridge (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a
Briony Swire-Thompson, PhD financial assistance award totaling $2,000,000 with 100% funded by CDC/HHS.
Network Science Institute The contents are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official
Northeastern University views of, nor an endorsement by, CDC/HHS or the U.S. government.
Jay Van Bavel, PhD
Department of Psychology
Contributing authors were selected by APA and CDC staff based on peer recom-
APA Staff mendations and subject-matter expertise in domains related to misinformation
Mitchell J. Prinstein, PhD science. Each section of the report was drafted by two authors with input from
Chief Science Officer the lead editor. The resulting draft document was then reviewed by all contribut-
Derek J. Snyder, PhD ing authors, and additional research and viewpoints were considered for inclusion.
Senior Director, Science The lead editor guided discussion and mediated differences in viewpoint until
Partnerships & Outreach unanimous agreement was reached on all content and recommendations. APA
and CDC staff offered anonymous reviews of the final report, and APA staff provided
editorial and production services. All authors were compensated for their time
and scholarship.


In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a worldwide “infodemic” (Briand et al., 2021;
Tedros, 2020) based on concerns that “a global epidemic of misinformation—spreading rapidly through
social media platforms and other outlets—poses a serious problem for public health” (Zarocostas, 2020,
p. 1). Misinformation certainly appears to present a growing and pernicious threat to public well-being,
but to what extent does research support claims about its spread and impact? The emerging evidence
is complex. For example, studies have indeed found that unreliable information can spread rapidly on
social media (Vosoughi et al., 2018), especially during a pandemic (Gallotti et al., 2020)—but other
studies have found that purely “false or misleading information masquerading as legitimate news”
constitutes only a fraction of people’s overall media consumption (Allen et al., 2020).
There are many open questions about the harmful consequences of misinformation on health and
well-being. Although the mainstream media often reports that individuals have refused life-saving
hospital treatment for COVID-19 because of conspiracy theories (Brummel, 2022), it is important to
note that these findings do not characterize the general population. Exposure to foreign disinformation
campaigns predicts lower vaccine uptake around the world (Wilson & Wiysonge, 2020). However,
there is a notable lack of direct experimental evidence linking exposure to misinformation with observ-
able changes in behavior, and longitudinal associations tend to be small. Emerging reports about the
public health and economic impacts of vaccine hesitancy are striking (Council of Canadian Academies
[CCA], 2023; Simmons-Duffin & Nakajima, 2022), yet vaccination decisions are complex and shaped
by many factors. Nonetheless, some models suggest that without intervention, anti-vaccination narra-
tives will dominate Facebook within the next decade (N. F. Johnson et al., 2020). Other potential
consequences of misinformation include violence and destruction of property, such as the cellular phone
towers that people set ablaze following news coverage of conspiracy theories about the dangers of 5G
wireless technology (Jolley & Paterson, 2020).
Of course, the spread of health misinformation is nothing new. Immunization has been a reliable
target for misinformation since the world’s first vaccine—for smallpox—was delivered in 1796 (WHO,
n.d.). In more recent history, misinformation about the MMR vaccine, amplified by the mainstream
media in the 1990s, has been associated with significant decreases in vaccine uptake (Burgess et al.,
2006; Lewis & Speers, 2003; Motta & Stecula, 2021), and alternative medicine treatments for cancer,
often rooted in pseudoscience and misinformation, predict substantially higher risk of death (S. B.
Johnson et al., 2018). Yet, while there is consensus that misinformation plays a role in many of these
examples, scholars have noted the lack of direct causal evidence (e.g., Altay, Berriche, & Acerbi, 2023).
Broadly speaking, misinformation can promote discord by increasing political polarization (Van
Bavel et al., 2021) and eroding trust in democracy, the media, and public health authorities (Calleja et
al., 2021; Jones-Jang et al., 2021; Ognyanova et al., 2020). To fully grasp the impact of health misinfor-
mation in our time, it is necessary to understand the psychological factors that drive it in general: the
qualities that make us likely to believe and share it, the levers of manipulation used by its creators, and
the network effects induced by today’s media and political landscape. Using these insights, psychological
scientists have developed and tested a broad array of methods to address and counter misinformation,
many of which are examined in this report.

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Borges do Nascimento et al., 2022). Yet, these estimates are
Research on the psychology of misinformation has prolifer- often platform-specific, constrained to textual information,
ated in recent years (e.g., Ecker et al., 2022; Roozenbeek et based on limited public data, and insensitive to the fact that
al., 2023; Swire-Thompson & Lazer, 2019; Van Bavel et al., some racial or political groups might be disproportionately
2021; van der Linden, 2022, 2023). Nevertheless, experts targeted (Freelon et al., 2022; Freelon & Lokot, 2020; Yang
remain sharply divided on many key issues, including how et al., 2023). Moreover, analyses of real-world consequences
to define misinformation clearly, how to quantify how many are often impeded by measurement issues and difficulties
people are regularly exposed to it, what factors make people in isolating the causal forces that drive people’s decisions
susceptible to believing and sharing it online and offline, and (Altay, Berriche, & Acerbi, 2023).
how best to counter the problem at scale. These conflicting accounts can lead to confusion in the
For example, some researchers suggest that misinfor- literature as well as among policymakers and practitioners,
mation makes up a tiny fraction (~1%) of people’s overall delaying or undermining appropriate action. The purpose of
news consumption (Allen et al., 2020), but others find that this report is to bring clarity to these important debates by
it occurs more frequently in specific content areas: Visually providing a consensus view on three critical overarching
misleading information comprises up to 20% of political questions about misinformation research, particularly as it
media content (Yang et al., 2023), and health misinformation relates to health:
is highly prevalent in social media feeds (Wang et al., 2019).
Some scholars find that misinformation on social media 1. What are the psychological factors that make people
spreads faster and deeper than accurate information susceptible to believe and act on misinformation?
(Vosoughi et al., 2018), while others do not (Cinelli et al., 2. How and why does misinformation spread?
2020). Some claim that people fall for misinformation primar- 3. What interventions can be used to counter misinfor-
ily because they are not paying attention to accuracy (Penny- mation effectively?
cook & Rand, 2019), but others find that people spread
misinformation because it aligns with their social and political Although not itself a systematic review, our report is based
identities (Osmundsen et al., 2021; Van Bavel et al., 2021). on peer-reviewed empirical studies and includes primary
Although some scholars find that fact-checking can sometimes research articles, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, case
backfire (Autry & Duarte, 2021; Krause et al., 2022; Nyhan studies, and other reports. We conclude with eight specific
& Reifler, 2015), others urge that health authorities can recommendations for scientists, policymakers, and health
debunk misinformation without worrying about backfire professionals.
effects because they show poor replicability (Prike et al.,
2023; Swire-Thompson et al., 2020; Wood & Porter, 2019).
Finally, some maintain that the relationship between misin- DEFINING MISINFORMATION
formation and real-world health behavior is fairly weak (Altay, The answers to the preceding questions depend on how we
Berriche, & Acerbi, 2023; Crocco et al., 2002), while others define misinformation in the first place. For example, although
find that it can lead to significant real-world harm (e.g., CCA, “false or misleading information masquerading as legitimate
2023; S. B. Johnson et al., 2018; Wilson & Wiysonge, 2020). news” is not very common, unintentionally misleading con-
Perhaps unsurprisingly, like many aspects that govern tent is much more prevalent. The challenge of defining the
human behavior, the issue is complex, nuanced, and multi- concept of misinformation has attracted a wide range of
dimensional, and not all methods are created equal. For perspectives (e.g., Freelon & Wells, 2020; Roozenbeek et al.,
example, when it comes to prevalence, belief in some conspir- 2023; Southwell et al., 2022; Tandoc et al., 2018; Vraga &
acy theories has increased over time (e.g., the claim that “Big Bode, 2020). Despite disagreement on how to best measure,
Pharma” invents new diseases to increase sales), and belief define, and operationalize misinformation (van der Linden,
in others has decreased (e.g., allegations that the school 2022), there is increasing consensus that the term “fake news”
shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, was a hoax; Uscinski is best avoided as an umbrella term due to its lack of speci-
et al., 2022). Population-level estimates suggest that health ficity and the fact that it has become a highly politicized term
misinformation can make up between 0.2% to 29% of (Habgood-Coote, 2019; van der Linden, Panagopoulos, &
people’s overall news intake (Altay, Nielsen, & Fletcher, 2022; Roozenbeek, 2020; Wardle, 2018).

One approach to defining misinformation has been to the broadest possible sense as any information that is demon-
operationalize it at the level of the credibility of the source, strably false or otherwise misleading, regardless of its source or
with “accuracy determined more by the source of an article intention. Verification may be determined by fact-checking,
or claim than by its content (e.g., Altay, Nielsen, & Fletcher, benchmarking against expert or scientific consensus, or identi-
2022; Grinberg et al., 2019). The underlying idea here is that fying known characteristics of deceptive or epistemologically
low-credibility media outlets are likely to share more misin- dubious content (e.g., lack of context, logical fallacies, manip-
formation than high-credibility ones. Others have defined ulation, opinions presented as facts).
misinformation in terms of whether content has been
fact-checked (Pennycook & Rand, 2019) or whether claims
run contrary to prevailing expert consensus (Vraga & Bode,
2020). Although the term is loaded, some scholars have
specifically defined “fake news” as “fabricated information
that mimics news media content in form but not in organi-
zational process or intent” (Lazer et al., 2018, p. 1094). None
of these definitions are perfect, and they should be viewed
as complementary rather than competing, as each approach
has its own strengths and weaknesses: Source-based defini-
tions suffer because they miss false claims from credible and
more influential mainstream outlets (Traberg, 2022); the
best available evidence is not always clear and may be subject
to revision (Krause et al., 2022; Swire-Thompson & Lazer,
2019); and most problematic information is not completely
false but rather manipulative, biased, or otherwise misleading
(Wardle, 2018).
Our definition, therefore, focuses on the extent to which
a headline or claim shows evidence of manipulation, regardless
of the article’s source, its intent, or whether it has been
fact-checked. A good example is the headline: “A ‘healthy’
doctor died two weeks after getting a COVID-19 vaccine; CDC
is investigating why” (Benton, 2021). This article was published
by a credible outlet—the Chicago Tribune—and, technically, it
is not false: A healthy doctor did, in fact, die 2 weeks after
receiving the vaccine. However, there was no evidence at the
time that the doctor died because of the COVID-19 vaccine,
yet the headline used a framing technique that raised concern
(van der Linden, 2022). In fact, the article became the most
shared story on Facebook in the first quarter of 2021, especially
among anti-vaccination groups (Benton, 2021).
Another distinction is often made between misinformation
and disinformation, in which the latter involves explicit intent
to manipulate or deceive others (van der Linden & Roozenbeek,
2020; Wardle, 2018). Motive is useful to consider, but it is
often hard to prove without legal or historical documentation
(Swire-Thompson & Lazer, 2019). Accordingly, we adopt the
broader term misinformation in this report unless we refer to
documented disinformation campaigns where intent has been
established legally or otherwise. We define misinformation in

Susceptibility: Why Do People Believe Misinformation?

Our brains are amazing computational machines. In a tenth information in fictional stories such as “Pluto is the largest
of a second, we can view a complex scene and determine planet” (Hinze et al., 2014). Greater subject knowledge also
whether the setting is man-made or natural (M. R. Greene helps: Biology graduate students were more likely than history
& Oliva, 2009) or whether a face is fearful or neutral (Eimer graduate students to notice the error in the question about
& Holmes, 2002). Yet, it is much more difficult to determine fraternal twins (Cantor & Marsh, 2017).
if information is true or false. We rarely focus our early atten- These psychological science findings help to explain how
tion on the accuracy of what we read or hear; instead, we misinformation enters our thought processes. Research on
focus on comprehending it and deciding what to say or do knowledge neglect suggests that it is effortful and difficult for
next (Barsalou, 1999; Ferreira et al., 2002; Ferreira & Patson, our brains to apply existing knowledge when encountering
2007). For example, when asked “How many animals of each new information; when new claims are false but sufficiently
kind did Moses take on the Ark?” most people responded reasonable, we can learn them as facts. Thus, everyone is
“two,” even when follow-up questions showed that they knew susceptible to misinformation to some degree: We acquire it
that Noah, not Moses, built the Ark in the biblical story even when we know better, because fact-checking for accuracy
(Erickson & Mattson, 1981; see also Bottoms et al., 2010). In is such a difficult cognitive task. These challenges persist
another example, nearly 50% of Duke University biology whether we are parsing the biblical flood or Russian geography,
graduate students failed to notice the error in the question viewing posts about vaccines on our social media feed, hearing
“During what trimester can a single embryo split to form about the newest immune system booster from a relative, or
fraternal twins?” despite knowing that identical twins are watching a television host talk about a new dietary supplement.
formed when an embryo splits (Cantor & Marsh, 2017). When In this view, health misinformation is simply a specific type of
asked, participants were able to repeat these questions misinformation that follows similar rules.
accurately (Erickson & Mattson, 1981), suggesting that they
processed the false information but failed to notice its con-
tradiction with their prior knowledge. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE SUSCEPTIBILITY
In short, people often have relevant information stored TO MISINFORMATION
in memory, but they fail to retrieve and use it under new, While it may be difficult to notice false information in real
incorrect conditions. Researchers call this phenomenon time, this susceptibility to misinformation rises and falls
“knowledge neglect” (Marsh & Umanath, 2013). Not only are depending on specific characteristics of the information and
people bad at noticing when existing knowledge conflicts its viewer.
with new information, but they may also learn the incorrect Information from in-group sources is generally more
information and use it in new situations. For example, people believable than information from out-group sources, and
who answered the question about Noah’s Ark were more the same is true for misinformation. One strong affinity in
likely to answer the follow-up question “Who built and sailed this regard is political alignment: Misinformation from
the Ark?” with “Moses” (Bottoms et al., 2010), and readers conservative sources was rated as more accurate by conser-
of a fictional story that mentioned “St. Petersburg, the capital vative participants than by liberal ones, while misinforma-
of Russia” were more likely to answer the question “What’s tion from liberal sources was rated as more accurate by
the capital of Russia?” with “St. Petersburg,” even if they had liberal participants than by conservative ones (Traberg &
correctly answered “Moscow” 2 weeks earlier (L. K. Fazio et van der Linden, 2022). One reason that in-group sources
al., 2013). are viewed as more accurate is that they are viewed as more
However, there are factors that mitigate knowledge trustworthy: Research on persuasion shows that people
neglect. Greater insight about the plausibility of a particular often rely on beliefs about a source’s credibility when judging
claim helps people recognize errors in what they are reading: the accuracy of its reporting (e.g., Pornpitakpan, 2004),
Participants easily noticed that the question “How many regardless of whether it is true or false (Nadarevic et al.,
animals did Nixon take on the Ark?” is incorrect (Erickson & 2020) and especially when information is new (Kumkale
Mattson, 1981), and they tended not to learn implausible & Albarracín, 2004). Consistent with this view, the source

effects described previously were mediated by ratings that if 2 weeks earlier they correctly identified the one-eyed giant
the information was credible (Traberg & van der Linden, as a Cyclops (L. K. Fazio, 2020b). The effects of repetition on
2022). In other words, liberals judged misinformation from belief have been shown with simple trivia statements (Hasher
conservative sources to be inaccurate specifically because et al., 1977), true and false political news headlines (Penny-
they did not trust the source (and vice versa for conserva- cook et al., 2018), and advertising claims (Hawkins & Hoch,
tives). Effects like these may explain why trust in scientists 1992). However, repetition has a larger effect on belief for
has been linked to lower belief in COVID-19 misinformation trivia than for political or sensational health-related headlines
(Roozenbeek et al., 2020). (Pillai & Fazio, 2023). Recent research has shown that repeti-
Another finding sheds further light on the impact of tion affects belief across age groups (Brashier et al., 2017; L.
misinformation presented by credible or trustworthy commu- K. Fazio & Sherry, 2020) and in real-world situations such
nicators. Researchers developed social media “influencer” as text messages (L. K. Fazio et al., 2022; Pillai et al., 2023).
profiles and presented patterns of health-related misinfor- Moreover, repetition drives belief in an exponential manner,
mation to study participants over time. Later, they asked with the largest increases happening during the first few
participants questions about their health beliefs (e.g., “A exposures (L. K. Fazio et al., 2022; Hassan & Barber, 2021)—
healthy lifestyle . . . can completely prevent someone from suggesting that it is important to stop misinformation early
being infected with COVID-19”), health attitudes (e.g., “I do before people are exposed multiple times.
not think that COVID-19 is a dangerous disease”), and trust A variety of individual differences affect susceptibility
in sources of official health information (e.g., “The media in to misinformation (e.g., Nan et al., 2022). One strong predic-
general tries to hide information about COVID-19 from the tor is the ability to process abstract information. For example,
public”). Although repeated misinformation had no effect higher levels of education (e.g., Albarracín et al., 2021), analyt-
on these outcomes by itself, it did lead to lower trust in official ical reasoning, and numeracy skills are negatively associated
health sources in cases where participants found the influ- with endorsement of misinformation (e.g., Bronstein et al.,
encer highly trustworthy (Harff et al., 2022). 2019; Pennycook & Rand, 2019, 2020; Roozenbeek et al.,
The content of misinformation also affects belief. Ameri- 2020; Roozenbeek, Maertens, et al., 2022). People who
cans were more likely to believe inaccurate news stories reason well with numbers and score high on measures of
criticizing their opposing political party than those criticizing metacognition (e.g., open-mindedness, reflection vs. intuition)
their preferred party (Pereira et al., 2021). Similarly, people tend to be better at distinguishing true versus false informa-
in Ireland falsely remembered fake scandals more often when tion (Mirhoseini et al., 2023; Saltor et al., 2023). Similarly,
the scandal reflected negatively on out-group members individuals who are overconfident in their ability to distinguish
(Murphy et al., 2019). The emotional impact of content between true and false headlines are more likely to visit
matters as well: People were more likely to believe false untrustworthy websites and more willing to like or share
statements that would make a believer happy (e.g., “Positive false content (Lyons et al., 2021).
thoughts can cleanse the body of toxins”) compared with Another commonly measured factor is age. Adults over
statements that would make one sad (e.g., “Bad things happen 65 years old are much more likely than younger adults to see
to certain people because they attract negative energy”; Altay, and share false information on social media (Grinberg et al.,
Majima, & Mercier, 2023). There is both correlational and 2019; Guess et al., 2019, 2022). Yet, older adults are also
causal evidence that inducing an emotional state can also better than younger adults at identifying misinformation and
make people more susceptible to misinformation (Martel et distinguishing between true and false news headlines,
al., 2020). perhaps because of their larger knowledge base (Allcott &
We also know that repetition can play a role in shaping Gentzkow, 2017; Brashier & Schacter, 2020; Roozenbeek et
people’s beliefs. Repeated information is thought to be more al., 2020). This disconnect between sharing behavior and
true, even when it contradicts our prior knowledge (e.g., L. the ability to identify false news has yet to be explained, but
K. Fazio et al., 2015); this phenomenon is known as “illusory it may involve several factors associated with older adults:
truth” (see Dechêne et al., 2010, for a meta-analysis). For poor digital literacy, greater trust, or communication goals
example, people who read “The Minotaur is the legendary that do not emphasize accuracy (Brashier & Schacter, 2020).
one-eyed giant in Greek mythology” twice were more likely (Differences in susceptibility based on minority status remain
to think that it is true than people who read it only once, even under-explored, and recent mapping of the illusory truth

literature has called for greater diversity in samples and Estimating the impact of misinformation requires a high
methods [Henderson et al., 2022].) level of methodological control, which can be accomplished
Researchers have noted relatively small and inconsistent by three approaches. First, laboratory experiments that
correlations between the Big Five personality inventory and measure behavioral intentions are artificial but help to assess
susceptibility to misinformation (cf. Calvillo et al., 2021; effects under conditions of forced exposure and low distrac-
Lawson & Kakkar, 2022; Roozenbeek, Maertens, et al., 2022). tion. Second, longitudinal studies examine psychological
Anxiety levels can predispose individuals to believe misin- changes over time under more natural conditions and can
formation (e.g., Albarracín et al., 2021), and a 5-decade cohort shed more light on the impact of belief in misinformation on
study from childhood to midlife found that vaccine-hesitant behavior. Third, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of infor-
individuals reported greater trauma and adverse childhood mation interventions provide important estimates of actual
experiences fostering mistrust (Moffitt et al., 2022). behavioral impact. In the following sections, we review
Finally, many studies have found that conservatives in evidence obtained using each of these methods.
the United States were more likely than liberals to believe
misinformation (e.g., Baptista & Gradim, 2022; Garrett & Effects of Misinformation on Beliefs
Bond, 2021). However, it is unclear whether conservatives The influence of misinformation on beliefs has been well
are more psychologically vulnerable to misinformation established in both primary research studies and meta-anal-
(Pereira et al., 2021) or whether they are more heavily targeted yses. These effects are typically very large across domains.
by misinformation in the current information environment For example, in laboratory experiments, exposure to misin-
(Ditto et al., 2018; Guess, Lerner, et al., 2020). formation had a large influence on recipients’ beliefs (Chan
et al., 2017). This large effect also occurred for misinforma-
tion that was specifically related to scientific findings or
IMPACT OF MISINFORMATION ON BELIEFS, procedures (Chan & Albarracín, 2023).
Establishing the impact of misinformation requires careful Effects of Misinformation on Attitudes
attention to whether outcome measures of impact are based The effects of misinformation on attitudes are considerably
on beliefs, attitudes, intentions, or behaviors. Belief is the smaller than its effects on beliefs. One laboratory experiment
judgment that an object is associated with specific attributes showed that reading about a COVID-19 conspiracy theory
or outcomes (e.g., Ajzen et al., 2005; Albarracín, 2021; (vs. receiving no information at all) had a detrimental effect
Albarracín et al., 2001). For example, a vaccine may be judged on two attitudes: institutional trust and support for govern-
to be carelessly produced or to yield risky health outcomes. ment regulations (Pummerer et al., 2022). Longitudinal
Attitudes are evaluations of outcomes or behavior as positive studies based on existing belief in real misinformation led to
or negative (e.g., Albarracín, 2021; Albarracín, Johnson, et similar conclusions, although the effect size was smaller. In
al., 2005; R. H. Fazio & Williams, 1986) that may be affected a follow-up experiment to the one just described, Pummerer
by beliefs about the object or behavior. For example, people et al. (2022) found that those who initially believed COVID-
may evaluate a vaccine favorably in part based on their belief 19 conspiracy beliefs showed lower institutional trust and
that it saves lives. Intention (i.e., the willingness to perform lower support for government regulations 2 months later.
a behavior) and behavior (i.e., the action itself) are often Another study found that stronger COVID-19 conspiracy
influenced by attitudes, past behavior, norms (i.e., the per- beliefs at baseline were consistently associated with lower
ception that others engage in or support a behavior), per- support for lockdowns 4 months later (van Prooijen, Amodio,
ceived behavioral control (Ajzen & Madden, 1986), behavioral et al., 2022). Based on these results, misinformation appears
skills (Bandura, 1986, 1991), and resources and facilitators to have a modest overall effect on attitudes, particularly
in an environment (Azar et al., 2020; Bandura, 1986, 1991). compared with the large effects observed on beliefs.
Because multiple factors can influence outcomes such as
vaccine uptake in a population, attitude–behavior relationship Effects of Misinformation on Intentions
theory suggests that the association between belief in mis- Ecological surveys suggest a link between online misinfor-
information and behavior is likely to be small (Ajzen & mation and health-related behavioral intentions. In early 2021,
Madden, 1986). the amount of COVID-19 vaccine-related misinformation

shared by Twitter users in a U.S. county predicted changes tion (e.g., health) to examine its effects, experimental stud-
in the county’s COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy rate 2 to 6 days ies on misinformation typically do not assess behavioral
later (Pierri et al., 2022). This analysis suggests that online outcomes. However, based on the small effect sizes on risky
misinformation affects the intention to vaccinate, but addi- intentions described in the preceding section, it is reasonable
tional research is necessary to prove a causal relationship to estimate that the effect size of misinformation on behav-
because regional studies can provide inaccurate character- ior is also small.
izations of changes at the level of individuals. Some longitudinal research has assessed effects of misin-
Several experiments have further examined the impact formation and conspiracy beliefs on behavior. For example,
of misinformation on health-related behavioral intentions. Wilson & Wiysonge (2020) looked at the impact of foreign
For example, participants who read an anti-vaccine conspir- disinformation via social media on overall vaccine uptake
acy theory indicated that they were less likely to immunize using global surveys and WHO vaccination data from 166
a fictitious child against a novel disease (Jolley & Douglas, countries in 2000–2018. Year over year, they found that a
2014). When Chinese young adults were exposed to conspir- 1-point increase on a 5-point disinformation frequency scale
acy theories about the human papillomavirus vaccine, there was associated with a drop of 2 percentage points in the
was a small negative effect on intentions to receive it (L. Chen average global vaccination rate.
et al., 2021). In an RCT, exposure to five social media posts Pummerer et al. (2022) measured the link between
containing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine led COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs and social distancing, safe social
to a small decline, in both the United Kingdom and the United engagement, use of alternative medicine, and adoption of
States, in the number of people who would “definitely” vacci- hygiene measures. Cross-sectional data showed a small
nate (Loomba et al., 2021). average association between belief in a COVID-19 conspiracy
Other studies, however, have shown mixed or scant and risky behavior, while the average effect for longitudinal
results. Pummerer et al. (2022) showed that reading a data was even smaller. Similarly, van Prooijen, Amodio, et al.
COVID-19 conspiracy theory reduced intentions toward (2022) estimated these associations over two follow-ups
physical distancing, but it had a much smaller effect on inten- and found a very small average effect. A meta-analysis of
tions toward safe forms of social engagement (e.g., running cross-lagged correlations from 17 samples found a small
errands for other people). Similarly, exposure to false infor- effect of conspiracy beliefs on behavior (Stasielowicz, 2022),
mation about vitamin E as a remedy for COVID-19 did not and another meta-analysis yielded the same effect size
significantly increase people’s willingness to pay for a vitamin (Bierwiaczonek et al., 2022). Interestingly, Stasielowicz
E supplement (MacFarlane et al., 2021). Finally, a large online (2022) also found a reciprocal effect of pandemic-related
study examined the impact of a single exposure to misleading behavior on COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs: People’s behavior
messages related to COVID-19 (e.g., vaccine complications, predicted their later belief in conspiracy theories.
reduced symptoms with coffee consumption, reduced virus Finally, RCTs that investigate strategies to change health
reproduction with spicy food intake, data safety concerns behavior can provide important insights on the likely impact
related to a contact-tracing app) on corresponding intentions of information on behavior. For example, a meta-analysis of
(e.g., get the COVID-19 vaccine, drink more coffee, eat more condom-use promotion messages showed a strong effect
spicy food, download the contact-tracing app). Exposure to on knowledge about HIV/AIDS but no effect on condom use.
the false information led to small reductions in intentions to But, other interventions that included client-tailored counsel-
vaccinate and download the app, but it had no effect on ing, behavioral skills training, or HIV counseling and testing
intentions to eat spicy food and slightly decreased intentions produced stronger changes in behavior (Albarracín, Gillette,
to drink coffee (C. M. Greene & Murphy, 2021). All in all, et al., 2005). Another meta-analysis of interventions to
these experiments suggest that the average overall impact mitigate vaping misinformation identified a single study with
of misinformation on behavioral intentions is small. an assessment of behavior, but the positive relationship
between intervention and behavior change was not statisti-
Effects of Misinformation on Behaviors cally significant (Janmohamed et al., 2022). When the same
Due to both the difficulty of accessing and measuring real- research group conducted a meta-analysis of interventions
world behavior in some contexts (e.g., social media) and the to mitigate COVID-19 misinformation, they found that only
ethical problems of introducing certain types of misinforma- three reports measured behavior change, with an overall null

effect (Janmohamed et al., 2021). A recent systematic review to increase worldwide vaccination uptake showed no advan-
of the effects of health misinformation on psychological tage of informational strategies (e.g., presenting correct
outcomes found that misinformation negatively impacted information, dispelling misconceptions) relative to motiva-
psychological antecedents of health behavior (such as beliefs, tional ones (e.g., incentives). Only interventions that increased
attitudes, and intentions) in 49% of studies, but it found no access and incentives boosted vaccination uptake beyond
reports directly measuring real-world health behaviors other strategies (Liu et al., 2023).
(Schmid et al., 2023). Finally, a meta-analysis of strategies


Although research studies often find relatively small effects of misinformation on real-world behavior overall, they can miss
larger changes at the individual level. Anecdotes are colorful and memorable, but they cannot disentangle the different
causes of a phenomenon.
There are many contemporary examples of individuals who changed a health-related behavior based on medical misin-
formation. Reports that show the impact of misinformation include parents who reject Tamiflu prescriptions and other medical
treatments for their ailing children in favor of “natural cures” (Zadrozny, 2020), a man who died after ingesting a version of
chloroquine used to treat disease in aquarium fish because he believed it to be the same as the anti-malaria drug falsely
hyped as a COVID-19 cure (BBC News, 2020), and cellular phone towers in the United Kingdom that were vandalized in the
wake of false rumors that the radio frequencies used in 5G wireless technology cause COVID-19 (Spring, 2020).
One especially prominent example of the community risk posed by misinformation is the outbreak of measles that spread
through the Somali immigrant community in Minnesota in 2017. The community was concerned that their children were
being diagnosed with autism, a diagnosis that was rare in Somalia. Anti-vaccine activist groups then targeted the community,
spreading misinformation about the safety of childhood immunizations and promoting the false claim that the MMR vaccine
causes autism (DiResta, 2018; Molteni, 2017). Immunization rates for young children of Somali descent in Hennepin County
dropped from over 90% in 2008 to 36% in 2014 (Hall et al., 2017). The resulting measles outbreak infected 75 people before
being contained (Minnesota Department of Health, 2017).
Misinformation can also have large consequences when it targets powerful people with decision-making authority. In
the 1980s, the Soviet Union’s government launched a disinformation campaign suggesting that the HIV virus was created
by the U.S. government as a bioweapon. Similar rumors and conspiracy theories already existed, but this campaign provided
additional specifics and wider distribution (Selvage, 2019). The rumor morphed over time, but the core idea that the U.S.
government created HIV persisted (Nattrass, 2013). In 1999, the president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, delayed imple-
mentation of an antiretroviral treatment program due to his belief in HIV/AIDS misinformation; a year later, his health minister,
Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, distributed a conspiracy theory text claiming that HIV was created in the United States as a
bioweapon (Baleta, 1999; MacGregor, 2000). Researchers estimate that the delayed rollout of antiretroviral drugs in South
Africa cost more than 330,000 lives (Chigwedere et al., 2008).

Growth: How and Why Does Misinformation Spread?

SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL the individual-level risk factors that make people susceptible
FUNCTIONS OF MISINFORMATION to spreading misinformation in the first place.
Effective responses to misinformation require a detailed Figure 1 shows a model of the relationship between
understanding of the social and psychological factors that psychological risk factors and the spread of misinformation
drive people to adopt and spread it (e.g., Van Bavel et al., (Van Bavel et al., 2021). The model proposes that exposure
2021; van der Linden, 2023). Fact-checking interventions, to misinformation increases belief (Path 1), which in turn
which are designed to detect and tag falsehoods, tend to be increases sharing (Path 2). For instance, misinformation is
highly effective outside of political domains but not very more likely to be remembered as true (i.e., believed) when
effective within them (e.g., Walter et al., 2020), because it is viewed repeatedly rather than just once (i.e., with rising
people share misinformation for reasons beyond whether exposure; Berinsky & Wittenberg, 2020). This path may also
they believe it to be true. For instance, nudges that focus explain why some groups in society who are exposed to high
attention on the accuracy of information have small effects levels of misinformation (e.g., U.S. conservatives) become
on intentions to share it (Pennycook & Rand, 2019; Roozenbeek, more involved in its spread (i.e., sharing; González-Bailón et
Freeman, & van der Linden, 2021), and they are less effective al., 2023; Guess et al., 2019, 2022). At the same time, people
among political groups that spread the most misinformation may share misinformation independently of whether they
(Rathje, Roozenbeek, et al., 2022). People may wish to share believe it (Path 3; Pennycook & Rand, 2021). For instance,
misinformation for several reasons, including to signal polit- people willingly spread misinformation that they know is
ical views, defame opponents, generate chaos, or make false when they expect to receive social rewards (Ren et al.,
money. Under these circumstances, they are less likely to 2022) or because they think it is otherwise interesting (Altay,
value a story’s veracity provided it furthers their agenda (e.g., de Araujo, & Mercier, 2022) or entertaining (van Prooijen,
Osmundsen et al., 2021). Therefore, it is critical to understand Ligthart, et al., 2022).

Figure 1. A model of misinformation belief and spread. Exposure to misinformation increases belief (Path 1) and, in turn, increases sharing (Path 2). Exposure can also increase
sharing directly without affecting belief (Path 3). Psychological risk factors can increase the likelihood of exposure to misinformation (Path A); they can also affect its impact
on belief (Path B) and sharing (Path C). We also propose reverse pathways for future study (gray arrows). From Van Bavel et al. (2021).

Misinformation belief and dissemination

Risk Factors

C Belief

Exposure Sharing

The model also describes how psychological risk factors that reflected positively on their party and those that reflected
can increase exposure to misinformation (Path A) and negatively on their opponents (Pereira et al., 2021). Similarly,
modulate its impact on belief (Path B) and sharing (Path C). the most important variable predicting whether readers found
(There may also be reverse paths pending further study; see a false news article misleading was the partisan alignment
gray arrows.) According to Van Bavel et al. (2021), “When one of the news source with their identity (Aslett et al., 2020;
individual shares misinformation, it increases exposure to Guess et al., 2022; Traberg & van der Linden, 2022). In fact,
misinformation among other people in their social network. a recent study found that this “myside bias” was more promi-
This, in turn, increases the likelihood that these new individuals nent than lack of numeracy or cognitive reflection skills in
will believe and share the information with their own social predicting susceptibility to misinformation (Roozenbeek,
networks” (p. 87). In online environments, this spread can Maertens et al., 2022).
unfold rapidly and have far-reaching consequences for Partisan bias and motivated cognition have been
exposure to misinformation. It is important to understand that observed for a wide variety of contexts and tasks across the
the spread of misinformation includes not only intentionally political spectrum (e.g., Ditto et al., 2018; Mason, 2018) in
and unintentionally inaccurate news but also conspiracy the United States (Campbell et al., 1960; Druckman, 2012;
theories, disinformation campaigns, propaganda, and slanted Kam, 2005) and abroad (Brader et al., 2012, 2020; Carlson,
or biased reporting intended to mislead the public. The psycho- 2016; Coan et al., 2008; Samuels & Zucco, 2014). A recent
logical model discussed here is relevant to the belief and analysis found that partisan-motivated cognition (Van Bavel
dissemination of all of these forms of misinformation; we refer & Pereira, 2018) was the best model to account for misin-
to affected paths in the sections that follow. formation sharing (e.g., Borukhson et al., 2022). Misinfor-
mation flourishes during periods of heightened polarization,
including the run-ups to elections (Silverman, 2016), so
PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS DRIVING polarization elevates risk across all stages of our model.
ENGAGEMENT WITH MISINFORMATION Even when information is implausible or clearly false,
extreme partisans may choose to spread it to support their
Partisanship in-group or destabilize their opponents (Path C). A recent
When facts contradict a person’s beliefs, reason indicates that study of over 2,000 U.S. Twitter users sharing more than 2
they should update or change those beliefs—but that does not million posts found that the strength of partisan identity
always happen. In fact, psychologists have observed that peo- predicted how likely a person was to share astory from an
ple maintain certain beliefs long after contrary evidence proves illegitimate source. Sharing behavior was driven more by a
them false (Path B; e.g., Ross et al., 1975). There are limits to person’s negative feelings toward their out-group party than
this resolve: Backfire effects, in which people double down on by positive feelings toward the party to which they belonged.
their initial beliefs when they are refuted, are fairly rare (e.g., These findings suggest that people who share information
Swire-Thompson et al., 2020, 2022; Wood & Porter, 2019). But, in polarized environments care less about its accuracy and
when information aligns with a cherished identity or worldview, more about its alignment with their partisan beliefs (Osmund-
people tend to interpret it in a biased manner that reinforces sen et al., 2021; see also Rathje et al., 2021).
original predispositions. This effect is called partisan bias (Meffert In many cases, people avoid sharing misinformation
et al., 2006). If the value that people place on their identity is because they feel that doing so could harm their reputation
higher than the value that they place on accuracy, it can lead (Altay et al., 2019). However, individuals with strong political
them to believe and spread misinformation (Rathje, Roozenbeek, views update their beliefs based on cues from both political
et al., 2022; Van Bavel & Pereira, 2018). Partisan bias can arise leaders and peers (Hahnel et al., 2020; see also Zawadzki
from selective exposure to news; it can also stem from the et al., 2020), and social norms operating within communities
underlying goals and needs of the individual (i.e., motivated appear to moderate belief and trafficking in misinformation
cognition; e.g., Festinger, 1957; Kunda, 1990). (Pretus et al., 2023). Similar patterns of belief in misinfor-
Political views can lead partisans to either accept misin- mation were observed among Democrats and Republicans
formation or dismiss accurate news as false (Path B; Schulz (Path B), but the difference is that Republicans showed far
et al., 2020). In the United States, both Democrats and more willingness to share it (Path C; Guess et al., 2019; Guess,
Republicans were more likely to believe and share false stories Nyhan, & Reifler, 2018, 2020; Pereira et al., 2021). One inter-

pretation of these data is that sharing misinformation is a seen in the past—which suggests that people tend to believe
normative social behavior for U.S. Republicans, or that no news that they have seen previously, but they actually share
countervailing norm is present to discourage it (e.g., reputa- novel news (Path C). Misinformation also elicited greater
tional harm). These findings may also reflect differences in surprise, fear, and disgust than did true information (Vosoughi
other social traits observed between the two parties (e.g., et al., 2018), consistent with experiments in which induced
conformity, shared experience; Jost et al., 2018). emotional states were associated with increased belief in
inaccurate news (Path B; Martel et al., 2020). One caveat is
Emotion that critics of Vosoughi et al. (2018) claimed that their results
Another contributing factor in the belief and spread of misin- generalize poorly because the analysis involved fact-checked
formation is emotion. One study analyzed over 125,000 news news and most news is not fact-checked. However, the authors
stories shared on Twitter by ~3 million people from 2006 to replicated their findings with news that was not fact-checked,
2017; its main finding was that misinformation diffused deeper, and other studies have validated their results (e.g., Juul &
faster, and farther than fact-checked true information. For Ugander, 2021). That said, recent work indicates that social
example, the top 1% of false news cascades reached 1,000 to media diffusion patterns vary with the specific platform used
100,000 people, but verifiably true news cascades rarely (cf. Cinelli et al., 2021), so further study is warranted.
reached more than 1,000 people. This effect was observed Nonetheless, a recent systematic review of the literature
across a variety of topics (e.g., urban legends, business, ter- on health misinformation found that “misinformation contained
rorism, science, entertainment), but it was especially strong more emotion-based arguments and rhetoric compared to
for news about politics (Vosoughi et al., 2018). factual information” in 14 of the 15 included studies (Peng et
Of particular note, misinformation was rated as more novel al., 2023, p. 2137). Overall, these findings indicate that novelty
than true information when compared with tweets users had and emotion help to sustain misinformation.


In 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 26-minute conspiracy film Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind
COVID-19 was released. In the video, many influential but false claims were advanced, including that “wearing a mask lit-
erally activates your own virus,” that “flu vaccines contain coronaviruses,” and that “hydroxychloroquine is effective against
COVID-19” (Funke, 2020).
After the video was posted online, it was quickly endorsed by fake experts, politicians, and other influencers and spread
rapidly on social media, reaching over 2.5 million interactions on Facebook and 7 million views on YouTube before it was
removed from the platforms just a few days later. As Figure 2 shows, the Plandemic video spread online faster than mainstream
news such as the announcement of Taylor Swift’s City of Lover concert and the much-anticipated Zoom reunion of the popular
television show The Office (Frenkel et al., 2020). (Two sequels failed to gather similar momentum.)
Subsequent research suggests that the Plandemic video was able to spread so quickly for two reasons. First, the film
presented novel and emotional “shock” content that tapped into preexisting anti-vaccination attitudes. Second, the campaign
herded a densely connected network of smaller communities with limited reach to suddenly mass-share the video, which
allowed the conspiracy theory to jump quickly across social media platforms with the aid of online influencers.
Although the film’s claims were widely debunked, research shows that it increased engagement with anti-vaccination
tweets, fueled politically polarized discussions, and temporarily lowered support on social media for COVID-19 containment
measures (Kearney et al., 2020; Nazar & Pieters, 2021).

Figure 2. Cumulative interactions on Facebook (e.g., reactions, likes, shares, comments) for the conspiracy film Plandemic: The Hidden Agenda Behind COVID-19 compared with
other popular videos released during the same period. From Frenkel et al. (2020).

Total interactions on Facebook for recent popular videos


Pentagon “aerial phenomena”

“The Office” reunion

Taylor Swift’s “City of Lover”


AND SOCIAL MEDIA serious consequences. For instance, an Associated Press story
Both legacy media and social media are powerful vectors for about the arrival of Chinese-produced COVID-19 vaccines
the transmission of misinformation. However, misinformation in Hungary stated “This story has been corrected to show
spreads at different speeds and volumes within each system. that about 500,000 people have been vaccinated in Serbia,
including ethnic Hungarians, not 500,000 ethnic Hungarians”
Legacy Media (Spike, 2021). The suggestion that certain ethnic groups are
The term “legacy media” refers to television, radio, film, books, preferred for vaccination or withheld from it, or that vaccines
newspapers, and other analog media widely available during are made available in some areas but not others, could fuel
the 20th century, along with their online presences. Mainstream vaccine-related conspiracy theories (e.g., Albarracín et al.,
news outlets in television, radio, and print—which disseminate 2021). Indeed, prominent Fox News host Tucker Carlson
more health-related content than other forms of legacy media— claimed in 2022 that White Americans were being denied
generally adhere to traditional journalistic values such as anti-COVID-19 treatments because of their race (Lahut,
accuracy, neutrality, timeliness, and editorial independence. 2022). The Associated Press example shows how even
Most news operations implement multiple layers of error unintentional misstatements could harm citizens and their
correction to reduce false information in published content communities. However, little research has been conducted
and archival records: Editors and fact-checkers review articles on how often routine factual errors in the news contribute
for errors and inconsistencies prior to publication, and errors to false beliefs.
discovered after publication are corrected with an addendum Journalists can abet the agendas of those who deliber-
at the beginning or end of the report. ately spread misinformation. The New York Times quoted
One way in which news outlets spread misinformation Joseph Mercola in an article about the possible negative
is through errors that squeeze past these safeguards. Many health effects of mobile phones (Bilton, 2015), which was
such errors are minor, but others have the potential to carry criticized because Mercola has long promoted false health

claims with the books and alternative health treatments that encers share messages containing misinformation, they also
he sells (Frenkel, 2021; Sullivan, 2015). Similar incidents have convey the impression that they endorse the misinformation—
been observed in celebrity-focused “soft” news (Bruns et al., or at least believe it worthy of consideration (Metaxas et al.,
2022) and sometimes originate in media manipulation 2015). A similar effect follows when we view content from
campaigns by bad-faith actors (Benkler et al., 2018; Marwick ordinary people we know and trust: We are much more likely
& Lewis, 2017). False claims spread or repeated by trust- to take what they share seriously than we would content origi-
worthy or mainstream outlets are likely to cause more nating from unknown sources (Rossini et al., 2021).
damage than those promoted by fringe sources (Traberg, The third major way that social media enables the spread
2022; Tsfati et al., 2020). Health and medical reporters gener- of misinformation is via echo chambers and algorithmic
ally avoid being misled by relying on medical professionals filtering. Echo chambers occur when there is both homophily
with proven track records of scientific expertise; sometimes (i.e., “birds of a feather flock together”) and polarization in
this approach is unsuccessful, as with widespread coverage a network, which makes communities with similar beliefs or
of the spurious link between the MMR vaccine and autism interests cluster together while moving away from those that
(Burgess et al., 2006; Clarke, 2008; Lewis & Speers, 2003). differ. The echo chamber hypothesis posits that online users
mostly interact with like-minded others and are infrequently
Social Media exposed to diverse or cross-cutting content. (Polarization
Unlike legacy media, social media lacks prepublication over- can be both a cause and a consequence of echo chambers.)
sight as an industry standard to ensure information quality Numerous studies have shown that echo chambers exist
(although some organizations have begun to institute safe- within specific social media platforms (e.g., Cinelli et al., 2020;
guards; e.g., Kreiss, 2016). Indeed, the medium’s rapid publi- Del Vicario et al., 2016), though scholarly debate has erupted
cation speed, built-in distribution networks, and extremely over their prevalence and boundaries; for example, some
low barriers to entry constitute its main advantages. The fact reports have found substantial overlap in the news intake of
that social media content can go viral within minutes is an liberals and conservatives (Eady et al., 2019). A recent
attractive quality for purveyors of both legitimate content and systematic review of the echo chamber hypothesis (Terren
misinformation. In the latter case, falsehoods usually reach & Borge-Bravo, 2021) suggests that the ability to identify
far more people than any fact-checks or corrections that follow echo chambers depends on the method used: Only five of
(Vosoughi et al., 2018; cf. Bond & Garrett, 2023). 55 studies found no evidence of echo chambers, and all five
Social media’s low barriers to entry contribute substan- studies were based on self-reported rather than digital trace
tially to its appeal for producers of misinformation. Before data. However, most of the digital trace studies sampled (44
publishing in legacy media outlets, authors are vetted at multi- of 55) relied on data from only one social media platform,
ple points; in journalism, these include the hiring process, the and reviews of multiplatform studies continue to raise import-
pitch process, and the editorial process. Social media, on the ant questions about prevalence and impact (Bruns, 2019;
other hand, affords content creators direct access to audiences Cinelli et al., 2021; Guess, Nyhan, Lyons, & Reifler, 2018).
in a way that mainstream news outlets do not. Because anyone Digital trace studies have demonstrated that people tend
with internet access can post on social media within minutes, to separate into homophilic clusters when discussing specific
misinformation can usually be policed only after the fact. This political issues online on specific platforms. Survey studies,
is perhaps the main reason why popular misinformation on the other hand, show that people tend not to create person-
creators hail the power of social media to monetize their efforts alized, segregated information environments based on their
(A. Smith & Banic, 2016). total media intake (Boulianne et al., 2020; Dubois & Blank,
Social media platforms also facilitate the spread of misin- 2018; Fletcher et al., 2021). Nonetheless, the presence of
formation through peer-to-peer content-sharing. Their social media echo chambers may depend on the specific
low-friction network structures allow ordinary users to distrib- platform and context. Few studies have combined survey
ute misinformation to much larger audiences than their and social media data, but a recent analysis found clear
creators ever could on their own. This idea is especially import- evidence that pro-vaccination and anti-vaccination groups
ant because one of the major paths to viral visibility is through clustered into structurally separate communities on Twitter
trusted influencers such as celebrities and prominent politi- in the United States but not in the United Kingdom, as shown
cians (Brennen et al., 2020; I. Shin et al., 2022). When influ- in Figure 3 (Rathje, He, et al., 2022).

Figure 3. Visualization of vaccine confident vs. vaccine hesitant echo chambers in the United States and the United Kingdom. From Rathje, He, et al. (2022).

C US Vaccine Communities D UK Vaccine Communities

Vaccine Confident

Vaccine Hesitant

Despite these diverging conclusions, evidence indicates NETWORK STRUCTURE AND

that the presence of social media echo chambers can facilitate MISINFORMATION SPREAD
the spread of misinformation (Del Vicario et al., 2016; Törnberg, The world of legacy media was one in which a very small num-
2018) and impede the spread of corrections (Zollo et al., 2017). ber of media creators decided what mass audiences would see
Algorithmic filtering may also play a role: Most social media and hear. Digital media has redistributed this power somewhat,
platforms use filters based on engagement data to determine although the set of individuals whose content is viewed widely
or prioritize what content to show users; these data include is still quite small (Hindman, 2009). The digital communication
the numbers of clicks, shares, and comments that posts receive networks used by most people today can be divided into two
overall, as well as users’ individual platform interaction histories broad types: open and closed. Open networks impose few access
(Maréchal & Biddle, 2020). Content that exhibits negative requirements aside from internet connectivity and, in some cases,
emotions such as anger and outrage tends to attract engage- signing up for an account. Closed networks are more like private
ment (Brady et al., 2020; Rathje et al., 2021), and misinfor- clubs, requiring some form of prior approval before messages
mation messages often fit this profile (Lee et al., 2020; can be viewed and/or posted. Many social media systems offer
McLoughlin et al., 2021; Solovev & Pröllochs, 2022). Social both open and closed options: Facebook and Twitter users can
media platforms also commonly promote misinformation post messages publicly or to private “groups” (on Facebook) or
messages to users who initially seek out such content (Hussein “circles” (on Twitter). In messaging apps (e.g., iMessage,
et al., 2020; Shin & Valente, 2020). A recent systematic review WhatsApp, Signal, WeChat), messages are circulated exclu-
of YouTube’s algorithm found that 14 of 23 studies (61%) sively within prespecified members-only groups.
directly implicated the algorithm in recommending problematic Misinformation spreads differently across open versus
content (Yesilada & Lewandowsky, 2022), but other studies closed networks (Pasquetto et al., 2022; Rossini et al., 2021).
question the extent to which algorithmic filtering plays a role These differences can be classified into two broad categories:
(e.g., Hosseinmardi et al., 2021). Many studies in this area lack those related to differences in platform design, and those not
access to individual user recommendations due to trade necessarily related to platform design but observed empirically.
secrecy (but see S. Chen et al., 2023), so our ability to fully One of the most consequential design differences between
understand the issue remains limited. open and closed systems is the latter’s use of end-to-end
encryption (E2EE). This security protocol is built to ensure
that the only parties who can read a sender’s message are the
sender and the intended recipients. (Of the most widely used
messaging platforms, iMessage, WhatsApp, and Signal use
E2EE, but WeChat does not.) It is impossible for E2EE-based

platform companies to police misinformation on their own,
although users may report accounts that spread problematic
content, which may lead to disciplinary action against those
accounts. WhatsApp has partnered with fact-checking organi-
zations to provide “tiplines” to which users can forward suspi-
cious messages for verification (Kazemi et al., 2022); partners
respond to senders with reports on the truth or falsehood of
the claims—but importantly, the claims themselves remain
visible. Aside from tiplines, users concerned about misinfor-
mation may withdraw from groups where it thrives or block
accounts that post it. In completely hands-off closed networks
such as iMessage, steps like these are users’ sole recourse.
In contrast, the increased visibility of open networks allows
their parent companies to directly stem the spread of misin-
formation by deleting or labeling it. This ability is important
because in open networks (but not closed ones), content can
be shared widely across vast social distances. In open networks,
misinformation often attracts widespread attention before it
is flagged for removal (e.g., Maréchal & Biddle, 2020). But,
users can also fact-check it across ideological lines much more
easily than in closed networks, in which generally like-minded
groups are not easily surveilled by outsiders (Pasquetto et al.,
2022; Yarchi et al., 2021).
Technical considerations aside, empirical research has
highlighted similarities and differences in how misinformation
spreads in open versus closed networks. In both, misinfor-
mation usually constitutes only a minority of messages
(Chauchard & Garimella, 2022; Grinberg et al., 2019; Guess
et al., 2019; Machado et al., 2019; Röchert et al., 2021).
However, messages may surge at the onset of a public health
event, well before the facts are settled (Kouzy et al., 2020;
Ortiz-Martínez et al., 2022). Another similarity between open
and closed networks is that a small number of accounts and
groups (i.e., “superspreaders”) are typically responsible for
the majority of misinformation content (Center for Counter-
ing Digital Hate, 2021; Grinberg et al., 2019; Nobre et al.,
2022). Meanwhile, a few studies have revealed differences
between platform types, especially regarding corrections to
misinformation. WhatsApp users “are more likely than
Facebook users to perform, experience, and witness social
corrections” (Rossini et al., 2021, p. 2446), and they are more
likely to share misinformation-debunking messages from
people close to them or those with similar political views
(Pasquetto et al., 2022). In contrast, debunking messages
on open networks can take up to 7 days to proliferate to the
same extent as misinformation, during which time false infor-
mation spreads unchallenged (McGlynn et al., 2020).

Response: Interventions to Counter Misinformation

In recent years, researchers have explored how to manage ventions that target competencies such as the ability to
and prevent exposure to misinformation, belief in it, and the identify false or misleading information (e.g., debunking,
subsequent sharing of it. Roozenbeek et al. (2023) have inoculation or “prebunking,” health and media/digital liter-
identified two dimensions of misinformation interventions, acy). We then turn to nudging interventions, which target
shown in Figure 4: System-level approaches focus on achiev- behaviors such as the sharing of misinformation with others
ing systemic changes (e.g., legislation, transparency stan- on social networks. Each of these interventions can be
dards; see also Roozenbeek & Zollo, 2022), and individual-level deployed under different circumstances and brings unique
approaches focus on changing individual behavior. In this advantages and disadvantages; we discuss laboratory and
section, we focus on individual-level interventions that have real-world evidence of efficacy as well as limitations that
been empirically tested and evaluated. We first look at inter- warrant further study.

Figure 4. An overview of individual-level and system-level misinformation interventions. From Roozenbeek et al. (2023).



Debunking Literacy Prebunking Nudging

• Fact-checking • Health, media, • Inoculation • Accuracy nudges
and corrections and digital literacy interventions • Social-norms nudges


Algorithms Business Models Legislation (Geo)politics

• Transparency • Addressing ad-tech • Combatting online harms • Combatting bad actors
and accountability • Supporting reliable • Regulating tech platforms • Reducing polarisation
measures news media

It is possible that system-level interventions could be more individual-level interventions shown in Figure 4, see
effective than individual-level ones in curbing the spread Kozyreva et al., 2022; Roozenbeek et al., 2023; Roozenbeek
of misinformation—for example, by reducing the harmful & van der Linden, 2022.)
effects of recommender algorithms, demoting misinforma-
tion in online search platforms and social media, or remov-
ing content in predatory journals from medical databases DEBUNKING
(Swire-Thompson & Lazer, 2022). However, individual-level Debunking or fact-checking is the correction of misinforma-
interventions have fewer potential ramifications for freedom tion (Lewandowsky et al., 2020); it also involves addressing
of expression, and they rely less on the ability and willing- why the misinformation is incorrect and/or providing accu-
ness of technology companies to combat harmful content. rate information (Ecker et al., 2022). This intervention is
(For a more extensive discussion of the system-level and deployed after people have been exposed to misinformation

and believe it or are unsure of its veracity. It is also useful for ing strategy, particularly if the corrections come from trusted
people who already know that the misinformation is false, sources (Bode & Vraga, 2018a). In healthcare, many workers
as it gives them additional information to understand the are professionally motivated to correct misinformation on
concept more thoroughly or share it more easily with others. social media (Bautista et al., 2021), and reputable sources of
health information (e.g., CDC) have become more proactive
Efficacy of Debunking with fact-checking on their websites and social media. Data
The effect size of debunking is typically large (Chan et al., 2017). show that expert health organizations are able to correct misin-
However, a recent meta-analysis of science-relevant misinfor- formation without reputational cost (Vraga & Bode, 2017).
mation (including health) found that corrections were, on However, some debunking advice has less clear empirical
average, not effective (Chan & Albarracín, 2023), though the support. One common debunking approach is to present the
average masks substantial variation in effectiveness across fact prior to the misinformation, or as a “truth sandwich” in
studies and designs. Findings are mixed as to whether health which true information is stated twice with the falsehood
misinformation is easier to correct than political misinformation between. The rationale for this strategy is that emphasizing the
(Chan & Albarracin, 2023; Vraga et al., 2019), but Walter and factual information leads false information to be processed
Murphy (2018) posit that health misinformation may be eas- within the context of true information. Although this approach
ier to correct because topics that involve political identity are has some empirical support (König, 2023), it does not neces-
especially resistant to belief change. Yet, it is worth noting that sarily perform better than other debunking formats (Kotz et al.,
health is becoming an increasingly politicized issue (e.g., 2023). Swire-Thompson et al. (2021) examined the effect of
COVID-19). Although simply stating that misinformation is presentation order (i.e., misinformation-first vs. fact-first) on
false can be effective, debunking is most effective when a belief updating, and they also found no difference between the
detailed reason is offered to explain why the misinformation outcomes of misinformation-first and fact-first corrections.
is incorrect. Often called a “refutation,” this more descriptive Few studies on fact-checking include long-term
approach can be used to explain the falsehood and replace it measures of efficacy (Dias & Sippitt, 2020). It is well
with facts (Chan & Albarracín, 2023; Ecker et al., 2010; van der documented that the new knowledge acquired with debunk-
Meer & Jin, 2020). ing fades over time, a phenomenon known as “belief regres-
Debunking appears to be effective in real-world settings sion” (Swire-Thompson et al., 2023). However, Kowalski
and across various cultures. For instance, Porter and Wood and Taylor (2017) showed that debunking remained partially
(2021) found fact-checks to be effective in Argentina, Nigeria, effective and did not return to baseline for up to 2 years.
South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Researchers were Some health-related fact-checks have been found to return
initially concerned that debunking could cause backfire effects to baseline (Carey et al., 2022); this is more likely when
in which corrective efforts increase belief in the misinformation; people do not strongly believe the misinformation to begin
Nyhan and Reifler (2015) and Pluviano et al. (2017) found that with. The primary reason that belief regression occurs is
corrections to vaccine misinformation reduced intentions to that people forget the correction (Swire-Thompson et al.,
vaccinate. However, this phenomenon has been difficult to 2022) or that the source of the correction is credible (Albar-
replicate (Haglin, 2017) and is likely a statistical artifact that racín et al., 2017). Thus, repeated fact-checks may be partic-
reflects the unintended consequence of using unreliable ularly effective.
measures (Swire-Thompson et al., 2020, 2022).
It also seems that debunking is extremely robust to varia- Limitations of Debunking
tions in how the correction is presented. Evidence suggests A primary limitation of debunking is that it does not fully
that corrections were equally effective regardless of their tone eliminate the influence of misinformation on one’s memory.
(i.e., uncivil, affirmational, or neutral; Bode & Vraga, 2021), Although corrections typically reduce belief in misinformation,
whether the correction appeared to be from an algorithm or it is not to the same extent as for people who never encoun-
another user on social media (Bode & Vraga, 2018b), or where tered the misinformation in the first place. Known as the
the corrections were presented (i.e., the “related articles “continued influence effect” of misinformation (Chan et al.,
section” of a social media platform; C. N. Smith & Seitz, 2019). 2017; Lewandowsky et al., 2012; Walter & Tukachinsky, 2020),
It appears that simply getting people to interact with correc- this robust phenomenon occurs either because people fail
tions is the most important component of a successful debunk- to fully integrate the correct information into their mental

model or because they fail to retrieve the correct information to no social media engagement came of these efforts (Kostygina
in memory (Ecker et al., 2022; Sanderson & Ecker, 2020). et al., 2020). Debunking strategies that use popular content
A second limitation is that fact-checks often fail to reach creators may increase the visibility and reach of fact-checks.
their intended targets (Zollo et al., 2017), in part because individ- Finally, fact-checking is a time-consuming process in which
uals who are predisposed to believe in the original misinforma- each misconception is examined individually, so there is an
tion actively avoid its correction (Hameleers & van der Meer, asymmetry between how quickly misinformation can be
2019). This finding is true for misinformation in both online and produced and spread and how quickly people can fact-check
offline environments. For example, Chido-Amajuoyi et al. (2019) it (Allen et al., 2021). Allgaier and Svalastog (2015) also
investigated the reach of court-ordered statements, in print and highlight that debunking may not be a one-size-fits-all
on television, made by the tobacco industry to correct misin- approach and may not be equally effective for every popula-
formation regarding smoking. They estimated that 41% of the tion. They suggested that if fact-checks were developed with
U.S. population and 50% of U.S. smokers were exposed to the broader cultural, historical, and political contexts in mind,
corrections (see Case Study 3); another study showed that little they may be more effective.


In 2006, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler ordered several tobacco companies to issue statements confirming the adverse
health effects of smoking and its addictive potential, correcting decades of denial by the tobacco industry (United States v.
Philip Morris USA, Inc., 2006). Corrections were displayed in major newspapers, on television, at retail point-of-sale displays,
on cigarette-package inserts, and on corporate websites.
There has been substantial research regarding the efficacy of this campaign. The corrections had a positive effect on
anti-smoking beliefs (Tangari et al., 2010), and they increased participants’ knowledge and reduced their misperceptions
about smoking (P. Smith et al., 2011). However, Lee et al. (2020) found that the corrective messages could have been
strengthened had they included a statement acknowledging industry deception and testimonials of people harmed by smoking.
It is also important that campaigns to correct misinformation maximize their reach. Chido-Amajuoyi et al. (2019) estimated
that corrective statements reached 50% of U.S. smokers, but exposure was lower for younger age groups: Only one-third of
18- to 34-year-old smokers saw the messages. In response, the authors recommended placing anti-smoking advertisements
on social media in addition to print and television. They also recommended increasing the duration of anti-smoking efforts,
as the study found that exposure rates significantly improved for all demographic groups as the advertising campaign’s
duration lengthened.

PREBUNKING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL system to create antibodies that build resistance against future
INOCULATION infection. Psychological inoculations have two parts: a fore-
Preemptive debunking, or prebunking, is an umbrella term for warning about an impending attack on a belief (e.g., “Warning:
a category of interventions intended to prevent people from People may try to manipulate you by saying . . .”) and a state-
believing future misinformation attempts. The method most ment that preemptively refutes the argument (e.g., “This is
commonly used to prebunk misinformation is psychological not true, because . . .”). In the context of misinformation, there
inoculation. According to inoculation theory (Compton et al., are two dominant types of inoculation interventions: Issue-
2021; McGuire, 1964; McGuire & Papageorgis, 1961; van der based interventions tackle individual arguments or stories
Linden, 2023), exposure to a weak version of an argument that are false, and technique-based interventions address the
builds psychological resistance against future unwanted common tropes and techniques that underlie misinformation
persuasion. This strategy is similar to that used in medical (e.g., logical fallacies, emotional manipulation, conspiratorial
vaccines: Weakened or dead pathogens prompt the immune reasoning; Compton et al., 2021; Traberg et al., 2022).

Within inoculation research, there is one additional tive in creating more resistant attitudes against misinformation
relevant distinction, namely between passive and active inocu- while improving truth discernment (Lu et al., 2023). There are
lation (McGuire, 1964; Traberg et al., 2022). Passive inocula- few reports that directly compare passive versus active inoc-
tion interventions offer participants a preemptive ulation interventions, but the studies that do exist somewhat
counterargument to misinformation, while active inoculation favor active inoculation in terms of effect size and longevity
interventions ask participants to generate their own counter- (Basol et al., 2021; Green et al., 2022). A recent systematic
arguments. Passive inoculation interventions can be text-based review also revealed that prebunking interventions had larger
(Basol et al., 2021; Cook et al., 2017) or video-based (Lewand- effect sizes than debunking interventions for countering con-
owsky & Yesilada, 2021; Piltch-Loeb et al., 2022; Roozenbeek, spiracy theories, noting that “prevention is the best cure”
van der Linden, et al., 2022). Active inoculation interventions (O’Mahony et al., 2023, p. 14).
often come in the form of a game or quiz (Cook et al., 2022; Maertens et al. (2020, 2021) and Basol et al. (2021)
Roozenbeek & van der Linden, 2019). looked at the long-term effects of inoculations. All three
Text-based inoculations include interventions such as the studies found that intervention effects that dampen the
United Nations Economic, Scientific, and Cultural Organiza- perceived reliability of misinformation remained significant
tion’s #ThinkBeforeSharing infographics about COVID-19 for at least 1 week and in some cases longer; they lasted up
conspiracies (UNESCO, 2020; see also Basol et al., 2021); to 3 months or more when people were given brief reminders
other text-based inoculation interventions around health were of the inoculation (so-called “booster shots”).
tested by Ivanov (2017) and Compton et al. (2016). With
respect to videos, Roozenbeek, van der Linden, et al. (2022) Limitations of Prebunking
and Lewandowsky and Yesilada (2021) created short inocu- Inoculation interventions are “boosts” (Hertwig & Grüne-
lation videos that tackle various persuasion techniques Yanoff, 2017) in that they seek to improve certain compe-
commonly used in misinformation (such as scapegoating and tencies, such as the ability to identify misinformation. Thus,
appeal-to-emotion fallacies), and Piltch-Loeb et al. (2022) people have to opt in to participating in the intervention (e.g.,
focused on health-related misinformation with a series of watching a game, playing a video). Cross-cultural testing is
videos showing how to spot misleading tactics in vaccine lacking, especially in countries outside North America and
misinformation. Examples of inoculation games include Bad Western Europe (but see Badrinathan, 2021; Harjani et al.,
News, which helps players recognize common misinformation 2023; Iyengar et al., 2022), yet interventions need to be
tactics (Roozenbeek & van der Linden, 2019); Harmony Square, designed with audiences in mind in order to be most effective
which focuses on political misinformation (Roozenbeek & van (Ali & Qazi, 2023). There is also a lack of real-world pre-
der Linden, 2020); and Go Viral!, which prebunks misinforma- bunking campaigns. In a field study on YouTube that has
tion about COVID-19 (see Case Study 4; Basol et al., 2021). since been scaled by Google across majorities of social media
users in several European countries (Jigsaw, 2023),
Efficacy of Prebunking Roozenbeek, van der Linden, et al. (2022) showed that vid-
Inoculation interventions have been shown to be effective at eo-based inoculation interventions improved recognition of
reducing susceptibility to both individual examples of misin- common techniques used to manipulate information—but
formation (e.g., van der Linden et al., 2017; Williams & Bond, few other field studies are available. Field studies that do
2020) and various manipulation techniques (Traberg et al., exist have focused mainly on improvements in identifying
2022). Successful prebunking has occurred with text-based manipulation, but none test behavioral measures such as
(Cook et al., 2017; Green et al., 2022), video-based (Piltch-Loeb the sharing of misinformation. However, one study did find
et al., 2022), and game-based interventions (Basol et al., 2021; clear evidence that inoculation reduced behavioral engage-
Cook et al., 2022; Roozenbeek, Traberg, & van der Linden, ment with misinformation (e.g., liking, sharing) in a simulated
2022). For instance, Piltch-Loeb et al. (2022) found that their social media setting (McPhedran et al., 2023).
inoculation videos improved people’s recognition of misinfor- In addition to their effect on misinformation, some (but
mation tactics, reduced their willingness to share misinforma- not all) gamified inoculation interventions may slightly
tion with others, and increased their willingness to get reduce the perceived reliability of more ambiguous “real
vaccinated against COVID-19. A recent systematic review and news” items (Modirrousta-Galian et al., 2023), though a
meta-analysis found that inoculation interventions are effec- recent meta-analysis concluded that inoculation interven-

tions still improve truth discernment overall (Lu et al., 2023). et al., 2021; Roozenbeek & van der Linden, 2019). In addition,
Nonetheless, any intervention may engender a degree of general skepticism can occur when the study contains more
skepticism about news and information in general, especially false than true stimuli (Altay, Lyons, & Modirrousta-Galian,
when the news is not obviously true. This general skepticism 2023) or in control groups, likely as a function of repeated
effect appears to be common for many kinds of misinforma- testing (Modirrousta-Galian & Higham, 2023).
tion interventions (Basol et al., 2021; Clayton et al., 2020; There is also debate about whether the general skepti-
Green et al., 2022; Guess, Lerner, et al., 2020), but there is cism effect is a good or a bad thing. On the one hand, it is
ongoing debate about its true prevalence. For instance, people probably undesirable to make people overly skeptical of all
do not appear to become more skeptical of news headlines news, especially from trustworthy sources. On the other hand,
that are obviously true (Modirrousta-Galian & Higham, reputable sources sometimes use manipulation, clickbait, or
2023). It is also possible that the general skepticism effect sensationalism when presenting news, so if people become
is a methodological artifact of how efficacy studies are slightly less certain that a (mostly) true headline is accurate
designed (akin to earlier concerns about backfire effects). if it is presented in a biased manner, the overall result may
Some studies show a significant effect of inoculation on the be healthy (rather than immutable) skepticism. Finally,
ability to distinguish misinformation from true information, research has found that undesirable skepticism can be
but others do not—even though they use the same interven- counteracted by giving people feedback on their performance,
tion and items (e.g., Basol et al., 2021; Roozenbeek, Maertens, which helps to consolidate learning (Leder et al., 2023).


Go Viral! ( is a free online game that inoculates people against COVID-19 misinformation. Funded
by the Cabinet Office of the United Kingdom, the game teaches people about three methods used to manipulate information
about COVID-19: emotional manipulation, fake expertise or pseudoscience, and conspiratorial reasoning. The game consists
of 3 levels and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete (DROG Group & Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab, 2020)
Go Viral! was used in efforts by WHO and the United Nations to combat health misinformation, and the campaign was
seen by more than 214 million people worldwide (Government Communication Service International, 2021). After its launch,
the game was the second most visited source of COVID-19 information on the WHO website.
In a study with ~3,500 participants, Basol et al. (2021) showed that playing the game significantly decreased the perceived
reliability of COVID-19 misinformation, increased players’ confidence in their ability to identify it, and decreased their willing-
ness to share it with others. The study was conducted with versions of the game in three languages (English, French, and
German), which compared favorably with infographics about COVID-19 misinformation created as part of UNESCO’s #Think-
BeforeSharing campaign (2020). One week after completing the game, players remained significantly better than the control
group at identifying manipulative content about COVID-19.
However, this campaign also had several important limitations. First, the researchers did not link the game to online or
offline behavior, so it remains unknown whether players engaged less with vaccine misinformation or shared it less with
others. The game also had no effect on intentions to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine, which implies that a separate set of
interventions may be needed to combat vaccine hesitancy.

HEALTH, MEDIA, AND DIGITAL LITERACY and evaluate health content for quality or accuracy (Norman
INTERVENTIONS & Skinner, 2006), media literacy focuses on the ability to
The distinction between health literacy, media literacy, and evaluate print and online media messages (Potter, 2021), and
digital literacy is increasingly blurred. Health literacy can digital literacy is defined as the skills required to execute tasks
generally be considered as the competencies required to find online (Reddy et al., 2022). Literacy interventions are often

provided as part of formal education or courses in the wider Although digital literacy interventions have been studied
community (Nygren & Guath, 2021). much less than health-focused or media-focused efforts,
promising research is emerging. For example, Guess, Lerner, et
Efficacy of Literacy Interventions al. (2020) found that digital literacy training helped individuals
Several meta-analyses have investigated health literacy distinguish between mainstream and false news in both the
interventions. For example, Nordheim et al. (2016) conducted United States and among highly educated Indian participants.
a systematic review of school-based interventions to enhance However, the researchers repeated their study in a rural commu-
adolescents’ abilities to critically appraise health claims: The nity of northern India and found no effect, presumably because
eight studies in their report generally found short-term ben- social media use was lower. Moore and Hancock (2022) found
efits on knowledge and relevant skills. Moving outside the digital literacy training to improve news accuracy discernment
classroom, Nutbeam et al. (2018) conducted a review of in older adults. Further research has shown that it can improve
studies on interventions to improve health literacy in com- online reasoning (McGrew et al., 2019; Nygren & Guath, 2021)
munity populations. They found only seven studies that met and lateral reading on social media (Panizza et al., 2022).
their inclusion criteria (out of an initial pool of 1117 papers), Reviews and meta-analyses of health and media literacy
and they reported that the current interest surrounding health interventions have long highlighted the lack of research on their
literacy was not matched by the number of systematic stud- efficacy over time. Bergsma and Carney (2008) found that
ies being conducted. They concluded that evidence support- there were beneficial short-term effects of health-promoting
ing the implementation of national policies and programs media literacy interventions, but none of the studies in their
was not emerging as quickly as needed. It is also possible meta-analysis evaluated any long-term effects of interventions.
that studies yielding nonsignificant findings remain unpub- Manafo and Wong (2012) also concluded that health literacy
lished (i.e., the “file drawer problem”; Rosenthal, 1979). programs for older adults show promise, but long-term
Regarding media literacy intervention studies, several outcomes remain unknown. In the systematic review of school-
meta-analyses have found them to be effective for improving based interventions described earlier by Nordheim et al. (2016),
media literacy skills (Vahedi et al., 2018), media knowledge, none of the eight studies investigated long-term effects. However,
and critical perceptions towards media messaging or adver- studies have recently begun to investigate these interventions
tising (Jeong et al., 2012). However, when focusing specifically with delayed retention intervals. Stassen et al. (2020) conducted
on the discernment of health misinformation, findings appear a pre–post RCT on a web-based health literacy intervention
to be mixed. Badrinathan (2021) found that their 1-hour media and included a 6-month follow-up, but they found that their
literacy intervention in India did not lead to any improvements 8-week intervention did not increase health literacy when
in the ability to discern health misinformation. Likewise, Vraga compared with a control group, either immediately or at
et al. (2021) found no effect of a news literacy video on protect- follow-up. Digital literacy interventions by Guess, Lerner, et al.
ing people against health misinformation. However, it is possi- (2020) and McGrew et al. (2019) found effects that persisted
ble that the length of these interventions was too short. after a 3-week period, but these improvements faded over time.
Bergsma and Carney (2008) found, in a meta-analysis of 28
health-promoting media literacy interventions, that long inter- Limitations of Literacy Interventions
ventions (5 hours or more) were more likely to be effective One limitation for health, media, and digital literacy interven-
than those that were short (< 60 minutes). In addition, some tions is that they are often quite lengthy and commonly require
interventions may work best in conjunction with others. For cooperation from schools, school districts, community centers,
instance, Hameleers (2020) found that media literacy paired and/or local and national governments. Another potential
with fact-checking was more effective than either intervention limitation is cross-cultural applicability: Badrinathan (2021)
alone, in samples from both the United States and the Nether- and Guess, Lerner, et al. (2020) tested interventions on rural
lands. An open question is whether media literacy interventions samples in India and found that their interventions were broadly
work best in children when they are first learning to evaluate ineffective. The largest problem with evaluating the efficacy
information, rather than trying to correct bad habits after they of these interventions is that they vary widely in terms of
have developed. However, most media literacy interventions content and duration, from a couple minutes to multiple weeks
to date have targeted high-school students or adults (e.g., (Stassen et al., 2020). Finally, studies are difficult to compare
Badrinathan, 2021; Wineburg et al., 2022). because each one has different outcome measures (C. Smith

et al., 2021), so the field should consider establishing consen- discernment, although this effect was both small and het-
sus on appropriate outcomes rather than using customized erogeneous: In six of the 20 studies included, the main effect
measures that vary from study to study (Nutbeam et al., 2018). was not significant. The effect appeared to be stronger for
more intensive interventions (e.g., multiple nudges shortly
after one another) and weaker for a one-off accuracy nudge
NUDGING (Pennycook & Rand, 2022). A cross-cultural study in 16 coun-
Thaler and Sunstein (2008) define nudges as “any aspect of tries showed that accuracy nudges improved the quality of
the choice environment that alters people’s behavior in a people’s sharing intentions in some but not all countries, with
predictable way without forbidding any options or signifi- smaller or null effects in countries where people professed
cantly changing their economic incentive” (p. 6). Nudging higher belief in misinformation (Arechar et al., 2023).
interventions against misinformation are designed to posi- Nonetheless, a field study on Twitter showed that a nudge to
tively influence people’s behavior by, for example, prompting share information from higher-quality news sources (e.g., The
them to share less misinformation or low-quality content on New York Times, CNN) led to improvements in the quality of
social media. Major advantages of these interventions include the sources people shared (Pennycook et al., 2021). There is
that they are relatively easy to implement on social media also evidence supporting the effectiveness of social-norms
(e.g., Twitter double-checks if users wish to retweet an arti- nudges. Gimpel et al. (2021), for instance, found that high-
cle that they have not yet read) and that they do not require lighting the socially desirable behavior of reporting misinfor-
people to opt in to the intervention. mation subsequently led to higher reporting rates. Motivational
Several anti-misinformation nudges have been proposed, nudges (e.g., paying people to be as accurate as possible)
most notably accuracy nudges (Pennycook et al., 2020, 2021; significantly boosted discernment and reduced partisan bias
Pretus et al., 2023), social-norms nudges (Gimpel et al., 2021), in people’s assessments of news headlines, mainly because
and motivational nudges (Rathje et al., 2023). Accuracy people who were motivated to be accurate were more likely
nudges involve making the concept of accuracy more salient to identify true news stories that were incongruent with their
in people’s minds, which should then improve the quality of political beliefs as correct (Rathje et al., 2023).
the content they share with others (Pennycook et al., 2021). There is some ambiguity when it comes to the longevity
For example, accuracy primes ask people to consider the of the nudging effect. In their field study, Pennycook et al.
accuracy of a single nonpolitical headline (Pennycook et al., (2021) found that a single accuracy nudge was effective over
2020) so that they are thinking about accuracy as they move a 24-hour period in improving the quality of news content
forward. Social-norms nudges (Roozenbeek et al., 2023) are shared. Roozenbeek, Freeman, and van der Linden (2021),
geared toward news-sharing behavior and emphasize either on the other hand, found preliminary evidence for rapid decay,
injunctive norms (i.e., behaviors most people find acceptable as the nudging effect in their study wore off after several
or not) or descriptive norms about it (i.e., how other people headline evaluations. Twitter recently implemented a nudging
respond in certain situations; Gimpel et al., 2021). Motiva- feature that asks users to verify that they want to share an
tional nudges seek to motivate people to be as accurate as article they haven’t read yet, but the efficacy (especially over
possible (e.g., paying them to correctly identify true and false time) of this intervention is not public knowledge. TikTok
news; Rathje et al., 2023). Other types of nudging interven- reported that showing an accuracy nudge at the start of videos
tions exist as well, such as importance primes (which promote containing unverified content reduced the sharing of such
sharing only accurate news) and asking people to pause to videos, although to this date no peer-reviewed study has
consider the accuracy of headlines (L. K. Fazio, 2020a). (See been published (Gosnell et al., 2021).
Epstein et al., 2021, for an overview.)
Limitations of Nudging
Efficacy of Nudging Nudges appear to become less effective the more often peo-
Pennycook et al. (2020) found that a single accuracy nudge ple are exposed to them (Sasaki et al., 2021), but it is unclear
improved “sharing discernment,” a measure of the quality of whether this is the case for all types of nudges; more research
people’s news-sharing decisions, for true versus false news is needed. Some people do not respond to nudges, especially
headlines about COVID-19. A meta-analysis found that when they do not want to be nudged, a concept known as
accuracy nudges were effective overall at improving sharing “nudgeability” (de Ridder et al., 2021). In addition, the replica-

bility of accuracy nudge interventions appears to be somewhat system-level interventions (i.e., the “s-frame” or system
mixed: Roozenbeek, Freeman, and van der Linden (2021) frame; Chater & Loewenstein, 2022). Both types of interven-
initially failed to replicate the aforementioned COVID-19 tions have advantages and disadvantages, and a compre-
accuracy nudge study by Pennycook et al. (2020), but they hensive approach to tackling misinformation will inevitably
found a minor effect after collecting additional data. Accuracy incorporate elements of both.
nudges had no effect on a sample of U.S. conservatives and
Spanish far-right voters (Pretus et al., 2023), and several other
papers have reported failed or mixed replications (e.g., Gavin
et al., 2022). One explanation for this inconsistency is that
nudges may work less well (or not at all) for especially per-
suasive misinformation or for people who generally rate
misinformation as accurate (Arechar et al., 2023; Pennycook
& Rand, 2022; Roozenbeek et al., 2023).


Overall, research into misinformation interventions suffers
from several general limitations. First, there is a lack of stud-
ies conducted in non-WEIRD (i.e., White, educated, indus-
trialized, rich, and democratic) countries, particularly with
samples of people who are not highly educated and/or live
in rural areas (but see Badrinathan, 2021; Guess, Lerner, et
al., 2020; Harjani et al., 2023; Iyengar et al., 2022). Second,
more longitudinal studies need to be conducted to examine
the efficacy of interventions over time, including when and
whether booster shots should be administered to maintain
effectiveness (Maertens et al., 2021). Third, field studies—
especially ecologically valid ones that test interventions in
naturalistic settings—are difficult and expensive to conduct
(Roozenbeek & Zollo, 2022). Although more field research
is being done (e.g., Mosleh et al., 2021; Pennycook et al.,
2021; Porter & Wood, 2021; Roozenbeek, van der Linden, et
al., 2022), improved access to social media platforms and
data would make it much easier to test interventions in real-
world environments (Pasquetto et al., 2020). Fourth, research
conducted so far has focused almost exclusively on testing
interventions in isolation, so our understanding of how well
interventions work together—including whether they amplify
or cancel each other—is limited. Simulated data suggest that
combined interventions yield important cobenefits (Bak-
Coleman et al., 2022), and a recent empirical study found
that combining accuracy nudges with inoculation interven-
tions can have positive synergistic effects on truth discern-
ment (Pennycook et al., 2023). Finally, focusing on
individual-level interventions (i.e., the “i-frame” or individual
frame) may draw attention away from the need to develop



Avoid repeating misinformation Use misinformation correction

without including a correction. strategies with tools already proven
to promote healthy behaviors.
The repetition of false claims increases belief in those claims,
a phenomenon known as the illusory truth effect. People of Psychological science research shows that the link between
all ages are susceptible to illusory truth, even when they knowledge and behavior is imperfect. There is strong evi-
already have relevant prior knowledge about the topic. When dence that curbing misperceptions can change underlying
media sources, political elites, or celebrities repeat misinfor- health-related beliefs and attitudes, but it may not be suffi-
mation, their influence and repetition can perpetuate false cient to change real-world behavior and decision-making.
beliefs. Repeating misinformation is necessary only when Correcting misinformation with accurate health guidance is
actively correcting a falsehood. In these cases, the falsehood vital, but it must happen in concert with evidence-based
should be repeated briefly, with the correction featured more strategies that promote healthy behaviors (e.g., counseling,
prominently than the falsehood itself. skills training, incentives, social norms).


Collaborate with social media companies to Leverage trusted sources to counter

understand and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation and provide accurate
misinformation. health information.
Most misinformation on social media is shared by very few People believe and spread misinformation for many reasons:
users, even during public health emergencies. These “super- They may find it consistent with their social or political iden-
spreaders” can play an outsized role in distributing misinfor- tity, they may fail to consider its accuracy, or they may find
mation. Social media “echo chambers” bind and isolate it entertaining or rewarding. These motivations are complex
communities with similar beliefs, which aids the spread of and often interrelated. Attempts to correct misinformation
falsehoods and impedes the spread of factual corrections. and reduce its spread are most successful when the infor-
On social media, sensational, moral–emotional, and deroga- mation comes from trusted sources and representatives,
tory content about the “other side” can spread faster than including religious, political, and community leaders.
neutral or positive content. Scientists, policymakers, and
public health professionals should work with online platforms
to understand and harness the incentive structures of social
media to reduce the spread of dangerous misinformation.


Debunk misinformation often and repeatedly Demand data access and transparency
using evidence-based methods. from social media companies for scientific
research on misinformation.
Research shows that debunking misinformation is generally
effective across ages and cultures. However, debunking Efforts to quantify and understand misinformation on social
doesn’t always eliminate misperceptions completely. media are hampered by lack of access to user data from
Corrections should feature prominently with the misinfor- social media companies. Misinformation interventions are
mation so that accurate information is properly stored and rarely tested in real-world settings due to a similar lack of
retrieved from memory. Debunking is most effective when industry cooperation. Publicly available data offer a limited
it comes from trusted sources, provides sufficient detail about snapshot of exposure, but they cannot explain population
why the claim is false, and offers guidance on what is true and network effects. Researchers need access to the full
instead. Because the effectiveness of debunking fades over inventory of social media posts across platforms, along with
time, it should be repeated through trusted channels and data revealing how algorithms shape what individual users
evidence-based methods. see. Responsible data sharing could use frameworks currently
in use to manage sensitive medical data. Policymakers and
health authorities should encourage research partnerships
RECOMMENDATION 6 and demand greater oversight and transparency from social
Prebunk misinformation to inoculate media companies to curb the spread of misinformation.
susceptible audiences by building skills
and resilience from an early age.
Instead of correcting misinformation after the fact, “prebunk- Fund basic and translational research
ing” should be the first line of defense to build public resilience into the psychology of health misinformation,
to misinformation in advance. Studies show that psycholog-
including effective ways to counter it.
ical inoculation interventions can help people identify indi-
vidual examples of misinformation or the overarching Several interventions have been developed to counter health
techniques commonly used in misinformation campaigns. misinformation, but researchers have yet to compare their
Prebunking can be scaled to reach millions on social media outcomes, either alone or in combination. There is a need to
with short videos or messages, or it can be administered in understand which interventions are effective for specific
the form of interactive tools involving games or quizzes. types of information: What works for one issue may not
However, the effects of prebunking fade over time; regular translate to others. Ideally, these questions would be
“boosters” may be necessary to maintain resilience to mis- answered by large-scale trials with representative target
information, along with media and digital literacy training. audiences in real-world settings. Increased funding oppor-
tunities for psychological science research are needed to
address these important questions about digital life.

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American Psychological Association

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