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DLL Grade 6 Fourth Quarter Week 2 Day 2

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School Grade Level 6

Teacher Learning Area Science

Teaching Date Quarter Fourth
and Time

WEEK 2 – DAY 2
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of
the effects of earthquakes and volcanic
B. Performance The learners should design an emergency
Standards and preparedness plan and kit
C. Learning Enumerate what to do before, during and after
Competencies an earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
Write the LC code S6ES-IVb-2
D. Lesson Objective/s Practice precautionary measures before,
during and after an earthquake
II. CONTENT Forces that affect changes on the earth’s
1.1 Earthquake
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Page
3. Textbook Pages 1. The New Science Links Worktext in
Science and Technology 6, p. 400-403

2. Cyber Science, p. 262-268

3. Open Sesame Genius Unfold 6, p.174-176

4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning Laptop, powerpoint presentation, activity
Resource sheets, manila paper
A. Reviewing ELICIT:
previous lesson or Approach: Integrative
presenting the new Strategy: Development through Problem-

lesson Based

The Philippines is prone to earthquakes. If

you are asked to choose between Baguio and
Metro Manila where would you want to live?
B. Establishing a ENGAGE:
purpose for the If an earthquake strikes in your locality
lesson while you are at school, what are you going to
do to avoid being injured?
C. Presenting EXPLORE
examples Approach: Collaborative
/instances of the A. Setting of Standard
new lesson Note: Actions/gestures is needed in each
given situation. The place is given and the
earthquake happen. What will you do?

Group 1 – Inside the building

(Role playing)

Group 2 – Walking in the field


Group 3 – Standing near the trees


Group 4 – Going down the stairs

(Panel Discussion)

D. Discussing new EXPLAIN

concepts and Presentation/Reporting of pupils output.
practicing new skill Pupils present their output on the activity.
#1 The teacher will give feedback about the
E. Discussing new Strategy: Development through Effective
concepts and Questioning
practicing new Answer the following questions:
skills #2 What are the precautionary measures before,
during and after an earthquake?
1. Based from the activity, what are the do’s
and don’ts during an earthquake?
2. How can further loss of lives be prevented
during an earthquakes?
3. Why is it important to keep calm in case of
an earthquake?
4. Can earthquake be prevented?

F. Developing ELABORATE
mastery Why is it important that you are prepared
(Leads to in times of calamities such as earthquake?

Assessment 3)
G.Finding practical You are living near the hillside or
applications of mountainside, you feel that there is a sudden
concepts and skills shaking or trembling of the ground? What will
in daily living you do? Why?
H. Making Concept Map
generalization and What are the precautionary measures
abstractions about which can be done to keep safe from dangers
the lesson of an earthquake?

Precautionary Measures

Before After


I. Evaluating EVALUATE
Learning Directions: Write (/) check if it is a
precautionary measures before, during and
after an earthquake and (x) cross if not. Write
your answer on the space provided before
each number.
___1. If you are in a building that is likely to
fall, get out. Use the elevator.
___2. Hold on to power lines or posts and
stay in tall buildings.
___3. Secure hanging objects.
___4. Protect yourself from falling objects by
staying under strong furniture like a table.
___5. Be prepared for the aftershocks that
may follow.
J. Additional activities EXPAND
for application or Assignment
remediation List down the things that you should do in
case an earthquake occur in the following
1. at home
2. inside a car
3. inside an elevator

Enrichment Activities
Describe how earthquake affects the
family, the society, and the environment. List

ways on how you can help victims of an

Remediation Activities
Find out the infamous earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions in the past. Put the
information in the form of news story. Report
the news on the class or post an article on the
bulletin board.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these worked?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other


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