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DLP in Science 6

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School: Initao Central School Grade Level: VI

Teacher: Leslie Allyn W. Peralta Learning Area: SCIENCE

Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


Demonstrates understanding of natural
disasters and knowledge of emergency
A. Content Standards preparedness during these disasters

Makes an emergency plan and prepares an
B. Performance Standards emergency kit for use at home and in school

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Write the LC Describes the changes in the Earth’s surface

code for each as a result of earthquakes and volcanic
eruptions (S6ES-IVA-1 / page 31)
II. CONTENT Changes that Occur on the Surface of the
Earth as a Result of Earthquakes (S6ES-IVA-
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Curriculum Guide in Science 6

D. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Science 6, Beyond Borders page 93 - 95

2. Learner’s Materials pages Science 6, Quarter 4 – Module 1 week 1

3. Textbook pages Cyber Science pp. 262-268

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource

(LR) portal v=FJjEHGBhkfE (Science 6 Quarter 4 Week
1: Earthquake and Volcano)

E. Other Learning Resources Laptop, TV, Video clip about the lesson,
Pictures about the lesson and PowerPoint
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities

1. Prayer
The teacher will show a video clips for (Video clips Presentation)
( 2fSTFY)

2. Greetings

Good morning class?

Good Morning, Teacher.

3. Checking of Attendance

Did anyone miss your class today? None, teacher.

Well everyone is happy to attend our school

every day!

4. Motivation Song
Who else knows the action song
No teacher.

Today I will show a video so that we can

move our bodies even more with his lyrics.

Is everything ready?
Yes we are!
(Video clip presentation)
Before you sit down, pick up those piece of
papers under your table and arranged your
chair properly.
Okay class are you ready for our lesson?
5. New Normal Classroom Rules
(Video clips Presentation)
But before we start, I'm going to show you a
video about our classroom rules and I want JN7cVuJU
you to follow those rules.

Are all classroom rules are understood? Yes teacher!

B. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new


The pictures below show some examples of the

changes on the Earth’s surface?

Figure 1 (Earthquake) Figure 2 Volcanic eruption)

 How these changes happen?

C. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. Drill
The teacher show a Video Clip Presentation (Video clip presentation about the Earthquake
about Earthquake and Volcanic eruption. and Volcanic eruption)

( (
(The pupils are actively participating)
D. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Individual task

Directions: Supply the missing terms to complete the Directions: Supply the missing terms to
paragraph. Choose your answers in the box below. complete the paragraph. Choose your
Write your answer in your paper. answers in the box below. Write your answer
in your paper.
Earthquake Magma Richter
Lava Mercailli Answers:

E_______ occurs when two tectonic plates move

suddenly against each other. The magnitude an Earthquake Magma Richter
Lava Mercalli
earthquake is measured through __________Scale
while its intensity is determined by _________Scale.
Earthquake occurs when two tectonic plates
move suddenly against each other. The
On the hand, when ________ or molten Rocks magnitude an earthquake is measured
underground begin to raised up and explode during through Richter Scale while its intensity is
eruption, this fiery mixture tremendously flow to the determined by Mercalli Scale.
surface and turn into ____________.
On the hand, when Magma or molten
Rocks underground begin to raised up and
explode during eruption, this fiery mixture
tremendously flow to the surface and turn into

Very good class, you listen to our discussions.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Based on figure 1.2 in your self-Learning Modules
answer the following questions below. Choose your
answers in the box below. Write your answer in your

1. What is the opening or exit point of the volcano for

the release of magma? The opening or exit point of the volcano for
the release of magma is crater.

When the gas pressure increases, and the

2. What happen to gas pressure when volcanic gasses begin to spew out and rises to the
eruption occur? surface.
3. What material rises to the surface during volcanic The material rises to the surface during
eruption? volcanic eruption is called Magma.

4. What will expand as magma rises along the It will release Gasses.

5. What happen to magma during volcanic eruption?

It will swells up and explodes.

F. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills


Directions: Supply the missing terms to complete the

Directions: Supply the missing terms to
paragraph. Choose your answers in the box below.
complete the paragraph. Choose your
Write your answer in your paper.
answers in the box below. Write your answer
________ is the sudden slipping of rocks in your paper.
beneath the earth’s surface and sometimes causes
great damage. It ______________ is measured by
Richter scale while it ____________ is determined Earthquake is the sudden slipping of
by Mercalli Scale. rocks beneath the earth’s surface and
sometimes causes great damage. It
Magnitude is measured by Richter Scale
However, ___________ may also cause while it intensity is determined by Mercalli
earthquake wherein lava and volcanic materials are Scale.
ejected and the molten rock that flows on the surface
of the volcano is called _________.
However, Volcanic eruption may also
cause earthquake wherein lava and volcanic
materials are ejected and the molten rock that
flows on the surface of the volcano is called

G. Developing mastery (leads to Formative

Assessment 3)

Directions: Describes the changes on Earth’s

Directions: Describes the changes on Earth’s surface as result of earthquake in (30 three
surface as result of earthquake in (30 three words or words or a phrase. Write your answer in your
a phrase. Write your answer in your Paper. Paper.
1. Cracked 2. Destroyed 3. Damaged
4. Fall/fallen 5. Bend/bent 6. Collapsed


Volcanic eruption:
1. Flooded 2. Filled with ashes 3. Damage
4. Destroyed 5. Dark smoke/gases
6. Thick ashes 7. Hot 8. Fiery
Volcanic eruption
9. Molten 10. Swells up 11. Explodes
12. Spew out 13. Expand 14. Turbulent

H. Finding practical applications of concepts and

skills in daily living
Directions: Based on the self-Learning
Directions: Based on the self-Learning Modules Modules page 6, describe each pictures in
page 6, describe each pictures in one or two one or two sentences
1. The grounds cracks.

2. The road gets damage by an


1. The house collapsed/destroyed by an


2. The wall had

cracked/damaged/destroyed by an

1. There’s smoke coming out from the


2. There’s a lava /molten rocks coming

out from the volcano.
1. The trees / grounds filled with ashes.

2. The trees were

uprooted/destroyed/damaged due the
lava /volcanic eruption.

I. Making generalizations and abstractions about the

The teacher will ask the questions.
Explains the causes of Earthquakes?
An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip on
a fault. The tectonic plates are always slowly
moving, but they get stuck at their edges due
to friction. When the stress on the edge
overcomes the friction, there is an earthquake
that releases energy in waves that travel
through the earth's crust and cause the
shaking that we feel.

I. Evaluating learning
The teacher will ask question.
Why does Philippines experience frequent Answer:
Our country experiences frequent earthquake
because the Philippines is located in the Ring
of Fire.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

The teacher will asks questions.
What are the precautionary measures before an
earthquake? During an earthquake? After an
Why should you keep calm when earthquakes
Why should you not use the elevator or stairs during
an earthquake?
Why should you move to a higher ground when you
are located in a coastal area?
How can you protect yourself from falling objects?



No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

No. of learners who require additional activities for
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared and Observes by:

Beed. Teacher 2
IV Student

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