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Science 6 Quarter 3 Week 1 Day 1

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Science 6

Quarter 3, Week 1, Day 1

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate understanding of how gravity and friction affect movement of

B. Performance Standard:
The learners should be able to produce an advertisement that demonstrates road safety

C. Learning Competency:
Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of objects. (S6FE-IIIa-c-1)

D. Learning Objective:
1. Describe what friction is.

II. Content/Topic
Content: Friction
Topics: Describing what friction is.

III. Learning Resources

A. References:
1. Curriculum Guide page 104
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook – The New Science Links, pp. 317-318
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources:
Powerpoint presentation, pictures, activity sheets, meta cards, manila paper, pentel

IV. Learning Activities

1. Engagement

A. Motivation:
Four Pics One Word. Study the relationships of the four pictures below. Identify the
word that could describe the four pictures. Write your answers in the boxes below.

f r i C t i o n

B. Have the pupils rub their hands for 10 seconds. Tell the pupils that what they do
produced friction.
2. Exploration

A. Preparatory Activity:
Say: Let us learn more about friction.
 Setting standards in watching a video clip.
 .Reading of questions to be answered after watching a video clip.
1. What is friction?
2. What causes friction?
 Watching a video clip

B. Group Activity

Activity: Moving in Different Surfaces

Let’s find out: How does friction affects the motion of objects?

Let’s use these materials:

Toy cars, wax paper, sand paper, blocks of wood.

Let’s do it this way:

1.Set the ramp with one side higher.
2. Cover one side with wax paper. This is your smooth surface.
3. Cover the other side with sand paper. This is your rough surface.
4. Have the pupils roll the toy car down the ramp.

Let’s write down our observations.

1. In which surface does the toy car move faster? Why?
2. Which surface registered a greater friction? Why?
3. How does friction affect the motion of objects?

3. Explanation
A. Reporting of group outputs.
B. Analysis and discussion of pupils’ outputs

4. Elaboration


Friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces sticking, touching or
rubbing together. Air friction affects the motion of falling objects by acting against the force
of gravity. Friction is a force that resists or opposes the relative sliding movement of surfaces
in contact with one another. Friction is greater on rough surface. It slows down the movement
of cbjects.

1. What is friction?
2. Complete the web on what you know about friction.

A. Act out different activities that involve friction.

Group I- Activities in school

Group II- Activities at home
Group III- Activities in the playground

B. Guided Practice: Distribute meta cards with phrases and sentences. Say
TRUE if it describes friction and FALSE if not.
_______1. Friction is a force.
_______2. Friction is produced by rubbing or touching two surfaces.
_______3. Friction is energy stored.
_______4 Friction is greater on rough surfaces.
_______5.Friction is produced when object is in contact with each other.
_______6. Lighted candle produce friction.
_______7.Friction is produced by moving objects.
_______8.Friction is much present on rocky or rough road`
_______9.Heat is produced by friction.
_______10.It is easier to pull object with less friction.

C. Ask: How does friction affect our daily activities.

V. Evaluation
Table of Specification

No. of No. Percentage

Learning Objective Days of Remembering
AnalyzingApplying Evaluating
Taught Items

Describe what friction is. 1 5 3 1,2,5 4 100%

Total 1 5 1 3 1 100%

Directions: Read the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following best describes friction?
A. It is a force that occurs between solids.
B. It is a force that occurs only on rough surfaces.
C. It is a force that occurs between solids and liquids.
D. It is a force that occurs when surfaces touch each other.
2. Which has the least friction?
A. polished floor B. sandy floor C. rough floor D. rubberized floor
3. Friction is ___________.
A. gravity B. matter C. work and motion D. force that resists
4. Which of the following is true?
I. Friction slows down a moving object.
II. Smooth surface has more friction.
III. Objects move slowly on a rough surface.
IV. Friction is not present in a smooth surface.
5. Which of the following does NOT produce friction ?
A. rubbing of two things together C. swimming in the pool
B. falling leaves D. lighted candle

VI. Assignment
Cut pictures showing friction.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I
Victoria Central School

Master Teacher I
Loyal Elementary School

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