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DLL - Science 6 - Q2 - W9

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School: File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.

com Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File created by Ma'am ALONA C. REYES Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: OCTOBER 9 13, 2017 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



A. Content Standards The interactions for survival among living and non-living things that take place in tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps

B. Performance Form discussion groups to tackle issues involving protection and conservation of ecosystems that serve as nurseries, breeding places, and habitats for economically important
Standards plants and animals

C. Learning Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps ( S6LT II i-j-5)
Write the LC code for
a.Identify living and non-living Construct food chains to show Identify the food web in the
things in a mini-ecosystem. feeding relationships among living given illustration.
b.Draw samples of living things Appreciate the importance of
things and non-living things
Tropical rainforests interdependence of food of
found in a mini-ecosystem.
c.Show concern in the Coral reefs living things.
environment. Mangrove swamps Construct food webs to show
Work harmoniously with the feeding relationships among
group living and non-living things in
an ecosystem
* Tropical Rainforests
* Coral Reefs
* Mangrove Swamps
( S6LTIIi-j-5.5)
Living Things and Non-Living Ecosystems : Topical rainforests 1.Interactions Among Living Things
II. CONTENT Things Coral reefs (Food Chair) Food Web
Mangrove swamps 2.Tropical rainforests
2.1Coral reefs
2.2 Mangrove swamps


A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Materials
3. Textbook pages Exploring Science and Health Cyber Science 6, Myrna Q. Sci-Tech Wonder 6 Cyber Science 6, pp. 175-180
VI, p.83 Adduru, pp.175-179 p. 187 -
The New Science Links 6 , Evelyn
CastantePadpad, pp.269-274

4. Additional Materials http/www.e-

from Learning
Resource (LR) portal opical rainforest/mangrove
swamps/coral reefs/
B. Other Learning
Resources m/watch?v=biB39CSwj6


Vocabulary producer
Development consumer
food chain

A. Reviewing previous Activate prior knowledge of What do we have in the Picture? ENGAGEMENT: Spot the error.
lesson or presenting pupils by giving them jumbled Picture Analysis 1. Plants depend on plant and
the new lesson letters to get the word correctly. The teacher show picture of grass , other animals in order to
(See attached activity sheet # 1) chicken and snake. survive.
How these three living things 2. Consumers can survive
related to each other? without the producers.
Original File Submitted and 3. Food chain consists of
Formatted by DepEd Club Member producer, consumer and
What are the - visit for more predators.
organisms present in the picture? 4. Producers break down dead
animals to smaller pieces.
5. Consumers is the only living
thing that can produce its own

B. Establishing a purpose Present pictures of Living and In this lesson you will learn about Why do living and non living things GAME: Explain.
for the lesson Non-Living Things found tropical rainforest, coral reefs live in a specific environment? Get the envelope and identify In the jungle or wild there is
aroun What can you say about and mangrove swamps and their the picture organism inside the always survival of the fittest.
the pictures ? Can you group components and how do they envelop..
them ? How ? differ from one another. Make as simple habitat from the
(Teacher may have a video different organism you have
presentation before the activity) found inside the envelop.
Coral reefs
Mangrove area

C. Presenting Group the pupils into 5 and give Group Activity EXPLORATION: Dyads
examples/instances of Show video about Ecosystem the respective tasks for each A. Grouping of pupils Research on books or in the
the new lesson group. Choose rapporteur to B. Setting of standards internet on animals found in
present your output.
C. Activity the following; a. tropical
Group 1 - The pupils will label
the pictures and describe each. Activity 1 rainforests b. coral reefs, c.
(Activity sheet # 2) Food chain in Coral Reefs mangrove swamps.
Group 2 - The pupils will fill up Activity 2 Individually make a list of
the table to show the different Food chain in tropical rain forest animals found in each
component for each type of Activity 3 category. Write as many as
ecosystem (Activity sheet # 3) Food chain in mangrove area you can for 5 minutes.
Group 3 The pupils will draw
Activity 4 Compare your list. Cross out
the tropical rainforest, mangrove
swamps and coral reef and label Draw a food chain in tropical the animals which both of you
each. (Activity sheet # 4) forest have in the list. The one who
Group 4 The pupils will act out Activity 5 has the most number of
as Mr. Forest, Ms. Mangrove What a Corals? animals left is the winner
Swamp and (through video presentation)
Mrs. Coral Reef and introduce
their components.
Group 5 The pupils will solve a
picture puzzle of forest ,
mangrove swamp and
coral reef and name it after.

D. Discussing new Group Activity ( by learning Discussion of the lesson EXPLANATION Teachers Instruction
concepts and stations ) Please see Presentation of outputs. Based on the activity you have Picture Analysis
practicing new skills attachments.
#1 made, what are the food chain you
made from tropical rain forest?
mangrove? coral reefs?
Which are the primary
consumers? Secondary
Can a secondary consumer
become a primary consumer?
What is being transfer in food
Which happens to the amount of 1. Can you name the food
stored energy as it transferred chains in the picture above?
from one consumer to another? 2. How many food chains did
you see?
3. What do you think is the
basis of the relationships in
the picture?
4. How many animals feed in
the plant?
( Teacher may also use
different pictures from
tropical rainforest, coral reefs
and mangrove swamps)
E. Discussing new Process the output of the pupils DIRECTIONS: Identify the symbiosis Activity 1:
concepts and and discuss the type of relationship of the following Problem: What is a
practicing new skills ecosystem as tropical rainforest, situation food web?
#2 mangrove swamp and coral reef being described in each item. Write
Study the illustration below
using the presentation found in your answer on your answer sheet.
the web (http./www.e- 1.Marie enjoyed snorkeling during
vacation. She witnessed that Sea
urchins eat corals. What interaction
marine ecosystem does it show?
2. Clownfish meets sea anemone Observation:
during his sea exploration. They 1. What is the
became friend in the long run. grasshoppers source
Clownfish protects sea anemone of food? Ants?
from 2. What is the eagles
marine creature that immune on its
source of food?
tentacles while sea anemone serves
as 3. What is the snakes
habitat of Clownfish .What source of food?
interaction 4. How many food
in marine ecosystem does it show? chain are there in the
______________________________ illustration?
_ Activity 2: Group
3. The reduction of sea urchin
population growth causes of
decreasing reproduction of Procedures:
corals. What does it show? 1. Identify the
______________________ possible animals that
4. Marks group dissected Tilapia may survive in the
during their science experiment. given pictures to
They discovered that worms lives your group.
in the flesh of fish. If worm
2. From the list of
harmed the fish, what does it
depict? animals identified
__________________________ construct a food web
to show the feeding
5. Barnacles and whales were relationship of
friends. Barnacles considered animals.
as commensals while the
Group 1: Tropical
whales are host. What
interaction in marine Rainforest
ecosystem does it show?

Group 2: Mangrove
Group 3: Coral Reefs

From the food web you

constructed, answer the
1. What is the first link
in the food web?
2. In the food web you
have constructed,
what are the
3. In every food
chain/food web what
is considered as the
final consumer?
4. Are decomposers
important? Why?
F. Developing mastery Describe the component of each Individual Activity
(leads to Formative type of ecosystem . Construct a food chain in the
Assessment 3) following places.
Choose only one habitat? Be able
to explain your work?

1. How many food

chains are there in
the illustration?
2. Which organisms are
the first order
consumers? Second
order consumers?
Third order
3. If plants are
destroyed which
organisms have the
greatest chance of
survival? Why?
4. Which organisms
would be affected if
first order consumers
were destroyed?
5. Are decomposers
important in food

G. Finding practical What do you expect to see in Differentiate each type of Group Great Parasites ELABORATION 1. A ripe papaya fell on the
applications of a swamp pond and in a desert ecosystem: Title of the activity: Show picture of a mangrove tree. ground. After some time,
concepts and skills in ? Try to classify living from Where can we usually find or I Can Shout My Fate Are you familiar to this tree? many organisms are floating
daily living non-living things. locate Tropical rainforest, Prepare and present a rap about Describe the tree. What tree is
on it including the worm,
mangrove swamps and coral the concept learned. this? Why this tree can survive in
reefs? Group Powerful Competitors this area? Is there food chain can chicken, rat, frog, small ants,
Title of the Activity: you make out of this habitat? ( big ants flies and bird.
I Can Paint My Life State the food chain and explain Construct a food chain from
Draw and present a drawing your answer) the given situation.
showing 2. Illegal logging is a serious
An interaction about the concept
environmental problem our
country is facing today. How
does illegal logging affects the
food relationships (food chain
and food web) among the
different organisms? (the
plants and animals in the
forest ecosystem) (Valuing)

H. Making Using concept mapping/webbing What are the different kinds of What are the ideas did you What is a food web?
generalizations and Fill up the concept map give the distinct description for interaction learned in the lesson? Why is it important?
abstractions about the correctly. each type of ecosystem in a rainforest? Mangrove swamp? A sequence of different feeding
lesson Coral Reef?
Types of level of organism in an ecosystem
Ecosystem is called food chain.
Tropical EcosystemEcosyst
Rainforest em Swamps


I. Evaluating learning Directions: Select at least five pairs EVALUATION Construct a food web from
Write LT if the things found of organisms. A. Using the picture of food the given living things below
belong to living things and What relationships do they have? web. Construct 5 food then answer the questions
NLT if it belongs to non-living For the organisms which are paired
chains? that will follow.
things. already,
1. trees just write these organisms in the Lion, hen , fox ,snake, wild cat,
2. table data table and green plant, mouse,rabbit ,
3. cloud give also the type of relationship. goat. owl, caterpillar
4. laptop Questions:
5. air Organisms Type of Interaction
6. lion B. Assessment of the pupils
1. Give one food chain
7. sunlight activity using Rubrics
from the illustration.
8. teacher
9. water 2. Which animals feed
10. ballpen on the green plant?
3. If green plant were
destroyed which
organisms have
greatest chance of
4. What would happen
if lion and kite were
5. What does food web
a. Interdependence
b. Energy pathway
c. Material cycle
d. All of these

J. Additional activities On your way home, list down Visit your community. Observe
for application or the living things and non- and write at least three interactions
remediation living things you can see. among living things that you could
find. Prepare your observation as
shown below.

Organisms Type of Interaction



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

File Submitted by DepEd Club Member -

File created by Ma'am ALONA C. REYES

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