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DLL Grade 6 Fourth Quarter Week 2 Day 3

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School Grade Level 6

Teacher Learning Area Science

Teaching Date Quarter Fourth
and Time

WEEK 2 – DAY 3
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the
effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
B. Performance The learners should design an emergency and
Standards preparedness plan and kit
C. Learning Enumerate what to do before, during and after
Competencies an earthquake and volcanic eruptions.
Write the LC code S6ES-IVb-2
D. Lesson Objective/s Enumerate what to do before, during and after
volcanic eruptions
II. CONTENT Forces that affect changes on the earth’s
1.2 Volcanic Eruption
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Page
3. Textbook 1. The New Science Links Worktext in Science
Pages and Technology 6, p. 404-413

2. Science and Health for a Changing

Environment 6, p. 212-213

3.World of Wonders Science 6, p.200

4. Elementary Science Explore 6, p. 213-214

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning =mxXoDEc3858
B. Other Learning Laptop, powerpoint presentation, activity
Resource sheets, metacards
A. Reviewing ELICIT:
previous lesson Approach: Reflective

or presenting the Strategy: Development through Problem-
new lesson Based
Have you seen an actual volcanic eruption?
How about in televisions and movies? Were
you scared? Why?
B. Establishing a ENGAGE:
purpose for the List down in the boxes how volcanic eruption
lesson occurs and what should you do during a
volcanic eruption.

What is it like?

What should I do?

C. Presenting EXPLORE
examples Approach: Collaborative
/instances of the A. Setting of Standard
new lesson Group 1 (Role play)
Role play the precautionary measures
before a volcanic eruption.

Group 2 (Dramatized)
Dramatize the precautionary measures
during a volcanic eruption

Group 3 (Make a poster)

Draw the precautionary measures after a
volcanic eruption.

Group 4 (Make a concept map)

Illustrate the precautionary measures before,
during and after volcanic eruption.

D. Discussing new EXPLAIN

concepts and Demonstration / Dramatization / Presentation of
practicing new group outputs.
skill #1 Analysis and abstraction of the results.
E. Discussing new Strategy: Development through
concepts and Visualization
practicing new Let the pupils watch video on:
skills #2 *What to do before, during and after
volcanic eruption

* Precautionary Measures before, during

and after volcanic eruption
The teacher will ask questions about the video.
F. Developing ELABORATE
mastery Strategy: Development through Problem-
(Leads to Based
Formative Are all active volcanoes dangerous? What
Assessment 3) are the materials thrown out by volcanoes
during eruption? If you live near a volcano,
what must you prepare and learn before it
G.Finding practical How do we prevent or lessen the damage of
applications of properties and the loss of lives when a volcano
concepts and erupts?
skills in daily
H. Making Using meta cards pupils will enumerate the
generalization precautionary measures before, during and
and abstractions after volcanic eruption.
about the lesson

I. Evaluating EVALUATE
Learning Directions: Read carefully the following
sentences. Write the letter of the best answer

on the space provided before each number.
___1. Why are precautionary measures
observed on volcanic eruptions?
a. To protect properties.
b. To prevent loss of lives.
c. To pinpoint volcanic danger zone
d. both A and B

___2. When is an area surrounding a volcano

NOT considered a danger area? When it
a. Is buried in lava
b. Experience landslides
c. Is stable and far from the crater.
d. Experiences a range of earthquake shocks

___3. A bulletin was issued to warn people that

a volcano may erupt within a week. What
should the people living in the danger areas
a. Follow orders to evacuate.
b. Wait for the next bulletin.
c. Cover the roof with wet sacks.
d. Reinforce the roof of their houses.

___4. Ashes from an erupting volcano are all

over your place. What should you do to protect
a. Wear a hat.
b. Wear sunglasses
c. Stay inside the house.
d. Cover a nose with a wet cloth or musk.

___5. Your family is going to evacuate. You are

told to bring along only a few things. Which of
these will you bring?
a. pets, toys and books
b. food, water and clothes
c. chairs, tables and closets
d. candies, rags and matches

J. Additional EXPAND
activities for Assignment
application or Cite some examples of beneficial and harmful
remediation effects of volcanic eruption. Write this in your
Science notebook.

Enrichment Activities
In June 1991, Mount Pinatubo in Zambales
erupted so violently. Many people perished and

properties worth millions of pesos were
damaged. What could you have done at that
time to help the victims of one of the world’s
deadliest volcanic eruptions?

Remediation Activities
List down the things to do during a volcanic
eruption. If you are near an erupting volcano,
how would you evacuate your family? Draw the
situation on the space below.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the

D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use/ discover
which I wish to
share with other


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