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S5FE-IVa-1 TG Day4-5

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Chapter 1 - Processes that Shape Earth’s Surface

Lesson ___ – Weathering and Soil Erosion

Duration: 2 days

I. Objectives:
1. Describe how soil is formed through weathering.
2. Describe how soil is formed through soil erosion.

II. A. Materials:

Websites: Kids

Day 1 – Activity 1: “How soil is formed through weathering?”

Day 1 – Activity 2: “How soil is formed through soil erosion?”

Pictures, diagram, meta cards, aluminum tray, soil, plants, water

B. References:
Website: Environmental Science- Soil and It’s Uses
Science for Daily Use 5 pp. 219-222

C. Process Skills:

Observing, describing, inferring, listening

D. Values Integration:
Appreciation of God’s creation
Conservation of natural resources

III. Learning Tasks

A. Engagement
Note: Below are suggested instructions to be observed inside the class.

Set Standard on:

Focus and cooperation in all activities.

Write down important notes to gather information.
Observed discipline.
After setting standard, do the following:
Show discipline and cooperation in all activity.
Let them participate in the activity for 10-15 minutes.

B. Exploration:
Preparatory Activity:
Say: Let us learn more about how soil is formed through weathering as we perform
the activity.

Day 1: LM Activity 1 – : “How soil is formed through weathering?”

1. Dived the class into three groups and introduce the activity that each group will be doing.
2. Distribute the provided materials needed in the activity. Give the important reminders
while performing the activity. These include time allotment, the data table to be
accomplished, group presenter/members’ roles and responsibilities, and precautionary
3. Let the pupils do the activities in the LM – “How soil is formed through weathering?”
4. Supervise the pupils while they are doing activities.
5. Pupils will give their group yell right after the activity.
6. Let the pupils report their findings.

Day 2: LM Activity 2 – : “How soil is formed through soil erosion?”

1. Distribute the provided materials needed in the activity. Give the important reminders
while performing the activity. These include time allotment, the data table to be
accomplished, group presenter/members’ roles and responsibilities, and precautionary
2. Let the pupils do the activities in the LM – “How soil is formed through weathering?”
3. Supervise the pupils while they are doing activities.
4. Pupils will give their group song right after the activity.
5. Let the pupils report their findings.

C. Explanation
1. Have each group present their findings.
2. Allot time for each group to present their output.
3. After all the groups have presented discuss the following:
(Note: Refer to the data table for the correct response.)
What is weathering?
Answer: Weathering is the slowly breaking down of rocks into small pieces. It can be
chemical or mechanical weathering.
How soil is formed through weathering?
By disintegration or physical weathering which is a mechanical process that breaks big
mass of rocks into smaller pieces. Water gets into cracks and pores in rocks and as
plant roots grow on the rocks to break.
By decomposition or chemical weathering, which is the process that forms new
substance from minerals in rocks. Water, air and substances dissolved in water react
with minerals in rocks.
What is soil erosion?
Soil erosion is a natural process and is the removal of soil from one location to another.
How soil is formed through soil erosion?
The carrying away of rocks and other materials on the Earth’s surface by wind, water
and gravity break down rocks into smaller pieces.

Background Information for Teachers:

Weathering and erosion work together to change the environment. In nature, large
things get broken down into smaller things over time. Boulders become sand and
mountains become hills.

Weathering is what breaks down rocks and boulders and turns them into tiny pieces
called sediments. It includes disintegration and decomposition. There is no
movement in weathering. Weathering can happen for three different reasons; plants
and animals, strong weather, or chemical changes in the earth or air.

Erosion is what moves the soil and tiny rocks that weathering leaves behind. Erosion
can happen because of gravity pulling soil downhill, or because of strong weather
like rain or wind.


D. Elaboration / extension:
1. What have you learned from the different activities that we have performed?
2. Let the pupils complete the diagram using the meta cards provided.
How soil is formed?



E. Evaluation

Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

1. The formation of _____________ is the product of weathering. It is a precious material

where plant grows.
2. __________ is a mechanical process that breaks big mass of rocks into smaller pieces.
3. __________ is the process that forms new substance from minerals in rocks.
4. __________ is the process of breaking down rocks and boulders and turns them into
tiny pieces called sediments.
5. The carrying away of weathered soil, rock and other materials on the earth’s surface
from location to another is called _____________.


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