the attribute of having a strong offensive smell -
the property of producing abundantly and sustaining vigorous and luxuriant growth "he praised the richness of the soil","weeds lovely in their rankness"
The condition or quality of being rank.
Physical strength; effective force; potency. -
Strength of kind, quality, or degree, in a disparaging sense; hence, extravagance; excess; grossness; repulsiveness: as, rankness of growth; the rankness of a poison, or of one's pride or pretensions. -
Insolence; presumption. -
Strength of growth; rapid or excessive increase; exuberance; extravagance; excess, as of plants, or of the wood of trees. Rankness is a condition often incident to fruit-trees in gardens and orchards, in consequence of which great shoots or feeders are given out with little or no bearing wood. Excessive richness of soil and a too copious supply of manure are generally the inducing causes. -
Excessive fertility; exuberant productiveness, as of soil. -
Offensive or noisome smell or taste; repulsiveness to the senses.
exuberant growth: -
(Shak.) insolence
Close ranks - If members of an organisation close ranks, they show support for each other publicly, especially when being criticised. It is a military term- when soldiers close ranks, they stand closer together so that it is difficult to pass through them.
Pull rank - A person of higher position or in authority pulls rank, he or she exercises his/her authority, generally ending any discussion and ignoring other people's views.
Rank and file - The rank and file are the ordinary members of a company, organisation, etc, excluding the managers and directors.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. rancness, pride
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. ranc, fruitful, rank; Ice. rakkr, bold, Dan. rank, lank, slender.
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The Sporting News ranked all the coaches in the NFL from 1-32 and Cowboys boy wonder Jason Garrett ranked 23rd on the list. nbc56.com
The Hawkeyes , ranked No 27 in the Golfweek/Sagarin College Rankings, finished with a tournament-record score of 24-under 840 at Finkbine Golf Course. golfweek.com
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The UCLA Bruins were 3-0, ranked in the top 20 and already had a signature win over a ranked Nebraska squad. espn.go.com
1 Alabama Crimson Tide, who are coming off a home win against a Top-20 opponent Mississippi State, have a tough test Saturday against another highly-ranked opponent in the fifth-ranked LSU Tigers at Tiger Stadium. espn.go.com
Maryland will play its first game of the season against a ranked opponent on Saturday when it travels to face interstate rival West Virginia, which is ranked No. nst.net
Pioneers Conf Rank CBK Rank. msn.foxsports.com
Bearkats Conf Rank CBK Rank. msn.foxsports.com
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Hk (S ) ≤ rank Hk (T ). (ii) In the constructible case, for (4.5.1) and for every 1 ≤ k ≤ m − 1, ψk and φk are isomorphisms, in particular rank Hk (S ) = rank Hk (T ).
Bounding Betti Numbers of Sets Definable in O-Minimal Structures Over the Reals
Simplify T using Algorithm 2.5. (2) Compute the first homology of T , and let r, t2 and t3 denote the rank, Z2 rank and Z3 rank respectively. (3) Create an input list L of triangulations to process, initial ly containing just T , and an output list O of prime summands, initial ly empty.
Computational topology with Regina: Algorithms, heuristics and implementations
However, if rank(A) = rank(B ) = 2 then rank(CAdA ◦Φ◦AdB ) ≥ 2, so AdA ◦ Φ ◦ AdB 6= id in this case as well.
Generation of Mapping Cones from Small Sets
Remark that the G-co-rank of H is inferior or equal to n, since if the co-rank is superior to n the first stage of the proof shows that we can construct a chain of G-free prime ideals of length strictly greater than n and whose G-co-rank is strictly decreasing.
Some properties of schemes in group theory and Top couples
Suppose that the G-rank of G/P0 is strictly inferior to n; this implies that there exists, i ≤ n such that co-rank(Pi) =co-rank(Pi+1).
Some properties of schemes in group theory and Top couples
Did you remember to invite Doctor Rank? "A Doll's House" by
It is altogether likely that one who pierces the air like an eagle should bear messages between generals of the first rank. "The Forest of Swords" by
Thus far the uniforms were all alike; but there were distinguishing insignia to indicate the rank of each. "Outward Bound" by
Fiercely rained the bullets from rank to rank. "French and English" by
In the war of the Revolution, Washington held the rank of General, and in 1798 the rank of Lieutenant-general. "Elements of Military Art and Science" by
They vary in form according to the rank of the nobleman. "The Manual of Heraldry; Fifth Edition" by
In the sixteenth century they ranked, as they still rank, among the proudest nobles of the Eternal City. "Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2" by
And that was the Boston massacre about which you have heard so much that it would almost seem to rank with that of St. Bartholomew. "American Men of Action" by
The news spread rapidly from rank to rank, carrying alarm wherever it came. "Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15)" by
The ranks of the victors were broken up by private dissensions. "The History of England" by
Went down, both horse and man;
For through their ranks we rode like corn,
So furiously we ran!
Full many a great soul's lot;
Who joins that martyr-army's ranks,
That the world knoweth not; —
To his grievous harm and loss;
A trap for his youth so tender
Is laid by the damsel Fos."
Could redeem from sin and hell;
None but he could reinstate us
In the rank from which we fell.
Morn shone on Ettrick fair,
A corpse amid the alders rank,
The Palmer welter'd there.
Before the battle-shock,
Whose maddest fury beats and breaks
Like foam against the rock.