liquorice-flavored seeds, used medicinally and in cooking and liquors -
native to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery
(Bot) An umbelliferous plant (Pimpinella anisum) growing naturally in Egypt, and cultivated in Spain, Malta, etc., for its carminative and aromatic seeds. -
The fruit or seeds of this plant.
An annual umbelliferous plant, P'impinella Anisum. It is indigenous in Egypt, and is cultivated in Spain and Malta, whence the seed is exported. Anise-seeds have an aromatic smell and a pleasant warm taste; they are largely employed in the manufacture of cordials. When distilled with water they yield a volatile, fragrant, syrupy oil, which separates when cooled into two portions, a light oil and a solid camphor.
an′is an umbelliferous plant, the aromatic seeds of which are used in making cordials. The anise of Matt. xxiii. 23 (Gr. anēthon) is properly the dill
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. anys, F. anis, L. anisum, anethum, fr. Gr. 'a`nison 'a`nhqon
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Gr. anison.
Fennel provides a mild anise-like flavor and some crunch to this dish, but if you can't find it, you can use a couple of stalks of celery instead.
Johnny Monis braises them until tender in a fragrant broth loaded with garlic, star anise, cloves and cinnamon.
Braised Brisket with Plums, Star Anise and Port.
Recipe for star anise brownie cookies.
Brownie cookies get kicked up with star anise.
Its mild, anise flavor will add an authentic note to Italian dishes.
Anise flavor complements soup, salad, much more.
Nibble on Swedish hash browns with Balik salmon roe or veal with duck-liver sauce while you sip schnapps infused with fennel, cumin, and anise into the wee hours.
B's Honey Star Anise Lemonade.
Fennel yields a subtle anise flavor to cooking and makes a great addition to sauces.
Pastis is an anise-flavor liqueur popular throughout the south of France, particularly on the Côte d'Azur in Provence .
Quince must be poached before it is edible, and the poaching offers lots of flavor-imparting opportunity: citrus zest, ginger, vanilla bean, star anise, peppercorns, and cloves may be added.
Often a blend of cinnamon, cloves, fennel seed, star anise and Szechuan peppercorns, five-spice powder was originally considered a cure-all miracle blend encompassing the five elements (sour, bitter, sweet, pungent, salty ).
In São Paulo, my partner, Barry, and I are sniffing out exotic notes (anise.
Strawberry Shortcake with Star Anise Sauce.
Both have a sweet anise-like odour, which is persistent for a long time. "Fungi: Their Nature and Uses" by
Four eggs; one pound of fine granulated sugar; one pound of sifted pastry flour; one teaspoonful of fine anise seed. "Stevenson Memorial Cook Book" by
Chill and serve with dainty cakes, macaroons, Anise wafers, etc. "Fifty-Two Sunday Dinners" by
You have oaten cakes baked some months before; or bread with anise-seed and coriander in it, or perhaps a little pine bark. "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow" by
Some hunters prefer oil of anise, others use bergamont; then some combine these or other scents. "Bee Hunting" by
Its flavour is similar to that of anise, and it is used for the same purposes. "The New Gresham Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 Part 2" by
I have bought scent for many years, but the best scent I can find is skunk essence or oil of anise. "Fox Trapping" by
In conclusion will say that a few drops of oil of anise is the best alluring scent I have found for mink. "Mink Trapping" by
Fish oil, oil of anise, assafoetida and muskrat musk, thoroughly mixed. "Science of Trapping" by
Take the castor sacks of one beaver, add 7 drops of oil sassafras, 7 drops Anise, 10 drops oil from the oil stone. "Steel Traps" by
alone with what is yours, like a summer garden
that is overflowing with masses
of Melissa and star-anise?
Nor, pitying saint, thine intercession claim;
Too closely clings the burden of the day,
And all the mint and anise that I pay
But swells my debt and deepens my self-blame.