apply perfume to "She perfumes herself every day" -
catch the scent of; get wind of "The dog nosed out the drugs" -
cause to smell or be smelly -
any property detected by the olfactory system -
an odor left in passing by which a person or animal can be traced -
a distinctive odor that is pleasant
That which, issuing from a body, affects the olfactory organs of animals; odor; smell; as, the scent of an orange, or of a rose; the scent of musk. "With lavish hand diffuses scents ambrosial." -
To have a smell. "Thunderbolts . . . do scent strongly of brimstone." -
To hunt animals by means of the sense of smell. -
To perceive by the olfactory organs; to smell; as, to scent game, as a hound does. "Methinks I scent the morning air."
To perceive or discern by the smell; smell: as, to scent game. -
To perceive in any way; especially, to have a faint inkling or suspicion of. -
To fill with smell, odor, or effluvium; cause to smell; make fragrant or stinking; perfume. -
To be or become scented; have odor; be odoriferous; smell. -
To hunt or pursue by scent. -
An effluvium from any body capable of affecting the olfactory sense and being perceived as a smell; anything that can be smelled; odor; smell; fragrance or perfume. -
A fragrant liquid distilled from flowers, etc., used to perfume the handkerchief and other articles of dress; a perfume. -
The sense of smell; the faculty of olfaction; smell: as, a hound of nice scent. -
The odoriferous trace of an animal's presence; the effluvium left by an animal in passing, by means of which it may be tracked or trailed by smell; hence, the track of such an animal; the course of its pursuit: as, to lose or recover the scent, as dogs: often used figuratively of any trace by which pursuit or inquiry of any kind can be guided. -
Scraps of paper strewed on the ground by the pursued in the boys' game of hare and hounds, or by the “fox” in a paper-hunt, to enable the pursuers to track them or him. -
Inkling; faint knowledge or suspicion. -
Specilically, the supposed faculty of discerning odors in some way distinct from ordinary physical means. -
= Syn.1. Odor, Fragrance, etc. See smell.
sent to discern by the sense of smell: to perfume: to have some suspicion of -
to become odoriferous: to smell -
a perfume: odour: sense of smell: chase followed by the scent: course of pursuit: scraps of paper strewed on the ground by the pursued in the boys' game of hare and hounds
Scent blood - If you can scent blood, you feel that a rival is having difficulties and you are going to beat them.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Originally sent, fr. F. sentir, to feel, to smell. See Sense
Strange Scent Haunts NBC Studio as Roker Fetes Mystery Novel .
The walls were a soothing blue with tan acents, potpourri filled the bathrooms with flower scent.
Even though I use self-tanner only on my legs, the scent wafts upward, annoying me all day.
Many young people can correctly identify the age of a person based on their scent.
Forget the pricey plane ticket, and check out the scents and sounds of Greece this weekend.
BJ Papas makes it possible for beer to annex just about every part of your life: beer-scented candles, anyone.
Scent 'has an effect on our soul', says perfumer .
Every man loves the sweet scent of barbecue.
Jagged Heart Scents & Crafts.
D'Arcy Egan, The Plain Dealer A hard-charging English pointer is transformed into a dramatic statue in the hunting fields by the delightful scent of a game bird.
So many of us revel when it rains so we can enjoy the scent of the earth.
Touted on site as 'pork- scented lather of the gods'.
Bacon- scented shaving cream hits market.
You're in luck, with the recent release of a bacon- scented shaving cream.
The scent of this playdough brought even my 9-year-old running.
Scents are the means of global communication among modules.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
Thus, smaller values indicate a stronger scent, and a scent gradient is created throughout the structure.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
If in SEARCH mode, propagate scent and move along scent gradient.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
The node scent threshold was T = 12 and maximum branch count B = 6.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
If in SEARCH mode, propagate both scents and move along the regular scent gradient.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
It lasts for all time with those who once sniff the scent of its delicious breath. "The Watchers of the Plains" by
Uncas, Uncas, your behavior was more like that of a curious woman than of a warrior on his scent. "The Last of the Mohicans" by
Even as I think of smells, my nose is full of scents that start awake sweet memories of summers gone and ripening grain fields far away. "The World I Live In" by
The scent of flowers had something sad in its sweetness (as flower-scents often have); the sunset light suggested solemn thoughts. "A Vanished Hand" by
Then, as if they had scented trouble, Mr. and Mrs. "The Combined Maze" by
A pungent fragrance filled the air, and Daoud realized that the candles were scented. "The Saracen: Land of the Infidel" by
That night Dickie slept in sheets of the finest linen, scented with lavender. "Harding's luck" by
She was sweet and fresh with the night air, and sweet with the scent of grain. "The Rainbow" by
The plant is rigid, but brittle, and strong-scented. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by
Then he became aware that the letter was subtly scented. "Cleo The Magnificent" by
Sweet, simple, and apart;
And, from that hour, thy smile hath been
The flower that scents my heart.
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who will call the wild-briar fair?
We may hear thy voice, amidst thousands more,
In the scented woods of our glowing shore,
But we shall not know 'tis thine!
They cannot tell whither they go;
Yet, however it fails of its errand,
Love makes the world sweeter, I know.
Catching the scent of your Wind-stirred hair,
Now, though you spread it to soften my sleep
Through the night, I should hardly care.
To feel 'tis so!--In heart and brain
To know 'tis so!--while warm and wet
I seem to smell those scents again,
Verbena-scents and rain.