snuff colored; of a greyish to yellowish brown -
inhale audibly through the nose "snuff coke" -
sniff or smell inquiringly -
sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose -
finely powdered tobacco for sniffing up the nose -
a pinch of smokeless tobacco inhaled at a single time -
the charred portion of a candlewick
Pulverized tobacco, etc., prepared to be taken into the nose; also, the amount taken at once. -
Resentment, displeasure, or contempt, expressed by a snuffing of the nose. -
The act of snuffing; perception by snuffing; a sniff. -
The part of a candle wick charred by the flame, whether burning or not. "If the burning snuff happens to get out of the snuffers, you have a chance that it may fall into a dish of soup." -
To crop the snuff of, as a candle; to take off the end of the snuff of. -
To draw in, or to inhale, forcibly through the nose; to sniff. "He snuffs the wind, his heels the sand excite." -
To inhale air through the nose with violence or with noise, as do dogs and horses. -
To perceive by the nose; to scent; to smell. -
To turn up the nose and inhale air, as an expression of contempt; hence, to take offense. "Do the enemies of the church rage and snuff ?"
To draw in through the nose with the breath; inhale: as, to snuff the wind; to snuff tobacco. -
To scent; smell; take a sniff of: perceive by smelling. -
To examine by smelling; nose: said of an animal. -
To inhale air vigorously or audibly, as dogs and horses. -
To turn up the nose and inhale air, as in contempt or anger; sniff disdainfully or angrily. -
To smell; especially, to smell curiously or doubtfully. -
To take snuff into the nose. Compare to dip snuff, under dip, v. t. -
Inhalation by the nose; a sniff; also, a pinch of snuff. -
Smell; scent; odor. -
Offense; resentment; huff, expressed by a sniffing. -
A powdered preparation of tobacco taken into the nostrils by inhalation. It is made by grinding, in mortars or mills, the chopped leaves and stalks of tobacco in which fermentation has been induced by moisture and warmth. The tobacco is well dried previous to grinding, and this is carried sometimes so far as to give the peculiar flavor of the high-dried snuffs, such as the Irish, Welsh, and Scotch. Some varieties, as the rappees, are moist. The admixture of different flavoring agents and delicate scents has given rise to fanciful names for snuffs, which, the flavor excepted, are identical. Dry snuffs are often adulterated with quicklime, and the moist kinds with ammonia, hellebore, pearl-ash, etc. -
In therapeutics, any powder with medicinal properties to be snuffed up into the nose. -
To crop the snuff of, as a candle; take off the end of the snuff from. -
The burning part of a candle- or lamp-wick, or the part which has been charred by the flame, whether burning or not. -
A candle almost burnt out, or one having a heavy snuff. -
In mining, same as smift. -
In currying, to smooth or put out with a sleeker. See to put out , under put, intransitive verb
snuf to draw in air violently and noisily through the nose: to sniff: to smell at anything doubtfully: to take snuff into the nose -
to draw into the nose: to smell, to examine by smelling -
a powdered preparation of tobacco or other substance for snuffing, a pinch of such: a sniff: resentment, huff -
the sound made by such: a nasal twang: cant -
snuf to crop or pinch the snuff from, as a burning candle -
the charred portion of a candle or lamp-wick: a candle almost burnt out
Dry as snuff - If something is as dry as snuff, it is very dry indeed.
Up to snuff - If something isn't up to snuff, it doesn't meet the standard expected.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Akin to D. snuffen, G. schnupfen, schnuppen, to snuff, schnupfen, a cold in the head, schnuppen, to snuff (air), also, to snuff (a candle). Cf. Sniff Snout Snub (v. i.)
A southern New Jersey police officer says a state lawmaker helped snuff out a fire that could have severely damaged her home.
(AP) — A southern New Jersey police officer says a state lawmaker helped snuff out a fire that could have severely damaged her home.
Now Westminster College will be the next one to snuff out the smoke.
If you're worried that your murdering skills won't be up to snuff for the zombie apocalypse, invest in some Bleeding Zombie Targets.
Museum worker finds missing snuff box .
Museum worker finds missing snuff box.
Don 't snuff the Pumpkin Parade.
Winterthur Museum Garden and Library has announced that the missing snuff box has been found.
The snuff box was found by a Winterthur staff member and was located in a place where it had never been exhibited.
Waco firefighters responded to a call Saturday and found what appeared to be about an ounce of mercury in a can of snuff on the side of the road, officials said.
Supporters of medical marijuana appeared caught off guard by Sutter County's move to snuff out an identification card program for medicinal users.
As evolved as we like to think we are, able to own and snuff out aspects of our personality when we think we need to, we usually need some sort of painful push for change to initiate.
Winthrop University may snuff smokers.
Learn how to snuff them out.
' Sinister ' review: Snuff stuff.
DA] The entire 4 GeV programme would probably be the first thing to get dropped if the 10 GeV luminosity wasn’t up to snuff.
The future of charm physics: a discussion
The old earl took snuff with extreme deliberateness. "Aunt Rachel" by
There were my ballads, my Ab Gwilym, but then I thought of Taggart and his snuff, his pinch of snuff. "Lavengro The Scholar - The Gypsy - The Priest, Vol. 1 (of 2)" by
There were my ballads, my Ab Gwilym; but then I thought of Taggart and his snuff, his pinch of snuff. "Lavengro The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest" by
His snuff-boxes were numerous and costly. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844" by
The three gentlemen looked at each other and took snuff from the Doctor's gold box. "The Dew of Their Youth" by
Rum-drinking will not cease, till tobacco-chewing, and tobacco-smoking, and snuff-taking, shall cease. "A Disquisition on the Evils of Using Tobacco" by
Look you here, cousin, here's a snuff-box; nay, there's snuff in't: here, will you have any? "Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce" by
They divided the business between them Mr. Morgridge attending to the snuff department, Mr. Mit to the cigar and pipe branch. "Seven Little People and their Friends" by
If any of you have a pinch of snuff to offer me now, I should be obliged to you. "The Three Midshipmen" by
For maybe a full minute there was a dead silence, while Raikes stared down at the locket, and Mr. Tawnish took a pinch of snuff. "The Honourable Mr. Tawnish" by
How the “precious moments” pass
While we snuff the drowsy air
Rich in fragrance of the grass.
To rob your red lips of a kiss,
And for honey, find snuff hidden there,
'Twould deprive you of Love's sweetest bliss!
If Granny had it too!
For early closes such a day,
And wild and dreary is the way;
If dark before he reach the Dell,
What can poor Willie do?
Unboding worse to come,
He has got the Snuff. Far more than food,
Or wine, 'twill warm her poor old blood.
He has it safe at last, at last!
And sets his face for Home.
He stood, or sat upright!
With burning brain, and freezing feet:
And he so young, and life so sweet;
And, bitter thought! what would Gran do
Without her snuff that night?
Might bend him, he was tough;
And when the Blast would take his breath,
With kisses like the kiss of death,
One thought still kept his courage warm—
It was Grandmother's Snuff!