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Flounder, shrimp, smelt and ruffe, inscriptions identify the fish in Latin and Dutch
Flounder, shrimp, smelt and ruffe, inscriptions identify the fish in Latin and Dutch
  1. (v) smelt
    extract (metals) by heating
  2. (n) smelt
    small trout-like silvery marine or freshwater food fishes of cold northern waters
  3. (n) smelt
    small cold-water silvery fish; migrate between salt and fresh water
A mackerel, a smelt, a roundfish, a whiting and another fish. Each fish has its name. The print is part of a series with fish as the subject.
A mackerel, a smelt, a roundfish, a whiting and another fish. Each fish has its name. The print is part of a series with fish as the subject.
Flounder, shrimp, smelt and ruffe, inscriptions identify the fish in Latin and Dutch.
Flounder, shrimp, smelt and ruffe, inscriptions identify the fish in Latin and Dutch.
A shad, a sturgeon, a smelt and a houting are washed up on the beach together with some shells. In the background the sea with some ships. The print is part of a series with fish as the subject.
A shad, a sturgeon, a smelt and a houting are washed up on the beach together with some shells. In the background the sea with some ships. The print is part of a series with fish as the subject.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Smelt
    A gull; a simpleton.
  2. Smelt
    (Zoöl) Any one of numerous species of small silvery salmonoid fishes of the genus Osmerus and allied genera, which ascend rivers to spawn, and sometimes become landlocked in lakes. They are esteemed as food, and have a peculiar odor and taste.
  3. Smelt
    (Metal) To melt or fuse, as, ore, for the purpose of separating and refining the metal; hence, to reduce; to refine; to flux or scorify; as, to smelt tin.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. smelt
    To fuse; melt; specifically, to treat (ore) in the large way, and chiefly in a furnace or by the aid of heat, for the purpose of separating the contained metal. Metallurgical operations carried on in the moist way, as the amalgamation of gold and silver ores in pans, treatment by lixiviation, etc., are not generally designated by the term smelting. Establishments where this is done are more commonly called mills or reduction-works, and those in which iron is smelted are usually designated as blast-furnaces or iron-furnaces. The various smelting operations differ greatly from each other, according to the nature of the combinations operated on. Simple ores, like galena, require only a very simple series of operations, which are essentially continuous in one and the same furnace; more complicated combinations, like the mixtures of various cupriferous ores smelted at Swansea by the English method, require several successive operations, entirely disconnected from each other, and performed in different furnaces. In the most general way, the essential order of succession of the various processes by which the sulphureted ores (and most ores are sulphurets) are treated is as follows:
  2. smelt
    To fuse; melt; dissolve.
  3. (n) smelt
    Any one of various small fishes. A small fish of the family Argentinidæ and the genus Osmerus, The common European smelt is the sparling, O. eperlanus; it becomes about 10 to 12 inches long, and is of an olive-green above and a silvery white below, with a silver longitudinal lateral band. It exhales when fresh a peculiar scent suggesting the cucumber. This fish is prized as a delicacy. The corresponding American smelt is O. mordax, of the Atlantic coast from Virginia northward, anadromous to some extent, and otherwise very similar to the sparling. There are several true smelts of the Pacific coast of North America, as O. thaleichthys, the Californian smelts and O. dentex, the Alaska smelt.
  4. (n) smelt
    A gull; a simpleton.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Smelt
    smelt a fish of the salmon or trout family, having a cucumber-like smell and a delicious flavour.
  2. (v.t) Smelt
    smelt to melt ore in order to separate the metal
Josh Billings
Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.
Josh Billings

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Of foreign origin; cf. Sw. smälta, D. smelten, Dan. smelte, Icel. smelta, G. schmelzen, OHG. smelzan, smelzen,; probably akin to Gr. . Cf. Enamel Melt Mute (v. i.) Smalt

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Scand., Sw. smälta, to smelt.

Usage in the news

It's springtime, which in Duluth means the smelt are running.

Duluth Puppet Troupe Puts On Smelt Fest For Earth Day.

Gloria Baker, branch manager at First Niagara of Lewiston, a NRRCC board of directors member and treasurer, is shown with Ken Scibetta as the " Smelt King".

With the warm spring weather, anglers should be aware that smelt dipping is open on all waters at this time and anglers can take 2 gallons daily.

Smelt 's numbers began declining in the 1970s and '80s, and they took a significant downturn in the 1990s.

NOAA fish biologist Marc Romano, based in Portland, said there wasn't enough specific data about smelt 's migratory pathways to designate critical habitat in the ocean.

Salmon, Delta Smelt and other Fish Populations are at Risk of Becoming Extinct.

NOAA proposes listing smelt as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Wiggy's smelt brings back memories.

In the morning sports, Bob Dailey talks once in a while about the smelt Wiggy's serves on Sunday's.

Smelt Sands01 Click to enlarge.

Smelt are in the Cowlitz, Seagulls come.

Smelt are in the Cowlitz, Seagulls come Click to enlarge.

The modernized smelter will be powered exclusively by wholly owned hydropower and use Rio Tinto Alcan's proprietary AP40 smelting technology to reduce the smelter 's carbon dioxide emissions intensity by approximately 50.

Lovers of Minecraft Are Belting Out Odes to Digging and Smelting .

Usage in scientific papers

Here, Sc ≡ Smelt − S vibr where Smelt is the entropy of the metastable liquid phase, and S vibr is the entropy of an ideal amorphous-solid phase (ideal glass) in which only vibrations are active; C is nearly constant, and τ0 is the relaxation time in the high temperature limit.
Can experiments select the configurational component of excess entropy?

Circles represent the excess entropy of the liquid over the crystal, Sexc = Smelt − S crystal, calculated from experimental calorimetric data.
Can experiments select the configurational component of excess entropy?

The authors acknowledge the cooperation of the Kamioka Mining and Smelting Company.
Search for anti-electron-neutrinos from the Sun at Super-Kamiokande-I

Smelt, Fixed point varieties on the space of lattices, Bull.
Affine pavings for affine Springer fibers for split elements in PGL(3)

Usage in literature

Old Laird Fisher was trundling a wheelbarrow on the bank of the smelting-house. "A Son of Hagar" by Sir Hall Caine

A school of smelt, seeking the quiet water of the bank, fought their way upstream. "Lady Luck" by Hugh Wiley

Suddenly he smelt the acrid odour of burning cotton. "Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 and 2 (of 2)" by F. Marion Crawford

It smelt very cold and mysterious. "Fairy Prince and Other Stories" by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

So then I smelt something deeper. "Stingaree" by E. W. (Ernest William) Hornung

For instance, a copper ore may be smelted and a 99% recovery obtained. "Principles of Mining" by Herbert C. Hoover

One of the youngsters with me, bruising the bracken and snuffing it, said it smelt of almond and cucumber. "Waiting for Daylight" by Henry Major Tomlinson

Where Milton forges and smelts, his gold is native. "A History of English Literature" by George Saintsbury

She was fond of perfumes, and this seemed to her the most delicious thing she ever smelt. "Nine Little Goslings" by Susan Coolidge

As I idled about it, I smelt a curious odor of melting rubber. "The Golden Face" by William Le Queux

Usage in poetry
YOU smelt the Heaven-blossoms,
And all the sweet embosoms
The dear
Uranian year.
And smelt the wall-flower in the crag
Whereon that dainty waft had fed,
Which made the bell-hung cowslip wag
Her delicate head;
Still struggling, faint, he led her on
Tow'rd the fatal bow'r,
So still--so dim--while all along
Sweet smelt each blushing flow'r.
All night in dreams, for I smelt,
In the rain-wet woods and fields,
The coming flowers and the glad green hours
That summer yields.
The sun had dried the garden seat;
The tall lithe flax nor bent nor swayed;
The tassels of the lime smelt sweet
Within the circle of its shade.
When the body might tree, and there was use in walking,
In October time — crystal air-time and free words were talking.
In my mind with light tunes and bright streams ran free.
When the earth smelt leaves shone and air and cloud had glee.