not as expected "there was something fishy about the accident","up to some funny business","some definitely queer goings-on","a shady deal","her motives were suspect","suspicious behavior" -
of or relating to or resembling fish "the soup had a fishy smell"
Consisting of fish; fishlike; having the qualities or taste of fish; abounding in fish. -
Extravagant, like some stories about catching fish; improbable; also, rank or foul.
Abounding in fish; inhabited by fish: as, the fishy flood. -
Like fish; having a fish-like quality: as, a fishy taste or smell. -
Extravagant, as a story; dubious or incredible, like many stories told about fishing and fishes. Compare fish-story. -
Dull and expressionless, like the eye of a fish. -
Equivocal, unsafe, or unsound, as a speculation or a course of conduct: as, a fishy venture. -
Plucky; brave; sturdy and enduring; thorough and faithful in duty: as, fishy to the backbone; a fishy man.
consisting of fish: like a fish: abounding in fish: dubious, as a story: equivocal, unsafe
Fishy - If there is something fishy about someone or something, there is something suspicious; a feeling that there is something wrong, though it isn't clear what it is.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. fisc; Ger. fisch; Ice. fiskr; L. piscis; Gr. ichthys; Gael. iasg.
ABC's Avila Launches Fishy Food Attack.
There really is something fishy about the latest hot dogs in the meat case.
Fishy campaign donations in '08.
Dead animals, harvest of fishy and fowl claims.
But, as usual with Avila's reporting, something seems fishy.
Something fishy is going on at Cedar Lane Farms.
Hear something fishy in the #Veepdebate tonight.
Inspectors find something fishy at a Cancun Seafood.
Robotics competition got students pointed in the right direction *Something fishy about Constitution Pipeline *Christians act as if they own the season *Use Curry Road Plaza land for green space.
Now That's A Fishy Tale.
The Washington Post takes some Senate bait for its page-one story about the long-term unemployed, and the result, is, well, a little fishy.
Don't let a couple of "fishy" reports sway you.
Something's fishy with omega -3s.
A one-sided story that's a little fishy.
Julianne has rubbed me the wrong and I found her whole break up with Chuck Wicks "fishy".
That would certainly sound fishy. "The Strange Adventures of Mr. Middleton" by
Two or three onions in the dressing of wild ducks, takes out the fishy taste they are apt to have. "The American Housewife" by
But I'm not the fishy type of woman. "The Prairie Child" by
By the time we have finished we are rather fishy but very much more satisfied. "Round the Wonderful World" by
Damn you, Blake, this whole deal looks fishy to me!... "Valley of Wild Horses" by
The town itself is just like the fishy part of Boulogne-sur-Mer, only more so. "Literary Tours in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland" by
A squid was drying on a pole and scenting the air with its fishy odors. "Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 26, October, 1880" by
There's something fishy about that yacht. "The Red Hand of Ulster" by
What is it, little fishy, that you're up here looking for? " Collection" by
Domber had a fishy coldness about him that was chilling. "A Yankee Flier Over Berlin" by
Down in the swift, clear river
Began to bustle all about,
His fishy chin a-quiver.
And now the smells begin
Of fishy Swampscott, salt Nahant,
And leather-scented Lynn.
I take advantage of the fact to say
His fishy carcase has no virtue in it
The gunning idiot's worthless hire to pay.
Heroic who came out; for round them hung
A wavering phantom's red volcano tongue,
With league-long lizard tail and fishy fin:
With my own love, and speak so low
That not a fishy thing shall hear
The secrets passing to and fro
Amid the moonlight poetries.
O moonshine, how unman us so?
But finally they jealous grew,
And sounded loud recalls;
But vainly. So these fishy males
Declared they too would clothe their tails
In silken hose and smalls.