Preterit and past participle of mean.
(pa.t., pa.p)
of mean (v.t.).
39.99 for Windows 8 Pro – and upgrading the tablet meant I wasn't damaging my main computer if I didn't like the way things went.
But the general contractor was behind schedule, which meant more manpower, more hours, which cost us a fortune.
As a playwright in Cuba, Carmen Duarte knew all too well what state-controlled repression meant.
Sheboygan Falls — A few years ago, winning the State Amateur Championship meant everything to Kyle Murphy.
Several embryos were found near the broken eggs, which meant the swans would have hatched in about three weeks.
In this program, Kathleen speaks about what JPII meant when he said that he hoped to "rekindle Eucharistic amazement.".
Defence lawyers reveal more than they meant to in a closely watched legal case.
Data center project could make DHS what it was meant to be.
I finally grasped what Bill Bradley meant by Iowa's " entrenched power" when I saw the man on horseback.
The sweeps are part of a two-part process meant to eradicate rats from Ridgeleigh, Hillendale, Knettishall, Ridgely Oaks, Loch Raven Village, Towson Manor Village and parts of Towson Park.
The Life You're Meant to Live.
I wanted to inquire just what she meant.
Here is our expanded, yearly listing of publishers' presence on Twitter, meant to show as wide of a range as possible.
Back then, limited distribution and difficulty discovering bands meant you really had to dig and become something of an obsessive.
Are we meant to take Rick Perry as John Wayne or Jerry Lewis.
We have studied the phase behavior of a simple model system that is meant to mimic membrane proteins confined in a quasi-two-dimensional geometry.
Phase Behavior of a Simple Model for Membrane Proteins
The reader should be warned that the qualification “chiral” is meant here in a different sense than in the term chiral CFT; it refers to the fact that a state is annihilated by half of the supersymmetry charges.
Conformal field theory, boundary conditions and applications to string theory
Which cosmology is the most symmetric? This question raises another: What is meant by ”most symmetric”? The notion of a Lie symmetry is a natural one when applied to systems of differential equations.
Is Nature Generic?
The basic problem is defining what is meant at finite temperature by a material under tension.
Formal Considerations about Fracture: Nucleation and Growth
These numbers are meant to indicate, in some sense to be defined, how likely it is that proposition b is true given that proposition a is known.
Physics with exotic probability theory
Still, the dwarf was meant to be funny. "Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens" by
And do you think he meant it? "Fair Harbor" by
She had meant well, and I had certainly meant well too. "Chance" by
Such milk in Kentish Town meant money. "How It All Came Round" by
Was that what my Aunt Kezia meant? "Out in the Forty-Five" by
What is meant by harmony of thought and expression? "Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism" by
The action meant gestures, and gestures meant sweeps and circles. "Emmy Lou" by
Later you may read him the story the artist meant to illustrate. "Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10" by
Perhaps he had meant some other James Conway. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906" by
Of course, I shall accept him when he does, and I coolly told Alicia so when she just as coolly asked me what I meant to do. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908" by
And shivered as I went;
Yet shivering wondered, and I wonder still,
What more that willow meant;
As though it meant to speak;
And thrice it mov'd its mutt'ring lip,
But silence did not break.
And I smiled on him as he went.
My son, 'twas well he couldn't know
My darkest dread, nor what it meant--
Of what Thy world was meant to be;
Thy beauty all things shining through,
Thy love in all the works we do.
The wind the wind had meant to be -
A little through the lips and throat.
The aim was song - the wind could see.
by her gift, but the sun returns
unbidden. Books get read and written.
My mother comes to visit. My father's