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Fine Dictionary


Interior with a young woman warming herself by the fireplace, her undergarments partially lifted, exposing her buttocks. In her left hand she holds the "Gothic Novel" The Monk, written by Matthew Gregory Lewis. The interior contains various references to love, such as the painting with Danaë on the wall, the mantel clock with putti and two open books entitled: The Kisses and Oeconomy of Love.
Interior with a young woman warming herself by the fireplace, her undergarments partially lifted, exposing her buttocks. In her left hand she holds the "Gothic Novel" The Monk, written by Matthew Gregory Lewis. The interior contains various references to love, such as the painting with Danaë on the wall, the mantel clock with putti and two open books entitled: The Kisses and Oeconomy of Love.
  1. (adj) warm
    of a seeker; near to the object sought "you're getting warm","hot on the trail"
  2. (adj) warm
    uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble "made things warm for the bookies"
  3. (adj) warm
    characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement "a warm debate"
  4. (adj) warm
    characterized by strong enthusiasm "ardent revolutionaries","warm support"
  5. (adj) warm
    easily aroused or excited "a quick temper","a warm temper"
  6. (adj) warm
    freshly made or left "a warm trail","the scent is warm"
  7. (adj) warm
    having or displaying warmth or affection "affectionate children","a fond embrace","fond of his nephew","a tender glance","a warm embrace"
  8. (adj) warm
    having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat "a warm body","a warm room","a warm climate","a warm coat"
  9. (adj) warm
    psychologically warm; friendly and responsive "a warm greeting","a warm personality","warm support"
  10. (adj) warm
    (color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows "warm reds and yellows and orange"
  11. (adv) warm
    in a warm manner "warmly dressed","warm-clad skiers"
  12. (v) warm
    make warm or warmer "The blanket will warm you"
  13. (v) warm
    get warm or warmer "The soup warmed slowly on the stove"
Skating fun on the ice. Near the shore is a tent where skaters warm up and tie their irons. On the left two sleds with horses. In the distance you can see the next village with a church and windmills.
Skating fun on the ice. Near the shore is a tent where skaters warm up and tie their irons. On the left two sleds with horses. In the distance you can see the next village with a church and windmills.
On the Parnassus the muses warm themselves by the fire of a book burning. To the left in the background Pegasus throws off a writer. With an empty margin.
On the Parnassus the muses warm themselves by the fire of a book burning. To the left in the background Pegasus throws off a writer. With an empty margin.
An old woman warming her hands over a stove, praying with a rosary between her fingers. With two-line Latin verse.
An old woman warming her hands over a stove, praying with a rosary between her fingers. With two-line Latin verse.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He takes his son in his arms as he begs for forgiveness. Other family members are waiting in the background.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He takes his son in his arms as he begs for forgiveness. Other family members are waiting in the background.
The winter. The masculine personification of the winter season as an old man warming himself by a fire. Landscape with winter activities such as ice skating (right) and slaughter (left). In the sky the constellations: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. In the caption a verse of 4 lines in Latin.
The winter. The masculine personification of the winter season as an old man warming himself by a fire. Landscape with winter activities such as ice skating (right) and slaughter (left). In the sky the constellations: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. In the caption a verse of 4 lines in Latin.
An old man is sitting by the fire to warm himself. Amor takes his hands and warms the old man's numb fingers.
An old man is sitting by the fire to warm himself. Amor takes his hands and warms the old man's numb fingers.
The prodigal returns home and is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He has new clothes put on for his son. The print is part of a four-part series about the parable of the prodigal son.
The prodigal returns home and is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. He has new clothes put on for his son. The print is part of a four-part series about the parable of the prodigal son.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. In the background, a calf is being slaughtered for a feast to celebrate the return of the son.
The prodigal returns home. He is met there by his father, who welcomes him warmly. In the background, a calf is being slaughtered for a feast to celebrate the return of the son.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Penguins feathers are covered in fat, which helps keep them warm.
  1. Warm
    Being well off as to property, or in good circumstances; forehanded; rich. "Warm householders, every one of them.", "You shall have a draft upon him, payable at sight: and let me tell you he as warm a man as any within five miles round him."
  2. Warm
    Fig.: Not cool, indifferent, lukewarm, or the like, in spirit or temper; zealous; ardent; fervent; excited; sprightly; irritable; excitable. "Mirth, and youth, and warm desire!", "Each warm wish springs mutual from the heart.", "They say he's warm man and does not care to be mad mouths at.", "I had been none of the warmest of partisans."
  3. Warm
    Having a sensation of heat, esp. of gentle heat; glowing.
  4. Warm
    Having heat in a moderate degree; not cold as, warm milk. "Whose blood is warm within.", "Warm and still is the summer night."
  5. Warm
    (Paint) Having yellow or red for a basis, or in their composition; -- said of colors, and opposed to cold which is of blue and its compounds.
  6. Warm
    In children's games, being near the object sought for; hence, being close to the discovery of some person, thing, or fact concealed. "Here, indeed, young Mr. Dowse was getting “ warm ,” children say at blindman's buff."
  7. Warm
    Subject to heat; having prevalence of heat, or little or no cold weather; as, the warm climate of Egypt.
  8. Warm
    The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a warming; a heating.
  9. Warm
    To become ardent or animated; as, the speaker warms as he proceeds.
  10. Warm
    To become warm, or moderately heated; as, the earth soon warms in a clear day summer. "There shall not be a coal to warm at."
  11. Warm
    To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; to render warm; to supply or furnish heat to; as, a stove warms an apartment. "Then shall it [an ash tree] be for a man to burn; for he will take thereof and warm himself.", "Enough to warm , but not enough to burn."
  12. Warm
    To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal; to enliven. "I formerly warmed my head with reading controversial writings.", "Bright hopes, that erst bosom warmed ."
  13. Warm
    Violent; vehement; furious; excited; passionate; as, a warm contest; a warm debate. "Welcome, daylight; we shall have warm work on't."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which can cause sleepiness (warm milk also contains tryptophan).
  1. warm
    Having a moderate degree of heat; not cold: as, warm water; warm milk; warm blood; a warm bath.
  2. warm
    Heated; having the sensation of heat; exhibiting the effects of being heated to a moderate degree; hence, flushed.
  3. warm
    Communicating a sensation of warmth, or a moderate degree of heat: as, a warm fire; warm weather.
  4. warm
    Subject to or characterized by the prevalence of a comparatively high temperature, or of moderate heat: as, a warm climate; warm countries.
  5. warm
    Intimate; close; fast: as, warm friends.
  6. warm
    Hearty; earnest: as, a warm welcome; warm thanks.
  7. warm
    Fresh: said of a scent or trail.
  8. warm
    Close to something that is sought, as in games involving search or guessing; on the right track; on the way to success, as in searching or hunting for something.
  9. warm
    Comfortable; well-off; moderately rich; in easy circumstances.
  10. warm
    Comfortably fixed or placed; at home; acquainted; well adjusted.
  11. warm
    Undesirable; unpleasant, as on account of unpopularity or obnoxiousness to law, etc.
  12. warm
    Ardent; earnest; full of zeal, ardor, or affection; enthusiastic; zealous.
  13. warm
    Animated; brisk; keen; heated; hot: as, a warm engagement.
  14. warm
    Stirred up; somewhat excited; hot; nettled: as, to become warm when contradicted.
  15. warm
    Having the ardor of affection or passion.
  16. warm
    Having too much ardor; coarse; indelicate.
  17. warm
    Synonyms Sunny, mild, close, oppressive.
  18. warm
    Earnest, hearty, enthusiastic, eager.—1–6. Warm is distinctly weaker than hot, fervent, fervid, fiery, vehement, passionate.
  19. (n) warm
    Warmth; heat.
  20. (n) warm
    An act or process of warming; a heating.
  21. warm
    To become warm or moderately heated; communicate warmth.
  22. warm
    To warm one's self.
  23. warm
    To become ardent, animated, or enthusiastic.
  24. warm
    To make warm. To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; impart warmth to.
  25. warm
    To heat up; excite ardor or zeal in; interest; animate; enliven; inspirit; give life and color to; flush; cause to glow.
  26. warm
    To administer castigation to: as, I'll warm him for that piece of mischief.
  27. warm
    Figuratively, to occupy.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
When young and impoverished, Pablo Picasso kept warm by burning his own paintings.
  1. (adj) Warm
    wawrm having moderate heat, hot: subject to heat: zealous: easily excited: violent: enthusiastic: intimate, close: fresh, of a scent: :
  2. (v.t) Warm
    to make warm: to interest: to excite:
  3. (v.i) Warm
    to become warm or ardent
  4. (n) Warm
    (coll.) a heating
  5. (adj) Warm
    wawrm (coll.) comfortable, well-off
  6. (adj) Warm
    wawrm (coll.) indelicate
  7. (v.t) Warm
    (coll.) to beat
Eugene O'Neill
One should either be sad or joyful. Contentment is a warm sty for eaters and sleepers.
Eugene O'Neill
Chop your own wood, and it will warm you twice.
Henry Ford
Clare Boothe Luce
I don't have a warm personal enemy left. They've all died off. I miss them terribly because they helped define me.
Clare Boothe Luce
A ray of sunshine, a balmy breeze Are a gift from God above, And He also gives us faithful friends. To warm our hearts with love.
Source Unknown
James Russell Lowell
The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere.
James Russell Lowell
One kind word can warm 3 winter months.
Japanese Proverb

Death warmed up - (UK) If someone looks like death warmed up, they look very ill indeed. ('death warmed over' is the American form)

Warm and fuzzy - Meaning the feeling evoked as though you were enclosed in a warm and fuzzy blanket.

Warm the cockles of your heart - If something warms the cockles of your heart, it makes you feel happy.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. wearm,; akin to OS., OFries., D., & G. warm, Icel. varmr, Sw. & Dan. varm, Goth. warmjan, to warm; probably akin to Lith. virti, to cook, boil; or perhaps to Skr. gharma, heat, OL. formus, warm. ,

Usage in the news

Twinkle's Tips DIY warm winter tips.

A warm winter followed by a sudden April freeze left Minnesota apple orchard s struggling to produce a full crop this fall, but an orchard in Buffalo is experiencing something entirely different.

Greetings from a warm (64 degrees.

Johnson County Equipment and Party Rental: Cold start, warm reception.

Even though we are experiencing warm days in October recently, snow is falling (or being made) in the Colorado Mountains.

It will be warm & breezy today with lots of clouds but also some sunshine.

The Jersey Barnyard near La Grange gives you a warm, fuzzy introduction to a working farm.

Evan Thompson in warm, blue Nicaragua more.

A chilly start to this Friday morning but we'll warm up to the low 70's today.

That's what the future looks like in a warming world: a monster bear market robbing the world of its real riches.

A warm, gooey confection of a film.

In large bowl, sprinkle yeast over the warm water.

Enjoy a warm summer night in Lahaina this Friday at their Second Friday Town Party.

This photo feels really warm, but not brain-melting warm.

Nah, it just looks warm.

Usage in scientific papers

Note also that, in general, the warm infrared galaxies and QSOs populate similar areas of both plots.
Molecular Gas in Infrared-Excess, Optically-Selected QSOs and the Connection with Infrared Luminous Galaxies

Note.—Two additional PG QSOs were previously detected as part of a survey of CO emission in “warm” ULIGs.
Molecular Gas in Infrared-Excess, Optically-Selected QSOs and the Connection with Infrared Luminous Galaxies

Warm clouds associated with Hi i regions are also found to have β = 2 (Gordon 1988).
The SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey II. 450 micron data - evidence for cold dust in bright IRAS Galaxies

Model number. (2) Warm temperature distribution.
The SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey II. 450 micron data - evidence for cold dust in bright IRAS Galaxies

We can now investigate this further using the extra information we have about how the dust is split into warm and cool components.
The SCUBA Local Universe Galaxy Survey II. 450 micron data - evidence for cold dust in bright IRAS Galaxies

Usage in literature

It kept them warm and cooked their food by day, and protected them by night. "Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children" by Mabel Powers

She seemed to warm him into a deeper sleep. "Erik Dorn" by Ben Hecht

On the upper deck, a lady, clad in warm cloak and thick veil, walked tirelessly to and fro. "A Woman who went to Alaska" by May Kellogg Sullivan

If a child is suffering from colic, it should be thoroughly warmed and kept warm. "Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners" by B.G. Jefferis

That "Uncle Steve" so naturally said warmed his heart to a passionate degree. "The Heart of Unaga" by Ridgwell Cullum

Her brown skin was relieved by a warm color in the cheeks and the red, rather smiling lips. "A Little Girl in Old Quebec" by Amanda Millie Douglas

In warm weather they wore short sleeves, though a pair of long sleeves were made for cool days. "A Little Girl in Old New York" by Amanda Millie Douglas

A warm, rich affection blesses the one who gives and the one who receives. "The Physical Life of Woman:" by Dr. George H Napheys

I would dress warmly. "Chatterbox, 1906" by Various

Does his heart warm to her? "Floyd Grandon's Honor" by Amanda Minnie Douglas

Usage in poetry
But I like little Olga,
Her art is so warm;
And if I don't see her
She'll do me no harm.
Wow! but we were near, I ween,
Puin' o' the blaeberrie!
A' the air was warm between,
Heigho the blaeberrie!
'Is it warm or cold beneath,
Oh, but is it cold like death?
Cold like death, without a breath,
Cold like death?'
Why does the warm light of the sun
No longer cheer my eyes?
And why is all the beauty gone
From rosy morning skies?
When, in the shadow of the ash
That dreams its dream in Attitash,
In the warm summer weather,
Two maidens sat together.
And when the sun no longer
Doth cheer thee from above,
I'll warm thee, as thou fadest away,
With sighs of endless love.