Ill-spent; badly or uselessly employed: as, misspent time; a misspent life.
Audit finds Kansas Bioscience Authority's former leader misspent funds, destroyed documents. kansas.com
Afghans concur with Congress that aid money is often misspent. csmonitor.com
Explore how HUD spent, misspent or never spent $3.2 billion on housing construction across America. ashingtonpost.com
Nothing to Show we Misspent Anything. ketr.org
Grant has admitted that some of the funds from investors were misspent, he said. newsobserver.com
State investigation finds Mt Hood instructors may have misspent funds. portlandtribune.com
District Audit Finds Money Misspent . districtadministration.com
Japan's tsunami funds were misspent , government audit finds. globalpost.com
MMM > News > Amid misspent billions, the promise of personalized medicine. mmm-online.com
Auditors say funds misspent for Harmony campuses. mysanantonio.com
Romney's claims of misspent stimulus money. ashingtonpost.com
Federal stimulus money spent on home weatherization improvements for low-income-families is being wasted or misspent , according to Tennessee's Comptroller of the Treasury. marshalltribune.com
Arpaio's office misspent $80M in tax money. azcapitoltimes.com
Joe Arpaio's office misspent funds, analysis says. azcentral.com
Chris Cox, (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, told 60 Minutes ' Steve Kroft how too much of the $10 billion for homeland security was misspent . cbsnews.com
These were care-free, irresponsible days, and not, I am now convinced, entirely misspent. "The Trail of '98" by
Pierre lives over again in swift review years of a misspent past. "Oswald Langdon" by
My time during the last three years will not have been misspent. "At Aboukir and Acre" by
They talked, a little soberly, of thrift, and of their misspent years. "Pipefuls" by
The students' time is not misspent. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, April 1, 1914" by
Never, in many misspent days, had Altieri seen a more radiant vision. "Stradella" by
You have misspent time enough. "The Young Man's Guide" by
The whole ghastly revelation of a misspent life lay before them. "The Story of the Outlaw" by
If the work be foolish, it surely is not less foolish because an honest and misspent lifetime has been passed in producing it. "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies" by
In the coming years she will look back upon these moments with real pride, or regret, according to how she spent, or misspent them. "The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4)" by
Brooding on hours misspent,
To see the spectre of Despair
Come to our lonely tent;
Like Brutus, 'midst his slumbering host,
Summoned to die by Caesar's ghost.
That golden "Then" misspent, passed by,
We shall not meet as loved and lover
Here, or hereafter, you and I.
My time for loving you is over,
Love has no future, but to die.
Sees not the spectre of his misspent time?
And, through the shade
Of funeral cypress planted thick behind,
Hears no reproachful whisper on the wind
From his loved dead?
I have injured man or woman, it was done without intent.
If at times I blundered blindly—bitter heart and aching brow—
If I wrote a line unkindly—I am sorry for it now.