decorating with a design -
representing figuratively as by emblem or allegory
(Mus) Mixture of concords and discords. -
The act of giving figure or determinate form; determination to a certain form.
Formation as to figure or outline; external conformation; determination to a certain form: as, the figuration of crystals. -
The act or process of figuring; a shaping into form, or a marking or impressing with a figure or figures. -
In music: In strict composition, such as fugue-writing, the introduction of passing-notes into the counterpoint -
In general composition, the process, act, or result of rhythmically, melodically, or contrapuntally varying or elaborating a theme by adding passing-notes or accompaniment figures, or even by transforming single tones into florid passages -
The preparation of a figured bass (which see. under bass). -
In phillol., change in the form of words without change of sense. -
Figurative representation; prefiguration.
act of giving figure or form: -
(mus.) mixture of chords and discords
Ballpark figure - A ballpark figure is a rough or approximate number (guesstimate) to give a general idea of something, like a rough estimate for a cost, etc.
Father figure - A father figure is an older man, often in a position of power or authority, who commands great respect and inspires feelings like those for a father.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. figuratio,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. figura, fingĕre, to form.
Figures show struggle worsening for single mothers.
Census figures alone make clear this isn't a voting bloc that can be written off.
They are like figures in a piece of Pop art: blandly good-looking in a generic sort of way, devoid of surface idiosyncracy though possibly seething within.
As I make my way down to New Orleans, I figured I'd check in and let you know that the Detroit Lions are as healthy as they've been in some time as Saturday night's wild-card game against the Saints approaches.
It's hard to figure how many miracles — at least the way miracles are defined in sport — teams are allowed in a given tournament.
A novel portrayal of an infamous figure.
So we've passed the halfway mark of the regular season now, and Week 5 was mighty revealing in figuring out what's what in terms of the playoffs.
Starting in October, a huge botnet will be run not by nefarious underground figures but by the Energy Department's Sandia National Laboratories.
Scientists are still trying to figure out what beauty means to people.
Tufts wrote "The Art of Handbell Ringing" in the early 1960s and became a nationally recognized figure in the field.
Sophomore Ryan Sabin was 4-of-6 from three-point range for 12 points, one of five Lakers to reach double-figures in Monday's win over Michigan-Dearborn.
Some of the most recognizable sports figures in Wisconsin will pair up with the world's best LPGA players to tee-off at Blackwolf Run on the opening day of US Women's Open Championship Week, July 2, 2012.
They mean that, both literally and figuratively.
"Two Figures" by Isaac AlaridPease.
I fancied I cut quite a figure in the Halls of Ivy.
Thus for xsd < 1.7747, the upstream side corresponds to an asymptotic inflow far from the centre (solution 3 of Figure 9) and for xsd > 1.7747, the upstream side corresponds to an asymptotic outflow (wind) far from the centre (solution 1 of Figure 9).
Self-Similar Polytropic Champagne Flows in H II Regions
We reparametrize again to introduce additional 2-paths, which are thickened 1-paths, constant horizontally (e.g. ˆγij in Figure 2 or constant vertically (e.g. γik in Figure 2), or thickened points, constant both horizontally and vertically (pijkl in Figure 2).
A Cubical Set Approach to 2-Bundles with Connection and Wilson Surfaces
The spectra for the regions of different surface emissivity apparent in Figure 1 are plotted separately in Figure 3. A dim rectangular region A and a bright dot D1 indicated in Figure 1 have drastically different spectra above 0.1 keV in the model.
Dots, clumps and filaments: the intermittent images of synchrotron emission in random magnetic fields of young supernova remnants
Simulations of the expected value the spectral distribution for various finite random trees are shown in Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3.
Spectra of large random trees
Figure 6.2 shows the average of the sysRatio ρ as a function of k where in Figure 6.2(A) we used Gzip as the compressor that estimates the Kolmogorov complexity and in Figure 6.2 (B) we used the PPM algorithm as compressor.
Random scattering of bits by prediction
It was Austin Turold who caused a diversion in this group of lay figures by walking to the table and helping himself to a whisky-and-soda. "The Moon Rock" by
Stockton seemed to Inez a gallant figure. "Port O' Gold" by
Besides, I asked one of the leading doctors at Varallo whether the figure was man or woman. "The Humour of Homer and Other Essays" by
Berlioz is another figure of a bold innovator, whose career seemed a series of failures, yet whose music will not down. "Symphonies and Their Meaning; Third Series, Modern Symphonies" by
I figure that in just one thousand years I can read hieroglyphics without a pony. "The Art Of The Moving Picture" by
Facts and figures from publications may be copied for future use. "How To Write Special Feature Articles" by
Young Scott followed his figure with his eyes until it disappeared in the crowd. "The Forest of Swords" by
The boy soon saw two figures upon the hill, the shapes of horse and man, outlined in black against the sun, which was now declining in the west. "The Texan Scouts" by
He was at once a powerful and sinister figure. "The Texan Star" by
There, in every point, was the figure he had vainly sought for his picture, and it was almost in the right pose. "His Masterpiece" by
Soon are gather'd there whole races,
Their relationship to show him.
And as great-grandfather, nobly
Stands Jamblika's youthful figure.
A famous high top-hat and plain worn shawl
Make him the quaint great figure that men love,
The prairie-lawyer, master of us all.
Dipped in the battles' wine
Another picture is outspread
Where still the figures shine--
The picture of a deadly fray
Worthy the pencil of Vernet!
O'er thy pale cheek appears its wonted smile;
With lunar lustre beam those looks of love,
That once could life of ev'ry care beguile:
In mindless rote, has ruled from sight
The substance now, one phantom figure
Remains on the slope, as when that night
Saw us alight.
What spectral figures mocked those staring eyes,
Luring them on to Stygian mysteries?
What overpowering sense of grief distressed?