(medicine) the formation of morbific matter in an abscess or a vesicle and the discharge of pus -
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children" -
coming to full development; becoming mature
The process of bringing, or of coming, to maturity; hence, specifically, the process of suppurating perfectly; the formation of pus or matter.
The process of ripening or coming to maturity; a bringing to maturity; hence, a carrying out; consummation. -
In medicine, a ripening or maturing, as of an abscess; formation of pus; suppuration. -
In cytology and embryology, the final stage in the development of the germcells (ovum and spermatozoön). This stage is characterized by certain changes in the chromosomes, especially a reduction in their number to one half of that of the chromosomes in the somatic or body cells.
a bringing or a coming to maturity: the process of suppurating fully
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. maturatio, a hastening: cf. F. maturation,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. maturāre—maturus, ripe.
Decreased demand for paper mill cores in mature markets has made the market situation tighter — Mats Nordlander, EVP, Stora Enso Packaging Business Area.
Editor's note: This story and video contain mature subject matter.
She will explain why protein is so important to our maturing population.
The company says system builders in a mature notebook market no longer need the Verified by Intel initiative.
Most "mature" readers surely have heard the old saw about newlyweds, the first year of marriage, and a jar of nickels.
"Expect social CRM to split into several as the technologies mature," says one report author.
Religious education, moral maturation go together.
Green peppercorns come from the same plant as black ones, but are harvested before they mature.
Intertape Polymer extends ABL maturity to 2017.
The more seeds, the bigger the berry and the longer it takes to reach maturity.
Do girls grow up and lose their edge, while boys mature and gain theirs.
A college football fan accused of spiking mature oak trees with an herbicide in Birmingham, Ala. Was arrested at a Louisiana Lowe's store following an argument at the returns desk over a lawn mower refund.
With the adoption of SOAs moving beyond pilot stages, underlying Web services standards are also maturing.
Every spring, mature crabs shed their old shells and start growing bigger ones.
A starch scale specifically for Honeycrisp apples is now available for growers in Washington State to help them assess the fruit maturity.
A first order comparison between our research efforts in the implementation of a BLC in microdots and the one presented in Krist et al. (2009) can be initiated to further validate the maturity and validity of the approach.
Band-Limited Coronagraphs using a halftone-dot process: II. Advances and laboratory results for arbitrary telescope apertures
Nevertheless, the single-mask technique appears quite mature and was chosen for the production of our large prototypes.
Construction and Performance of Large-Area Triple-GEM Prototypes for Future Upgrades of the CMS Forward Muon System
Thanks to its high-level interactive nature and its maturing ecosystem of scientific libraries, it is an appealing choice for algorithmic development and exploratory data analysis (Dubois, 2007; Milmann and Avaizis, 2011).
Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
One possibility is to test for the stationarity of the DAU of Zynga since it entered its maturation phase.
When games meet reality: is Zynga overvalued?
Aurora is a popular model for stream data, which has matured into a commercial product, i.e. the StreamBase engine.
Cloud and the City: Facilitating Flexible Access Control over Data Streams
They do not mature yet, but it is expected that favorable years will mature these nuts. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting" by
A slim little thing, perfectly formed and matured, and inches shorter than I. "Tarrano the Conqueror" by
The plan was at last fully matured. "Peter the Great" by
His essays are intended for those who have at least some maturity of mind, and the will to think. "Teachers' Outlines for Studies in English" by
If the bride is mature she goes at once to her husband's house. "The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India" by
Under some of the roofs the corn was mature, the orange colored grains visible. "Space Prison" by
These plans, which were vague enough that night, matured fairly early in the morning. "As It Was in the Beginning" by
Trees that mature the crop of fruits or nuts late in the season may be less hardy than those that mature the crop early. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting" by
Adult: the stage when an insect is sexually mature and ready to reproduce normally. "Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology" by
Left to himself, the native cuts the plant at any period of its maturity. "The Philippine Islands" by
When you attain maturer age,
Some young as you are now may see
You with like ease glide down a page.
Dwells scorn of praise, dwells scorn of blame;
Calm consciousness of surer prize
Than dying noise of living fame.
Soon time maturer thoughts must bring;
Those hours, like flowers that interclimb,
Should not be withered ere their time.
Mature in manners and old of mind;
Little old flirts who talk of their "beaux,"
And vie with each other in stylish clothes.
matured in joy and sorrow,
will drop into the darkness of the orogonal soil
for some further course of creation.
Not lands and seas alone—thy own clear freshness,
The young maturity of brood and bloom;
To realms of budding bibles.