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Fine Dictionary


Cartoon of the liberal Louis de Potter, formerly very liberal and anti-Catholic, who in 1828 advocated the clerical party. Full-length portrait of De Potter as Bishop of Bruges, sitting in a study, with a halo and lit by the light 'Fiat Lux' that streams in through a window. He burns his earlier anti-clerical works on the floor.
Cartoon of the liberal Louis de Potter, formerly very liberal and anti-Catholic, who in 1828 advocated the clerical party. Full-length portrait of De Potter as Bishop of Bruges, sitting in a study, with a halo and lit by the light 'Fiat Lux' that streams in through a window. He burns his earlier anti-clerical works on the floor.
Cartoon in Amsterdam newspapers that easily advocate solutions to the Aceh issue. Boissevain, editor-in-chief of the Algemeen Handelsblad, calls on the others to follow him to Aceh, but they refuse. Published in the supplement of 'De Kroniek' of October 25, 1896.
Cartoon in Amsterdam newspapers that easily advocate solutions to the Aceh issue. Boissevain, editor-in-chief of the Algemeen Handelsblad, calls on the others to follow him to Aceh, but they refuse. Published in the supplement of 'De Kroniek' of October 25, 1896.
Portrait of Jacob Dirksz. Brouwer, advocate of Oranje in Hoorn in 1572. Top right: VIII Dl. pl. III.
Portrait of Jacob Dirksz. Brouwer, advocate of Oranje in Hoorn in 1572. Top right: VIII Dl. pl. III.
Johan van Oldenbarnevelt takes the oath as State Advocate of the province of Holland, 8 March 1586. Design for a print.
Johan van Oldenbarnevelt takes the oath as State Advocate of the province of Holland, 8 March 1586. Design for a print.
Christ distributes crowns of flowers. He is accompanied by Mary in her role as human advocate. The scene is set in a frame of beads. In each corner a medallion with scenes of people suffering and wanting to have their pain softened by Mary. In the cartouche at the bottom, men, including a pope and an emperor, kneel and ask for help from Mary. The print has a superscript in Latin.
Christ distributes crowns of flowers. He is accompanied by Mary in her role as human advocate. The scene is set in a frame of beads. In each corner a medallion with scenes of people suffering and wanting to have their pain softened by Mary. In the cartouche at the bottom, men, including a pope and an emperor, kneel and ask for help from Mary. The print has a superscript in Latin.
Portrait of Jacob Dirksz. Brouwer, advocate of Orange in Hoorn in 1572.
Portrait of Jacob Dirksz. Brouwer, advocate of Orange in Hoorn in 1572.
John Lesley, Bishop of Ross and Advocate of Mary Stuart. Below the portrait a dog with a key. The print has a French poem about his life as caption.
John Lesley, Bishop of Ross and Advocate of Mary Stuart. Below the portrait a dog with a key. The print has a French poem about his life as caption.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The guillotine was originally called a louisette. Named for Antoine Louis, the French surgeon who invented it. It became known as the guillotine for Joseph Ignace Guillotin, the French physician who advocated it as a more merciful means of execution than the noose or ax.
  1. Advocation
    Advowson. "The donations or advocations of church livings."
  2. Advocation
    The act of advocating or pleading; plea; advocacy. "The holy Jesus . . . sits in heaven in a perpetual advocation for us."
  3. Advocation
    (Scots Law) The process of removing a cause from an inferior court to the supreme court.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) advocation
    The act of advocating; a pleading for; plea; apology.
  2. (n) advocation
    In Scots law, a form of process, now obsolete, the object of which was to remove a cause from an inferior to the supreme court for review or continuance.
George Mcgovern
No man should advocate a course in private that he's ashamed to admit in public.
George Mcgovern
Can one preach at home inequality of races and nations and advocate abroad good-will towards all men?
Dorothy Thompson
Warren E. Burger
We are more casual about qualifying the people we allow to act as advocates in the courtroom than we are about licensing electricians.
Warren E. Burger
Karl Barth
The best theology would need no advocates; it would prove itself.
Karl Barth
Ronald Reagan
Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.
Ronald Reagan
Ambrose Bierce
Trial. A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors.
Ambrose Bierce

Devil's advocate - If someone plays Devil's advocate in an argument, they adopt a position they don't believe in just for the sake of the argument


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. advocatio,: cf. OF. avocation,. See Advowson

Usage in the news

The famed water advocate discusses her latest expedition and new partnership with Revo.

There are plenty of choices and plenty of advocates for each. is a nonpartisan, nonprofit "consumer advocate" for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in US politics.

Two well-known PMPs are strong advocates for closing crawlspaces as the practice significantly improves moisture control and, when done properly, results in considerable energy savings.

In the last two years, human rights advocates have received 44 cases of people being tortured by federal, state or local police officers, social activists said.

LOS BANOS A Merced County business advocate Wednesday praised Los Banos' approach to new businesses.

Small-business advocates applaud a new Obama administration attempt to push agencies to weigh the " cumulative " burden of regulations they approve.

Most people know they should have an advocate with them when they go into the hospital.

Charles Langley, a public advocate with UCAN, talks to KPBS about demands for rate cuts to compensate for San Onofre being offline.

Ratepayer advocate asks the utilities commission to slash customers' bills because the nuclear plant has been offline since January.

Minnesota event encourages young women to advocate for dairy farming .

World News UK's Gay Rights Advocates Catch up with Dancehall DJs Again World Music at Global Rhythm.

UK's Gay Rights Advocates Catch up with Dancehall DJs Again Published July 6, 2006.

Local education advocates announced Sept 27 plans to devote the entire month of October to achieving a revamped governance structure for the Orleans Parish School Board.

The good news for democracy advocates: This is hard to do.

Usage in scientific papers

As to the other advocates of heterodox velocities:— (1): Arntzenius is also unconcerned with the debate about persistence. (2): Bigelow and Pargetter briefly discuss the RDA, and deny the consensus above.
On the Persistence of Homogeneous Matter

Humean supervenience We saw in Section 4.1 that Armstrong’s appeal to causation, in response to the RDA, is not available to someone like Lewis who advocates both perdurantism, and a Humean view of causation.
On the Persistence of Homogeneous Matter

Indeed, as I mentioned, Lewis advocates a much stronger doctrine, Humean supervenience, which has become the paradigm in contemporary metaphysics for what I have called pointil lisme (cf.
On the Persistence of Homogeneous Matter

At first (1986 p.xiii), he appealed to the fact (clear from the second quotation) that he advocates Humean supervenience as a contingent thesis, true at some worlds (including, he hopes, ours) but not at others.
On the Persistence of Homogeneous Matter

That is, he advocated Humean supervenience for an “inner sphere” consisting of the non-alien worlds—defined (in his quiddistic theory of natural properties) as the worlds where any instantiated natural property is not alien to the actual world.
On the Persistence of Homogeneous Matter

Usage in literature

From them it passed to the Advocates' library, where it is still preserved. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3" by Various

I always was an advocate of closer union. "The Peace Negotiations" by J. D. Kestell

Frederick, at the mention of the advocate's name, was seized with a longing to see him once more. "Sentimental Education, Volume II" by Gustave Flaubert

Grant this, O Lord, for Jesus Christ's sake, our only Mediator and Advocate. "Coronation Anecdotes" by Giles Gossip

The functions and fees of advocates are to be narrowly restricted, and advocates to be provided gratuitously for the poor. "The English Utilitarians, Volume I." by Leslie Stephen

That sum, however, is insignificant when it is compared with the incomes made by the most fortunate advocates of that period. "A Book About Lawyers" by John Cordy Jeaffreson

For of what use is an advocate with the gods if he cannot get to them. "The Arrow-Maker" by Mary Austin

Advocates of protection acted upon the theory that for national purposes special advantages ought to be given to manufacturers. "The New Nation" by Frederic L. Paxson

Manual training school, Locke advocates, 222. "History of Education" by Levi Seeley

There was to be an advocate against the prisoner, and no advocate for him. "Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)" by Thomas Babington Macaulay

Usage in poetry
What I cannot remember is how I felt-
mind, love's advocate,
must remind heart
of the end, the abyss.
The bottom of the world remains;
each day climbs to a new start.
"And there no evidence shall see,
The Judge of all will witness be,
He's advocate alone to free,
And plead the cause;
For an impartial judge is he,
And just his laws.
The "Advocate" has columns of fashion and jest,
And quite overpowers the "Gate City Press."
They are "Family Guides," but aught I demand,
How unlike the "Conservator's" rough shake of the hand.
And his name should be written in letters of gold :
For he is a wise statesman- true and bold-
Who has advocated the people's rights for many long years;
And when he is dead they will thank him with their tears.
Says the judge: "Let's look up section
Ninety-eight in this connection."
"Right," replied the advocate.
"But I submit that's out of date."
"Sir!" the judge says, "such things border
On contempt. You're out of order!"
Daring impostor! sure that God
Whose advocate thou feign'st to be,
Will smite thee with that awful rod
Which thou wouldst seize—and pour on thee
The vial of that wrath, which thou
Wouldst empty on thy brother's brow.