the action of alienating; the action of causing to become unfriendly "his behavior alienated the other students" -
(law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another "the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership" -
the feeling of being alienated from other people -
separation resulting from hostility
(Law) A transfer of title, or a legal conveyance of property to another. -
A withdrawing or estrangement, as of the affections. "The alienation of his heart from the king." -
Mental alienation; derangement of the mental faculties; insanity; as, alienation of mind. -
The act of alienating, or the state of being alienated.
The act of alienating, or the state of being alienated. In law, a transfer of the title to property by one person to another, by conveyance, as distinguished from inheritance. A devise of real property is regarded as an alienation. -
The diversion of lands from ecclesiastical to secular ownership. -
A withdrawing or an estrangement, as of feeling or the affections. -
Deprivation, or partial deprivation, of mental faculties; derangement; insanity. -
The state in which a person has completely forgotten his identity and becomes a new person, alien to his former self. This use of the term was proposed when the described mode of dissolution of personality first attracted attention; but the word having already the recognized technical meaning 1 , this employment of it has been rejected.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. aliénation, L. alienatio, fr. alienare, fr. alienare,. See Alienate
On the wall behind Leland Chee 's desk is a portrait of an Ithorian, an alien with a hammer-shaped head that you glimpse briefly in the famous Star Wars cantina scene.
SciFi Rod Lott Judging by the stupidity of Alien Opponent, Roddy Piper has plenty of bubble gum.
Anna Nicole Smith, pictured on the set of "Illegal Aliens," died in February 2007 of an accidental drug overdose at the age of 39.
Her final film "Illegal Aliens," was released in May 2007.
"At one time, we were a peaceful race of intelligent mechanical beings" says the alien robot who moonlights as a semi-trailer truck at the outset of "Transformers.
Stellar ensemble cast stars in an amusing, good-natured comedy about seniors who find a real fountain of youth, thanks to visiting aliens who leave their cocoons in a swimming pool.
Disintegrating alien planet has comet-like tail.
The characters in "Alien," Ridley Scott's 1979 SciFi blockbuster, may actually be more akin to future space-farers than our citizen heroes from NASA's Apollo era.
Carrboro Commune 's tactics, hostile even amid a measured police response, have alienated some neighbors who have been fighting the proposed CVS for two years.
Aliens, Conspiracies, & Feds, Oh My.
The first alien to emerge from the ship wore a very unfashionable hat.
Misadvised by a frustrated and panic-stricken attorney general, a president of the United States has just assumed what amounts to dictatorial power to jail or execute aliens.
When it comes to civil rights and showering people with entitlements, illegal aliens as a group are treated better in America than visiting foreigners who follow the rules.
ON Friday, Gov Jan Brewer of Arizona signed a law — SB 1070 — that prohibits the harboring of illegal aliens and makes it a state crime for an alien to commit certain federal immigration crimes.
The former "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" writer-producer would "love to be done up as one of the aliens from 'Alien Nation'.
Tambi´en hemos argumentado que la idea de universos branas, aunque a´un se encuentra en una fase muy prematura, podr´ıa de hecho agravar enormemente el problema del ‘alien´ıgena ausente’, puesto de manifiesto por primera vez por Enrico Fermi, como ya hemos mencionado.
Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture
Moreover, we bring out some of the alien features of the G¨odel Universe by presenting computer visualizations of two scenarios. 1.1.
Rotation in relativity and the propagation of light
An alien invasion fleet is interfering with the connection to the global positioning satellite.
To study the phenomenon of the Moravec's Paradox
This is an ingredient alien to the original spirit of the standard formulation.
Reverse Engineering Quantum Field Theory
However, if instead of developing computers ourselves we had been given them by an alien species, we could still hope one day to unravel the mysteries of their magic.
Interplay between Network Topology and Dynamics in Neural Systems
The revolutionists were those who with alien hands and vampire's greed would seek to disturb its peace. "The Waters of Edera" by
In all cases alike, his life-work is an effort to rob the world of its alien character, and to translate it into terms of himself. "Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher" by
But these are secondary and auxiliary to the true end of kindling the fire of love in his alienated heart. "Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)" by
Have from my earliest childhood felt myself an alien. "Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 (of 6)" by
He was one of the aliens who had drifted into the Flying U outfit that spring, looking for work. "The Happy Family" by
This alien land was no nearer the truth than he. "Romance Island" by
On these grounds alien races are pronounced necessarily inferior. "Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic" by
Laborers, Alien: Discussed, 46, 152. "Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents" by
Staying, she desired to contradict what the alien had said, but she could not do that either. "V. V.'s Eyes" by
But our Ricky-ticky alienated Mackinnon on the very eve of publication. "The Divine Fire" by
Well did his wooing of Marguerite speed;
And the mother's wrath was vain
As the sister's jealous pain.
No battle-joy was theirs, who set
Against the alien bayonet
Their homespun breasts in that old day.
Of alien flower and alien tree:
But no one, in my grief or mirth,
Will sing Australian songs to me.
The alien firelight died away,
And from the midst of cheerless gloom
I passed to bright unclouded day.
The light exceeding round thy throne,
But I — an alien unto thee —
I faint afar off, and alone.
Its life from alien air and earth,
And told to Paynim sun and dew
The story of the Saviour's birth.