an injury that causes disfigurement or that deprives you of a limb or other important body part
The act of mutilating, or the state of being mutilated; deprivation of a limb or of an essential part.
The act of mutilating, or the state of being mutilated; deprivation of a necessary or important part, as a limb.
act of mutilating: deprivation of a limb or essential part
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. mutilatio,: cf. F. mutilation,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. mutilāre—mutilus—Gr. mutilos, mitulos, curtailed.
Angeline Pirira Mwafulirwa says her daughters could be subjected to genital mutilation in Malawi.
Genital Mutilation and Shock Art.
No suspects in teen's 1986 mutilation , murder.
Jury convicts Houston mom in baby- mutilation case.
Prosecutors say parents argued before mutilation .
Effort in Egypt fights against mutilating girls.
A BRITISHER'S VIEW: Day of self- mutilation unmasks Muslim mindset.
As a pediatrician, Dr Meg Meeker thought she had seen it all: eating disorders, sexual abuse, self-mutilation.
Dont Fold, Spindle or Mutilate.
Images of mutilated bodies in Nuevo Laredo have surfaced .
Morse goes to Oxford University to unravel the mystery of a missing college professor and a mutilated corpse floating in a nearby canal.
Mutilating Africa's Daughters: Laws Unenforced , Practices Unchanged.
The mutilated body of a woman was found in a vacant lot in Queens yesterday afternoon after a passer-by stumbled upon it, the authorities said.
The stigma of rape and mutilation by soldiers.
Dolphins Found Shot, Mutilated in Gulf of Mexico (Photo Credit: Tom Brakefield/Stockbyte).
The ma jor advantage of lattice QCD calculations is that the theory can be mutilated in a controllable way, so the physical mechanism underlying a process can be studied.
Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy on a Lattice
The Kentucky group [287] have introduced valence QCD, a mutilated version of lattice QCD, that omits “Z” graphs from the formalism.
Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy on a Lattice
For example, in the spirit of theory mutilation, ideally only one piece of physics must be removed at one time.
Meson and Baryon Spectroscopy on a Lattice
Ridgelets and the representation of mutilated Sobolev functions.
Networks of Polynomial Pieces with Application to the Analysis of Point Clouds and Images
The most remarkable property of the method is that it does not mutilate the theory under investigation: The effective field theory framework is no more than an efficient machinery, which allows one to work out the modified Taylor series, referred to above.
Foundations and Scope of Chiral Perturbation Theory
After riding about a mile, we came upon the body of the dead man, stretched upon the green grass, naked, scalped, and terribly mutilated. "The Young Trail Hunters" by
Sometimes the face is entirely mutilated. "Paris under the Commune" by
The stronger faculties, if not extinguished, become mutilated. "Essays in Rebellion" by
Human skeletons, in short, in every variety of mutilation. "The Expedition of the Donner Party and its Tragic Fate" by
There is not now any permanent mutilation of the person practiced as a mourning ceremony by them. "A further contribution to the study of the mortuary customs of the North American Indians" by
He paused a moment beside the mutilated body; put away his knife, drew the cloth over the corpse, and then turned toward his room. "The Crime of the French Café and Other Stories" by
His body was mutilated. "A Social History of The American Negro" by
Mutilation of the Hand. "Discoveries in Australia, Volume 1." by
In the churchyard is a mutilated cross. "Somerset" by
The figure is much mutilated; but the style of the canopy-work over the head indicates that it is not of great antiquity. "Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. II. (of 2)" by
wash them in the evening dew,
And from their pieces make anew thy mutilated
Who oft had cheered them with her song;
She waved a mutilated arm,
And silence held the listening throng.
We will not suffer tamely what you do,
And warn you at your peril,--for we'll sick
Our bumblebees on you!"
It is difficult to trace
All that once was graven here;
But at least two words are clear,--
Reading still, as all agree,
"Conjugi Carissimae."
In tattered damask stand;
In gray neglect a faun extends
A mutilated hand;
And silence makes the festal board
Mute as the stringless harpsichord.
Holding earth's leaping sap
In every stem and shoot
That lopped off, sprouts again - Why should you seek a plateau walled about,
Whose garden is the world?