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Fine Dictionary


French note with an appeal to the Dutch emigrants (patriots) in France to join the Batavian Legion (Corps Bataves) and fight together with their French brothers. A standing soldier in the center. Probably from around November 1793.
French note with an appeal to the Dutch emigrants (patriots) in France to join the Batavian Legion (Corps Bataves) and fight together with their French brothers. A standing soldier in the center. Probably from around November 1793.
  1. (n) emigration
    migration from a place (especially migration from your native country in order to settle in another)
Sheet with text about the sinking of the ship 'Germania' with 369 emigrants on February 4, 1847 off the coast of Kings Island. Printed text with a vignette of a sailing ship at the top. Below the story is a verse in four columns. Below the text the letters: V. d. V.
Sheet with text about the sinking of the ship 'Germania' with 369 emigrants on February 4, 1847 off the coast of Kings Island. Printed text with a vignette of a sailing ship at the top. Below the story is a verse in four columns. Below the text the letters: V. d. V.
Sheet with sixteen images of the Salzburg emigrants at the top: the persecution of these Lutheran Salzburgers in their own country, their forced departure and the admission of these refugees to the Netherlands in the years 1732-1733. On the sheet under the plate a verse and the description of two silver medals on the expelled Salzburgers with verses.
Sheet with sixteen images of the Salzburg emigrants at the top: the persecution of these Lutheran Salzburgers in their own country, their forced departure and the admission of these refugees to the Netherlands in the years 1732-1733. On the sheet under the plate a verse and the description of two silver medals on the expelled Salzburgers with verses.
Two Salzburg emigrants, a man and a woman, fleeing their country because of their Lutheran faith, 1732. Marked top right: Pag. 96.
Two Salzburg emigrants, a man and a woman, fleeing their country because of their Lutheran faith, 1732. Marked top right: Pag. 96.
View of the Paardenmarkt in Leipzig, where a group of exiled Lutheran Salzburg emigrants gathered to leave for the Netherlands, 1732. Marked top right: Pag. 505.
View of the Paardenmarkt in Leipzig, where a group of exiled Lutheran Salzburg emigrants gathered to leave for the Netherlands, 1732. Marked top right: Pag. 505.
Bust of the French emigrant Merlin surrounded by clouds, beneath it his shipwreck on the Dutch coast in 1829. King William I replied to French requests for Merlin's extradition with the words 'La mer me l'a rendu ... Je le garde'.
Bust of the French emigrant Merlin surrounded by clouds, beneath it his shipwreck on the Dutch coast in 1829. King William I replied to French requests for Merlin's extradition with the words 'La mer me l'a rendu ... Je le garde'.
The uniforms of two French cavalrymen of the French Emigrants, Corps of the Prince of Rohan, ca.1788-1795. Part of the third chapter about the new uniforms in the period after the recovery of the Prince of Orange and the arrival of the Prussian troops in Holland in 1787. In the sketchbook with colored drawings of the uniforms of soldiers and members of the militia from the period 1770 to 1795-1796.
The uniforms of two French cavalrymen of the French Emigrants, Corps of the Prince of Rohan, ca.1788-1795. Part of the third chapter about the new uniforms in the period after the recovery of the Prince of Orange and the arrival of the Prussian troops in Holland in 1787. In the sketchbook with colored drawings of the uniforms of soldiers and members of the militia from the period 1770 to 1795-1796.
The uniforms of two hussars of the Regiment van der Hoop and two hussars French Emigrants, ca. Part of the third chapter about the new uniforms in the period after the recovery of the Prince of Orange and the arrival of the Prussian troops in Holland in 1787. In the sketchbook with colored drawings of the uniforms of soldiers and members of the militia from the period 1770 to 1795-1796.
The uniforms of two hussars of the Regiment van der Hoop and two hussars French Emigrants, ca. Part of the third chapter about the new uniforms in the period after the recovery of the Prince of Orange and the arrival of the Prussian troops in Holland in 1787. In the sketchbook with colored drawings of the uniforms of soldiers and members of the militia from the period 1770 to 1795-1796.
The uniforms of a patrol of French cavalrymen of the French Emigrants, Prince Corps of Rohan, ca. Part of the third chapter about the new uniforms in the period after the recovery of the Prince of Orange and the arrival of the Prussian troops in Holland in 1787. In the sketchbook with colored drawings of the uniforms of soldiers and members of the militia from the period 1770 to 1795-1796.
The uniforms of a patrol of French cavalrymen of the French Emigrants, Prince Corps of Rohan, ca. Part of the third chapter about the new uniforms in the period after the recovery of the Prince of Orange and the arrival of the Prussian troops in Holland in 1787. In the sketchbook with colored drawings of the uniforms of soldiers and members of the militia from the period 1770 to 1795-1796.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Emigration
    The act of emigrating; removal from one country or state to another, for the purpose of residence, as from Europe to America, or, in America, from the Atlantic States to the Western.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) emigration
    Removal from one country or region to another for the purpose of residence, as from Europe to America, or from one section of the United States to another.
  2. (n) emigration
    A body of emigrants: as, the Irish emigration.
  3. (n) emigration
    A going beyond or out of the accustomed place.
Oh, write of me, not Died in bitter pains, but Emigrated to another star!
Helen Hunt Jackson

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. emigratio,: cf. F. émigration,

Usage in the news

The book Streaked with Light and Shadow: Portraits of Former Soviet Jews in Utah features the stories of the emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union to Utah.

Let's go shopping: at Viva Market, Whole Foods and a new Emigration by Harmons.

Author writes about father's emigration , life.

"For people my age, this should be the best time for us," says a twenty-eight year-old career woman who is emigrating to Canada.

Soviet citizens who apply to emigrate are rarely given detailed reasons for being refused, beyond being told that they possess unspecified "state secrets".

Some key moments in Cuban emigration .

Anselm Kiefer, Emigre , In Two-Part Installation.

The pianist Oxana Yablonskaya has been heard regularly as a soloist in New York since 1977, when she emigrated from the Soviet Union.

Henness Pass Road, one of the most heavily travelled emigrant routes across the Sierra in the 19th century, runs past the lake.

The Afghan demonstrators were protesting the alleged killing of Afghan emigrants at nearby border crossings in recent months.

Though mountain men had driven wagons along parts of the route since 1830, Marcus and Narcissa Whitman were probably the first emigrants to journey the full length of the Oregon Trail when they set out for the northwest in 1836.

When John Spanaro and Anne Mooney built a new home for themselves and their two daughters in Utah's Emigration Canyon, they brought more than just their California ideals and modern aesthetics with them.

Ireland, and the last Irish land seen by most emigrants who sailed to America.

In the 1800s, purple loosestrife emigrated from Europe and Asia to the US, where it now has been declared an invasive species in many states.

Falling salaries and record unemployment in Portugal are prompting many to emigrate.

Usage in scientific papers

In Biology, Eq. (6) may model the changes in the population of a species in some geographically-limited region, assuming that it has an effective growth rate Γ and is sub jected to recurrent immigration and punctual massive emigrations: e.g., the case of many birds, swallows or flamingos among others.
Monotonous continuous-time random walks with drift and stochastic reset events

C Λ -process with immigration-emigration: McKean-Vlasov limit The N → ∞ limit of the N -colony model defined in Section 1.3.2 can be described in terms of an independent and identically distributed family of P (E )-valued processes indexed by N.
Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Cannings processes

Let us describe the distribution of single member of this family, which can be viewed as a spatial variant of the model in Section 1.3.1 when we add immigration-emigration to/from a cemetery state, with the immigration given by a source that is constant in time.
Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Cannings processes

This model arises as the M → ∞ limit of an individual-based model with M individuals at a single site with immigration from a constant source with type distribution θ ∈ P (E ) and emigration to a cemetery state, both at rate c, in addition to the Λ-resampling.
Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Cannings processes

The choices in (2.2) correspond to geographic spaces that are needed, respectively, for finite approximations of the hierarchical group, for the hierarchical group, for a single-colony with immigration-emigration, and for the McKean-Vlasov limit.
Renormalisation of hierarchically interacting Cannings processes

Usage in literature

Those who bargained with the emigrants had been content to furnish nothing more than that. "The Pirates of Ersatz" by Murray Leinster

Every emigrant is forced to change his mores. "Folkways" by William Graham Sumner

The arrival of many emigrants led to the exploration of the country. "The History of Tasmania, Volume I (of 2)" by John West

It occurred to him that a French emigrant bishop, if one could be found, would be more easily managed than Mr. Plessis. "The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation" by Charles Roger

I have watched the operation of this emigration of slaves to the North. "A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention" by Lucius Eugene Chittenden

They had emigrated to North Carolina; and when the revolution broke out, he, with two sons, took up arms for the Crown. "The Loyalists of America and Their Times, Vol. 2 of 2" by Edgerton Ryerson

Some of the emigrants had, fortunately for us, also left a child's mattress in the boat. "The Voyages of the Ranger and Crusader" by W.H.G. Kingston

The next year this brave adventurer again crossed the seas in a small vessel containing only sixteen emigrants. "The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2)" by George Warburton

My mother emigrated here drectly after freedom. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Interviews with Former Slaves, Arkansas Narratives, Part 4" by Work Projects Administration

They organize emigration societies for wandering Jews. "The Jewish State" by Theodor Herzl

Usage in poetry
Far away, far away,
The emigrant ship must sail to-day:
Cruel ship,— to look so gay
Bearing the exiles far away.
And live in that dear Norway still,
And let the emigrant crowd sail West
Without you? Well, you have had your will.
Why would you fly from your sheltering nest?
You have the kindly sympathetic heart
Of her who loved the common people well,
The noble lady who with witching art
Taught us to sing the "Emigrant's Farewell.'
He found us, Rosie, Mickie, an' meself,
Just landed in the emigration shed;
Meself was tyin' on their bits of clothes;
Their mother—rest her tender sowl!—was dead.
On the river's brink the emigrant's child
Passed all his lonely hours,
He laughed when he ruffled the bosom mild
Of the flowing streamlet so bright and wild,
As it bore his boon of flowers.