the action of lessening in severity or intensity "the object being control or moderation of economic depressions" -
to act in such a way as to cause an offense to seem less serious -
a partial excuse to mitigate censure; an attempt to represent an offense as less serious than it appears by showing mitigating circumstances
The act of mitigating, or the state of being mitigated; abatement or diminution of anything painful, harsh, severe, afflictive, or calamitous; as, the mitigation of pain, grief, rigor, severity, punishment, or penalty.
The act of mitigating, or the state of being mitigated; alleviation; abatement or diminution of anything harsh, painful, severe, afflictive, calamitous, or the like.
act of mitigating: alleviation: abatement
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. mitigacioun, F. mitigation, fr. L. mitigatio,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. mitigāre, -atum—mitis, mild.
Make government mitigate the risks.
Sugar may make you "stupid" but omega-3 might mitigate the effect, rat study suggests.
But, don't fret: Omega-3 fatty acids may be able to mitigate the effects.
I want to enjoy the ambiance of a well-planned community that makes good use of land, but also supports a mitigated traffic solution.
Work with your enterprise customer in assessing the risks in advance when you deploy Windows 7, and you will survive the challenges around application mitigation .
How to Successfully Help Customers Mitigate Application Issues Around Windows 7.
Our primary mitigation activity involves not putting 30-year or 20-year fixed-rate conventional first-mortgages in our portfolio.
Division Manager at the NFPA about implementable practices for mitigating the risk of dust explosions.
Mitigate the Impact of Employee Absences.
When e-commerce teams consider ways to mitigate shopping cart abandonment, email rarely tops the list.
Dr Marcelo Rivera, director of the Palomar Pomerado Health Board, noted that is a significant amount and said they need to look at the project economically and see if those fees could be mitigated .
TODAY'S QUESTION: How can the government best mitigate the effects of unemployment for Americans.
Fundraisers help mitigate family's storm-damage expenses.
The first step in mitigating risk is to understand where the threat of loss resides at your institution.
Peat bogs play an essential role in mitigating climate change by keeping billions of tons of carbon buried beneath them.
This effect is mitigated somewhat by the presence of an effective Higgs potential below the scale of the Dirac gaugino masses (needed to obtain a phenomenologically viable Higgs mass).
Electroweak Baryogenesis in R-symmetric Supersymmetry
As a rule of thumb, there should be more than ten samples per bin, even though we are mitigating the ill effects of too few samples using Laplace correction. As shown in Table 1, there are on average 700 website visits per user.
Practical Context Awareness: Measuring and Utilizing the Context Dependency of Mobile Usage
Password safes, while mitigating poor usability and cumbersome management, do not fix passwords.
KeyAuth: Bringing Public-key Authentication to the Masses
Single sign-on (SSO) systems only partially mitigate the fundamental flaws of passwords.
KeyAuth: Bringing Public-key Authentication to the Masses
The regularization approach of Section 4.1 mitigates this issue to a great extent, however, it does not provide a stopping criterion for the separation rank increase.
Non-intrusive Low-Rank Separated Approximation of High-Dimensional Stochastic Models
If you have interest to prevent or mitigate it, that reason will, I think, suffice to enlist you on my behalf. "Paul Clifford, Complete" by
You must be mine for ever, or our parting must be without a mitigation, which is rather a cruelty than a relief. "Falkland, Complete" by
But even that bereavement was mitigated by distractions alike inevitable and ennobling. "Lothair" by
On the next page, some mitigation of this severity followed in a postscript. "The Fallen Leaves" by
This divides and mitigates the impatient jealousy against others. "The Pilgrims Of The Rhine" by
When the great sentence passes, be increas'd, Or mitigated, or as now severe? "The Vision of Hell, Complete" by
When the great sentence passes, be increas'd, Or mitigated, or as now severe? "The Divine Comedy, Complete" by
Has the accused anything to say in his defence, or can he plead mitigating circumstances? "The Road to Damascus" by
He never was a man to whom a successful appeal for the slightest mitigation of justice could have been made. "With Edged Tools" by
Honour likewise endeavoured to vindicate his crime, and Pity to mitigate his punishment. "Joseph Andrews Vol. 1" by
If he has scourg'd thee with distempers dire,
The Lamb's dear Blood his anger will assuage,
And briny tears will mitigate his ire.
Call not my name, nor heed if thine I crave,
So shalt thou sink through mitigated night
And bathe thee in the all-effacing wave.
"To calm my care and mitigate my pain ;
"If all my sighs, my cares, can fail to move,
"Ah! sooth me not with fruitless vows of love."
The mitigated pang; 't is sometimes so
When grief meets genius in the mortal breast,
And words, most deeply sweet, betray subsided woe.
Whoe'er consult with the divining train:
They slay their souls, who from such cheats enquire
For charms to cure, or mitigate their pain.
Could mitigate the powers of hell,
Even Pluto's nicer ear:
His arts, no more than Love's, we find
To deities or men confined,
Drew brutes in crowds to hear.