made or become different in some respect "he's an altered (or changed) man since his election to Congress" -
made or become different in nature or form "changed attitudes","changed styles of dress","a greatly changed country after the war" -
changed in constitution or structure or composition by metamorphism "metamorphic rocks"
Change horses in midstream - If people change horses in midstream, they change plans or leaders when they are in the middle of something, even though it may be very risky to do so.
Change of heart - If you change the way you think or feel about something, you have a change of heart.
Change tack - If you change tack, you use a different method for dealing with something.
Change your tune - If someone changes their ideas or the way they talk about them, they change their tune.
Chop and change - If things chop and change, they keep changing, often unexpectedly.
Leopard can't change its spots - This idiom means that people cannot change basic aspects of their character, especially negative ones. ("A leopard doesn't change its spots" is also used.)
Many were worried about what 2000 would bring, the changes in life as well as scientific changes.
GE is encouraging habit-forming behavior: change your home water filter when you change your clock.
Things are always changing and the more years pass, the more they seem to change.
Over the past 15 years or so the wedding trend has changed somewhat and any reputable cake designer will have moved with the times and changed accordingly.
Elmhurst, which made the change last year, is a private college, and UI is the nation's first public institution to make the change.
Medical moves abound in KG Doctors are changing practices, and practices are changing locations in King George.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO)-- Monday marked the start of the fourth annual "Change for Change" drive at Independence Academy .
Explain why this change is a priority and how would you facilitate this change.
The Astros will undergo a series of changes next season starting with a move to the AL and a change in their uniforms.
The changes mostly included wording but also changed some of the requirements.
Getting the low-down (perspective, that is) on changing your camera angle changes the mood of the story.
The election ushered in a number of big changes in the states, with several for the first time legalizing gay marriage and marijuana, but one of the most dramatic shifts might be a change to the actual number of states.
Fee changes were approved by the Crow Wing County Board Tuesday, including changes to the sheriff department's firing range.
Ryan Reynolds & Sandra Bullock At The Change Up Premiere Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock attend the Los Angeles premiere of The Change-Up .
Instead of changing the world, the world has changed Catholics.
The second one consists in changing the measure µ(dt, dl), i.e., to change the way the measure P is distributed in the half-plane S + .
Multifractal stationary random measures and multifractal random walks with log-infinitely divisible scaling laws
In our example, the small second Fourier component has changed its phase value by several tenths of a radian, while for the other components the change is much smaller.
The effects of blending on the light curve shape of Cepheids
In changing σr one can change the strength of static disorder relative to temperature in the system.
Simple Lattice-Models of Ion Conduction: Counter Ion Model vs. Random Energy Model
The microscopic interpretation of the energy-entropy principle is straightforward related to the "phenomenological" approach proposed. The tendency to a new equilibrium po int with bigger entropy results from the change of vo lume and the change of energy, we can say with the increase of the phase space vo lume.
The Energy-Entropy Principle
What is possible is to change the structure of the normal modes and this is what happens in the Lamb shift (where normal modes are modified by the presence of an atom) or the Casimir effect (normal modes are changed by macroscopic ob jects).
How photon detectors remove vacuum fluctuations
Madame Patoff's mood changed. "Paul Patoff" by
Apparently, no great change has taken place in the relationship between the two men, though in reality much. "The Death Shot" by
But a change greater than death can make, had come to Sampson first, preparing him for all changes. "Janet's Love and Service" by
This may consist of an elementary alteration in the blood or a general change in the constitution of the tissues. "Special Report on Diseases of the Horse" by
But don't stop to change your gown, there's a good soul. "The Heart of Unaga" by
The attractive, rural aspect of Yonkers had changed, or was it that she had changed? "A Little Girl of Long Ago" by
But then we must make some change, some radical change. "The History of Sir Richard Calmady" by
It is a familiar fact, that it is not a good sign to see this change before the usual average time. "The Physical Life of Woman:" by
To change nothing in thy father's ways for three years may be called pious. "The Sayings Of Confucius" by
If changes in life conditions occur, the interests to be served change. "Folkways" by
By changes strange to see,
The cypress so funereal
To a lightsome fairy tree;
With a panoramic range,
As in visions passing strange,
Lord! Thou knowest;
A change of mealtime utter hell,
Grown far too crotchety to like
A luxury hotel.
In varying luster glows,
Her face at every moment
New charms and sweetness shows.
To make it whole;
Once you took on flesh like mine,
Now take my soul.
Art cold while I complain:
Why to thy lover only
Should spring return in vain?