(Old Chem) Changed into a vitriol or a sulphate, or subjected to the action of sulphuric acid or of a sulphate; as, vitriolated potash, i. e., potassium sulphate.
At This Dinner, A Dollop of Vitriol.
The vitriol over the latest news is downright comical.
During the last few months, it seemed like most of the vitriol had drained out of MMA's favorite bad guy.
Believe it or not, I have found a bright spot in the political landscape, amid all the vitriolic partisan fighting.
Nonetheless, Prima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has told the press that vitriolic political debate may have played a role in the shooting.
Neo-Nazi White's vitriol costs him $545,000.
Why does Bernie's better half inspire such vitriol .
After the Gold Rush, Anger and Vitriol .
At This Dinner, A Dollop of Vitriol .
Vitriol Rootkit to Demo at MS BlueHat Hacker Summit.
So, the point of my answer to " vitriolic " letters is the Republican Party has not moved to the right, it IS right.
Vitriolic rhetoric hurts, not helps, our country.
Jeremiah Wright, and Richard Trumka have used more vitriol in their language than anyone on the other side of the issues.
Guest columnist Steve Hernandez inspires a debate over vitriolic rhetoric and violent outcomes.
Some observers believe the incident eventually could serve as a warning to Web communities to increase accountability and stamp out the vitriol that characterizes much of online conversation.
Sardanapalus drunk with vitriol! "Paris under the Commune" by
Anguish and rage in her heart were like vitriol dashed on a raw wound. "The Port of Adventure" by
She brewed a hundred vitriolic cruelties that she might have flung in his face. "Cheerful--By Request" by
This powder was Roman vitriol pounded. "The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 10, Issue 286, December 8, 1827" by
Vitriol mixed with ink is volatile. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 1 of 14" by
Ibsen is generally the vitriolic foe of pageant. "The Art Of The Moving Picture" by
You could dip them in vitriol and they wouldn't feel it. "Septimus" by
Their thoughts may be fiery as bottled vitriol, but they keep the cork in. "The Stowmarket Mystery" by
He may fling vitriol over you on paper. "Far to Seek" by
It has a slight taste of vitriol, but is smooth in drinking. "Lachesis Lapponica" by
In the twilight hours of frost.
Dry vitriol oil. At the bottom,
A gnat, and expired wasps.