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Fine Dictionary


  1. (adj) umber
    of the color of any of various natural brown earth pigments
  2. (n) umber
    a medium brown to dark-brown color
  3. (n) umber
    an earth pigment
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Umber
    (Paint) A brown or reddish pigment used in both oil and water colors, obtained from certain natural clays variously colored by the oxides of iron and manganese. It is commonly heated or burned before being used, and is then called burnt umber; when not heated, it is called raw umber. See Burnt umber, below.
  2. Umber
    An umbrere.
  3. Umber
    (Zoöl) See Grayling, 1.
  4. Umber
    To color with umber; to shade or darken; as, to umber over one's face.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) umber
  2. (n) umber
    A fish, the grayling. See Thymallus.
  3. (n) umber
    The umber-bird.
  4. (n) umber
    Same as umbrel, 3.
  5. (n) umber
    A natural pigment somewhat resembling an ocher, but darker and browner, due to the presence of oxid of manganese. It probably originally came from Umbria in Italy, but now the best varieties come from Cyprus. The natural earth is called raw umber. When it is heated to almost a red heat in a furnace, the brown hydrated oxid of iron is changed into the red oxid of iron, and the pigment becomes redder and deeper in color, and is called burnt umber. Both these umbers are very important colors, both for artists and in house-painting. They are permanent, pure in tone, and of great service in making various tints.
  6. umber
    Of a brown color; dark; dusky.
  7. umber
    To color with umber, or as with umber; shade or darken.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Umber
    um′bėr a brown earthy mineral used as a pigment

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. ombre, ocherous ore of iron, terre d'ombre, It. terra d'ombra, literally, earth of shadow or shade, L. umbra, shadow, shade. Cf. Umber, 3 & 4, Umbrage

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Umbria.

Usage in the news

(2 PIN P ersonal I dentification N umber) A password used for authentication.

Sheldon Greene's previous books, "Lost and Found" and "Burnt Umber" have been recognized as well done in the literary community.

Color palettes include generous swatches of golden umbers all the way to earthen-browns, rusts and subdued grays.

Light beige, red, green, black, white, pink, and burnt umber.

Usage in scientific papers

Label each directed edge with a n umber between 1 and d , such that for each a, the directed edges labeled a form a permutation.
Quantum Random Walks Hit Exponentially Faster

This number [i.e., the fail-safe-n umber] typically turns out to be very large ….
A brief history of the Fail Safe Number in Applied Research

Note that the n umber of constraints is still same as previously |Ag| + |R|.
Parameterized Complexity of Problems in Coalitional Resource Games

We fit each spectrum with an absorbed power law model, with the absorption fixed at the Galactic value to reduce the n umber of free parameters.
A Radio through X-ray Study of the Hot Spots, Active Nucleus, and Environment of the Nearby FR II Radio Galaxy 3C 33

Pages 407 –483 in Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and N umber Theory, ed. F.
A Symplectic Test of the L-Functions Ratios Conjecture

Usage in literature

In the midst of all this the lamp still cast a smoky glow, obscure and brown as umber. "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson

It took different shades, from umber to almost golden, this "funny hair" of hers, as she called it. "The Other Girls" by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney

They are made in the same way as the above, but colored with lamp-black or umber ground in oil. "The Art of Perfumery" by G. W. Septimus Piesse

Jordan was at D'Umber waiting his coming, and the joy of the meeting was immeasurable. "The Wedge of Gold" by C. C. Goodwin

The tapestries of the wall were umber and gold; the hangings of the bed and windows were a modulated purple. "The Bastonnais" by John Lesperance

Umber, ground 3.75 lbs. "Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy." by Bureau of Ordnance, USN

All the plain, the sedge below, the rolling canopy above, was tinged with reddish umber. "The Long Roll" by Mary Johnston

The prevailing hue is umber brown with coarse black blotches. "Birds of the Indian Hills" by Douglas Dewar

Use light filler, colored with umber and Venetian red in the proportion of 12 oz, of umber, and 4 oz. "Mission Furniture" by H. H. Windsor

They are of a grayish or buffy color spotted with umber and lilac. "The Bird Book" by Chester A. Reed

Usage in poetry
West in gash of purple
below the umber dye
Rims of desert sandhills
project into the sky
Here a dog head dreams.
Not any hate, not any love.
Not anything but dreams.
Brother of dusk and umber.
These glorious landscapes old,
Framed in my cottage windows,—hill-sides dun,
With umber shadows lightened to pale gold
By touches of the sun,—
And this was the cave of the mirror,
that double woman who stares
at herself, as if she were petrified
in time — two ladies sitting in umber chairs.
You kissed your grandmother
and she cried.
But I see the umber clouds that drive for the sun,
And a sorrow no argument ever can make away
Goes through my heart as I think of the nearing winter,
And the transient light that gleams like the ghost of May;