broken away from sameness or identity or duplication "her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty" -
widely different "varied motives prompt people to join a political party","varied ethnic traditions of the immigrants" -
characterized by variety "immigrants' varied ethnic and religious traditions","his work is interesting and varied"
Altered: partially changed; changed. -
Characterized by variety; consisting of various kinds or sorts: as, a varied assortment of goods. -
Differing from one another; diverse; various: as, commerce with its varied interests. -
Variegated in color: as, the varied thrush
Trout found that corn yields varied from 210 bushels for a full application of water down to 130 bushels for the lowest irrigation level.
With myriad hospitals and vet clinics to choose from, affordable quality care can vary widely.
0 Patrick Muldoon likes to vary his workouts.
Milk production is increasing, to varying degrees, across most regions of the nation, according to USDA's weekly update.
For the young and the Facebook-less, reasons to shun the popular social networking site vary.
A nicely varied selection for this getting-near-the-end-of-summer-movie-season weekend.
The answer is not simple, because laws about trailer hitches vary by state.
Is home to a varied county park system, which includes a number of waterfront areas.
These dolls are fun, and they're varied.
What they were not, however, was varied.
The tax would vary by the type and weight of automobile.
The monthly prices don't include taxes or certain fees, which vary from state to state.
Activities vary each Wednesday, but could include invasive removal, gardening, mulching or plantings.
Each shop varies with regard to how this is handled and how specific the documentation is.
Ticket prices vary by location.
A crucial point in the whole analysis of trees is the following observation: X ⊂ Zp × Zp is a set whose vertical fiber Xx does not vary too quickly with x, then the tree T(X ) is the same as if the fiber would not vary at all. A similar statement is true in higher dimensions.
Trees of definable sets over the p-adics
These two parameters cannot freely vary, nor can they vary independently of the other; there is a correlation between c and V200 (e.g.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields
A(t, ~r ) vary in time, which is certainly the case when the electromagnetic fields ~E (t, ~r ) and ~B (t, ~r ) vary in time.
A Pedestrian Introduction to the Mathematical Concepts of Quantum Physics
The converse asserts that if H α,β is regularly varying with index −γ ≤ 0, then H is also regularly varying with index −γ .
Distribution and asymptotics under beta random scaling
Since the S/N of the image varies strongly with distance from the centre of the galaxy, the width of the Gaussian kernel was varied with distance according to an arbitrary power law.
Hydrostatic Gas Constraints on Supermassive Black Hole Masses: Implications for Hydrostatic Equilibrium and Dynamical Modelling in a Sample of Early-Type Galaxies
Koelreuter, however, has described some plants of Verbascum which varied in this respect even during the same season. "The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Volume II (of 2)" by
To vary the colour, pickled tongue may be cut in, instead of ham. "The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches," by
Color of the cap varies, depending upon climatic conditions and the character of the habitat. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by
Specific cases vary, and, varying, give new color and new meaning to the laws that are applied to explain them. "College Teaching" by
There are, therefore, several periods in the life of the vine with varying objects, and the methods of pruning must vary accordingly. "Manual of American Grape-Growing" by
The design and dimensions of batteries vary considerably, but the general constructions are similar. "The Automobile Storage Battery" by
The Zeppelin shell varied in weight between two hundred and two hundred and fifty pounds. "Aircraft and Submarines" by
Vases of varied form and decoration 134 199. "Ancient art of the province of Chiriqui, Colombia" by
If the signal intensity varies then the current which passes through the receiver will vary. "Letters of a Radio-Engineer to His Son" by
Varied border edges may be made by switching the straws in any direction desired. "Philippine Mats" by
Sweet hours of rest renew;
Full soon their light, their varied course
Careering they pursue.
Our varied life looks fair and gay;
And so remains the naked truth,
When that false light is past away.
Of bold and coarsely blended dye,
But one, whose nicely varied power
May long detain the curious eye.
All the changes life can bring,
Songs when joyous friends have met,
Songs the mourner's tears have wet.
Vainly would my soul divine
What varied ills thy days may number,
What miseries Fate may thee design.
And warbling murmurs of a brook,
And varied notes of leaves that shook,
An harmony of parts did bind.