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Fine Dictionary


Round plate (fragmentary) of blue painted faience, with a Wan-Li edge and a bird on the plate. The plate is an archaeological find from Delft.
Round plate (fragmentary) of blue painted faience, with a Wan-Li edge and a bird on the plate. The plate is an archaeological find from Delft.
  1. (adj) wan
    lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness "a wan smile"
  2. (adj) wan
    abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress "the pallid face of the invalid","her wan face suddenly flushed"
  3. (adj) wan
    (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble "the pale light of a half moon","a pale sun","the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street","a pallid sky","the pale (or wan) stars","the wan light of dawn"
  4. (v) wan
    become pale and sickly
  5. (n) WAN
    a computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network
Booklet with tangram patterns; yellow title page, on which Chun yu lou zhen wan; 42 leaves (removed, now 82 leaves), numbered 1-42.
Booklet with tangram patterns; yellow title page, on which Chun yu lou zhen wan; 42 leaves (removed, now 82 leaves), numbered 1-42.
Still life with fruit and a goblet on a rooster's foot. On a Wan Li bowl are grapes, pomegranates, peaches and corn. On the left a peeled lemon and a rummer with wine. In the background a golden goblet on a rooster's foot, grapes and a gourd on a wooden box. Snails and butterflies between the fruit, a beetle to the left of the window.
Still life with fruit and goblet on a rooster's leg
Still life with flowers in a Wan Li vase. Bouquet with tulips, roses and daffodils in a vase. A carnation and a cyclamen on the stone plinth.
Still life with flowers in a Wan-li vase
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Wan
    Having a pale or sickly hue; languid of look; pale; pallid. "Sad to view, his visage pale and wan .", "My color . . . [is wan and of a leaden hue.", "Why so pale and wan , fond lover?", "With the wan moon overhead."
  2. Wan
    The quality of being wan; wanness. "Tinged with wan from lack of sleep."
  3. Wan
    To grow wan; to become pale or sickly in looks. "All his visage wanned .", "And ever he mutter'd and madden'd, and ever wann'd with despair."
  4. Wan
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) wan
    A wan tint or complexion; paleness.
  2. (n) wan
    The German name, sometimes used in English, of the dyestuff weld (not woad).
  3. wan
    Dark; black; gloomy: applied to the weather, to water, streams, pools, etc.
  4. wan
    Colorless; pallid; pale; sickly of hue.
  5. wan
    Sorrowful; sad.
  6. wan
    Frightful; awful; great.
  7. wan
    Synonyms Pallid, etc. (see pale), ashy, cadaverous.
  8. wan
    To render wan.
  9. wan
    To grow or become wan.
  10. wan
    An old preterit, of win.
  11. wan
    A prefix of Anglo-Saxon origin, frequent in Middle English, meaning ‘wanting, deficient, lacking,’ and used as a negative, like un-, with which it often inter changed. It differs from un- in denoting more em-phaticaliy the fact of privation. It still exists as a recog nized prefix in provincial use, and in literary use, unrecog nized as a prefix, in wanton.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (adj) Wan
    won faint: wanting colour: pale and sickly: languid: gloomy, dark
  2. (v.i) Wan
    to become wan
  3. (pa.t) Wan
    wan old of win.
Finley Peter Dunne
A rayformer thinks he was ilicted because he was a rayformer, whin th thruth iv th matther is he was ilicted because no wan knew him.
Finley Peter Dunne

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. wann, wonn, wan, won, dark, lurid, livid, perhaps originally, worn out by toil, from winnan, to labor, strive. See Win

Usage in the news

Apparently it wan't big enough.

Small and midsize businesses delivering applications for headquarters, remote offices, customers and partners usually rely on more than one WAN link.

Hard to believe it's been 35 years since Princess Leia, C3PO, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Vader graced the drive-in.

David Frum is like Obi-Wan Kenobi -- they thought they slew him, but he continues to haunt the right.

Startup Amplifies WAN Throughput .

If the word " vegan " immediately brings to mind the image of a wan, sad little sandwich, think again.

Wan is a China correspondent, based in Shanghai and Beijing.

How to Optimize a WAN .

Drill down on WAN search.

Information on Olympic athlete Wan Yiu Wong on

Obi Wan Not For Love Mr Prospector.

In 1999 Benjamin Cale Feit legally changed his name to Obi- Wan Kenobi as part of a 1999 radio contest, which offered $1000 to anyone who would legally make the change.

166 Tsai Wan -Tsai & family.

Granite, the latest acceleration technology from Riverbed Technology, is designed to speed up storage across the WAN and drive the consolidation of data centers.

Riverbed Granite Speeds Up WAN Storage.

Usage in scientific papers

Zetenyi-Wolf calculations accomplished with Wan-Iachello form factor (only for ∆(1232)) give a better description, but still a similar treatment of higher resonances is missing.
MesonNet Workshop on Meson Transition Form Factors

It is worthy of noting that many researches on generic summarization have introduced the topic level and effectively improved the summarization performance (Wan and Yang, 2008; Hardy et al., 2002; Harabagiu and Lacatusu, 2005).
Query-focused Multi-document Summarization: Combining a Novel Topic Model with Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning

The first procedure, proposed by Jiang, Lahiri and Wan (2002) uses the jackknife method.
New Important Developments in Small Area Estimation

WAn is the simple singularity given in (4.7).
Non-perturbative Solutions to N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories -Progress and Perspective-

Wan, Generators and irreducible polynomials over finite fields, Math.
Partial zeta functions of algebraic varieties over finite fields

Usage in literature

Now, I wan' to be fair and square in this thing. "Other Main-Travelled Roads" by Hamlin Garland

He received Sam with a wan austerity. "The Girl on the Boat" by Pelham Grenville Wodehouse

She was no longer the thin, wan little thing that had come from India. "A Little Girl in Old Salem" by Amanda Minnie Douglas

A smile of recognition lit up the agent's wan face, and starting forward, he shook warmly the proffered hand. "The Easiest Way" by Eugene Walter and Arthur Hornblow

Their drooping heads, woeful and wan countenances, are too sure signs of their melancholy situation. "The Lone Ranche" by Captain Mayne Reid

To see wan of the women, I suppose. "The Rajah of Dah" by George Manville Fenn

Its little face looked thin and wan. "Children of the Tenements" by Jacob A. Riis

Do as I bid ye, ivery wan, an' howld yer tongues. "Twice Bought" by R.M. Ballantyne

Lave me wan mouthful, jist wan, to kape me from givin' up the ghost intirely. "Ungava" by R.M. Ballantyne

Wan hes nothin' in the world to think about but his stamik, an' that iss not intellectooal, whatever. "The Walrus Hunters" by R.M. Ballantyne

Usage in poetry
Hid from bright beholding sun,
Hid from moonlight wan,
Lo, from age-long darkness won,
It was seen of man!
O young ones of a darker day,
In art's wan colours clad,
Whose very love and hate are grey--
Whose very sin is sad.
The lonely lovely trees sigh
For summer spent and gone:
A few homing leaves drift by,
Poor souls bewildered and wan.
No more the sunny, breezy morn;
All gone the glowing noon;
No more the silent heath forlorn,
The wan-faced waning moon!
What ails ye, bonnie Mary Lee?
What gars ye greet an' pine?
Your e'e is dim, your cheek is wan—
What ails ye, Mary, mine?
The night is old, and all the world
Is wearied out with strife;
A long gray mist lies heavy and wan
Above the house of life.