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Fine Dictionary


Bruun the bear looks at a hole in the ground, in the presence of three foxes, including Reinaert.
Bruun the bear looks at a hole in the ground, in the presence of three foxes, including Reinaert.
  1. (v) hole
    make holes in
  2. (v) hole
    hit the ball into the hole
  3. (n) hole
    an opening deliberately made in or through something
  4. (n) hole
    one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course "he played 18 holes"
  5. (n) hole
    informal terms for the mouth
  6. (n) hole
    an opening into or through something
  7. (n) hole
    a depression hollowed out of solid matter
  8. (n) hole
    an unoccupied space
  9. (n) hole
    informal terms for a difficult situation "he got into a terrible fix","he made a muddle of his marriage"
  10. (n) hole
    a fault "he shot holes in my argument"
Landscape with a Khoikhoi buried in a hole covered with leaves. The mourners leave the grave in a procession. In the background, the relatives sing lamentations, while they sit in a circle in front of their houses.
Landscape with a Khoikhoi buried in a hole covered with leaves. The mourners leave the grave in a procession. In the background, the relatives sing lamentations, while they sit in a circle in front of their houses.
Landscape with Khoikhoi hunting for moles, digging holes in the ground. In the foreground a hole above which hangs a tuber on a cross where an African mole has come down. When the animal eats the tuber, a rope construction ensures that the gun goes off and the mole is shot.
Landscape with Khoikhoi hunting for moles, digging holes in the ground. In the foreground a hole above which hangs a tuber on a cross where an African mole has come down. When the animal eats the tuber, a rope construction ensures that the gun goes off and the mole is shot.
Nero takes refuge with Phaon. He suggests that Nero hide in a hole in the ground until a passage is made in the wall. Nero refuses and draws water from the ditch to drink.
Nero takes refuge with Phaon. He suggests that Nero hide in a hole in the ground until a passage is made in the wall. Nero refuses and draws water from the ditch to drink.
Wall plate of earthenware, ribbed, polychrome painted with the pattern 'Constantinople'. Hanging holes in the footring. The colors are light and dark yellow, light and dark green, light and dark blue, light brown and pink.
Wall plate of earthenware, ribbed, polychrome painted with the pattern 'Constantinople'. Hanging holes in the footring. The colors are light and dark yellow, light and dark green, light and dark blue, light brown and pink.
The servant, who has been given a talent to manage by his master, digs a hole to bury his talent. To the right a ruin and to the left in the background a harbor. Below the picture a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Mat. 25:18. This print is part of an album.
The servant, who has been given a talent to manage by his master, digs a hole to bury his talent. To the right a ruin and to the left in the background a harbor. Below the picture a reference in Latin to the Bible text in Mat. 25:18. This print is part of an album.
Flood in the year 1682. An attempt is made to close the hole in a breached dike of Westkapelle with sandbags.
Flood in the year 1682. An attempt is made to close the hole in a breached dike of Westkapelle with sandbags.
Hunters dig fox holes. They then hunt the fox with hunting dogs. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series of 54 prints.
Hunters dig fox holes. They then hunt the fox with hunting dogs. The print has a Latin caption and is part of a series of 54 prints.
Hilly landscape with a rock on the right. A path leads through a hole in the rock along which a hiker sits.
Hilly landscape with a rock on the right. A path leads through a hole in the rock along which a hiker sits.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
In 1992, the Antarctic Ozone hole was larger than the continent of North America.
  1. Hole
    (Games) A small cavity used in some games, usually one into which a marble or ball is to be played or driven; hence, a score made by playing a marble or ball into such a hole, as in golf.
  2. Hole
    An excavation in the ground, made by an animal to live in, or a natural cavity inhabited by an animal; hence, a low, narrow, or dark lodging or place; a mean habitation. "The foxes have holes , . . . but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head."
  3. Hole
    (Games) At Eton College, England, that part of the floor of the court between the step and the pepperbox.
  4. Hole
    To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in; as, to hole a post for the insertion of rails or bars.
  5. Hole
    To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball.
  6. Hole
    To go or get into a hole.
  7. Hole
    hōl Whole.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The Black Hole, 1979, was Disney's first PG-rated movie.
  1. hole
    Hollow; deep; concave.
  2. hole
    Hollow; hungry.
  3. (n) hole
    A hollow place or cavity in a solid body; a perforation, orifice, aperture, pit, rent, or crevice.
  4. (n) hole
    The excavated habitation of certain wild animals, as the fox, the badger, etc.; a burrow.
  5. (n) hole
    Hence A narrow, dark, or obscure lodging or place; especially, an obscure lodging for one in hiding, or a secret room for a prohibited or disreputable business, as for counterfeiting, unlicensed printing, liquor-selling, etc.: as, a rum-hole.
  6. (n) hole
    The hollow interior of a ship: now called, by corruption, the hold. See hold.
  7. (n) hole
    An indentation in the coast; a cove, or small harbor, as Holmes's Hole in Martha's Vineyard, and Wood's Hole on the coast opposite; a narrow passage or waterway between two islands, as Robinson's Hole, in the same region. In 1875 the name Wood's Hole was changed to Wood's Holl, in conformity with the (unfounded) supposition that hole in such local. names is a corruption of a Norse word holl, meaning ‘hill’ (see etymology of hill), introduced by the Norsemen in the tenth century, and preserved from that remote period by the American Indians.
  8. (n) hole
    A level grassy area surrounded by mountains: a word formerly much in use and still current in the northern parts of the Rocky Mountains. Such places are also sometimes called parks, and occasionally, in certain regions, basins. The use of the term hole implies a more complete isolation and environment of mountains than does that of basin. Park is a more familiar name for localities of this kind in the southern Rocky Mountains.
  9. (n) hole
    A puzzling situation; a scrape; a fix.
  10. (n) hole
    Synonyms Opening, cave, cavity, excavation, hollow.
  11. (n) hole
    Den, kennel, hovel.
  12. hole
    To cut, dig, or make a hole or holes in: as, to hole a post for the insertion of rails or bars; to hole a flute.
  13. hole
    To drive into a hole.
  14. hole
    In mining: To connect two workings with each other.
  15. hole
    In coal-mining, to undercut the coal, or pick away the lower part of the seam, so that that which is above can be thrown down by means of wedges or by the use of powder.
  16. hole
    To go into a hole, as an animal into its den or burrow.
  17. hole
    Specifically, to retire into a den or burrow for the winter: said of a hibernating animal.
  18. hole
    The former and more correct spelling of whole.
  19. hole
    In billiards, to win by pocketing. Some billiard games of mixed pockets and caroms require the final shot to be a carom; others insist upon a pocket.
  20. hole
    A simplified (and the earlier) spelling of whole.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Fastest round of golf (18 holes) by a team - 9 minutes and 28 seconds. Set at Tatnuck CC in Worcester in September 9, 1996 at 10:40am.
  1. (n) Hole
    hōl a hollow place: a cavity: an opening in a solid body: a pit: a subterfuge: a means of escape: a difficult situation: a scrape: a place of hiding, a mean lodging, a secret room for some disreputable business:
  2. (v.t) Hole
    to form holes in: to drive into a hole
  3. (v.i) Hole
    to go into a hole
  4. (adj) Hole
    (Spens.) whole.
  5. (n) Hole
    hōl (golf) one of the holes, 4 in. in diameter, into which the ball is played, also the distance between any two holes
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
It is not helpful to help a friend by putting coins in his pockets when he has got holes in his pockets.
Douglas Hurd
Thomas Fuller
A drinker has a hole under his nose that all his money runs into.
Thomas Fuller
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Whenever nature leaves a hole in a person's mind, she generally plasters it over with a thick coat of self-conceit.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I'm trying not to look too far ahead. All I'm thinking is one shot at a time, one hole at a time, and that's what I want to keep doing.
Michelle Mcgann
Salman Rushdie
I used to say: there is a God-shaped hole in me. For a long time I stressed the absence, the hole. Now I find it is the shape which has become more important.
Salman Rushdie

Ace in the hole - An ace in the hole is something other people are not aware of that can be used to your advantage when the time is right.

Black hole - If there is a black hole in financial accounts, money has disappeared.

Fire in the hole! - This is used as a warning when a planned explosion is about to happen.

In the hole - If someone is in the hole, they have a lot of problems, especially financial ones.

Money burns a hole in your pocket - If someone has money burning a hole in their pocket, they are eager to spend it, normally in a wasteful manner.

More holes than Swiss cheese - If something has more holes than a Swiss cheese, it is incomplete,and lacks many parts.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. hol, hole, AS. hol, hole, cavern, from hol, a., hollow,; akin to D. hol, OHG. hol, G. hohl, Dan. huul, hollow, hul, hole, Sw. hål, Icel. hola,; prob. from the root of AS. helan, to conceal. See Hele Hell, and cf. Hold of a ship

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. hol, a hole, cavern; Dut. hol, Dan. hul, Ger. hohl, hollow; conn. with Gr. koilos, hollow.

Usage in the news

Tucson News NowRed zone a black hole for Browns in 25-15 loss.

The host galaxy is of a type not expected to harbor a supermassive black hole, suggesting that this black hole, while related to its supermassive cousins, may have a different origin.

NuSTAR reveals flare from Milky Way's black hole.

Rare star explosion reveals hidden black hole.

Gas builds up in a storage disk around a black hole, eventually leading to a bright X-ray nova.

Fanatical SciFi Army Beams Financial Firm Into Black Hole.

Star Races Around Black Hole, Key to Proving Einstein's Theory.

Shed light on 'black hole'.

Bright X-ray novae, which indicate the presence of a black hole, are so rare that they're a once-a-mission event, and this is the first one Swift has seen.

Artist's Illustrations of Asteroid Path to Black Hole. NASA's Swift Satellite Discovers A New Black Hole In Our Galaxy.

'Holes, Voids' is filled with ambition.

Richard Haley "s "Hole Relocation, 2012, mixed media.

Another Hole in the Head.

Matt Denninger, hitting a 7-iron, made a hole-in-one at No.

Usage in scientific papers

We investigate how the total mass Mtot of a dataset with two black holes depends on the configuration of linear or angular momentum and separation of the holes.
Local and global properties of conformally flat initial data for black hole collisions

The unit of length is the throat radius Rδ = Mδ /2 of the holes (in this paper, all holes have the same mass Mδ = 2 and thus the same throat radius).
Local and global properties of conformally flat initial data for black hole collisions

The analytical solution (35) is described by the two parameters, the mass of the Schwarzschild black hole M and the velocity of the hole v as measured by an observer at infinity.
Local and global properties of conformally flat initial data for black hole collisions

Comparison of the spatial distribution of local invariants for both rotating and boosted black hole shows that junk field is present at large distances from the holes.
Local and global properties of conformally flat initial data for black hole collisions

Mi is the corresponding Newtonian mass, ui is the value of the correction to the conformal factor at the ith hole, and D is the coordinate separation distance between the holes.
Variational Principles in General Relativity

Usage in literature

In those days the sheep were hand-washed in a water hole, in which we worked up to our middle all day. "Reminiscences of Queensland" by William Henry Corfield

Then the swallow bade farewell to Tiny, and she opened the hole in the ceiling which the mole had made. "Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen" by Hans Christian Andersen

Always make a point of trying to play the first hole as well as you have ever played a hole in your life. "The Complete Golfer [1905]" by Harry Vardon

A hole or holes are left in the roof over the fireplaces for openings for the smoke to escape. "Shelters, Shacks and Shanties" by D.C. Beard

She rolled, and the lights of the port-holes flashed lanterns on the sea in that uprising. "Hurricane Island" by H. B. Marriott Watson

The holes C C can be cleaned out if the plugs P^2 P^3 are removed. "How it Works" by Archibald Williams

Shoot a hole through his spine. "Red Men and White" by Owen Wister

You can peep through this little hole where he was trying to gnaw out. "Stuyvesant" by Jacob Abbott

And live in holes carved out of the ruby mud. "Peter the Brazen" by George F. Worts

Evening camp was usually made near a water-hole or native well, but sometimes the horses had to go as long as two days without a drink. "In the Musgrave Ranges" by Jim Bushman

Usage in poetry
It makes its nest of soft, dry moss,
In a hole so deep and strong ;
And there it sleeps secure and warm,
The dreary winter long.
Oh, that land of plague and pestilence
Where the natives die in shoals
And they have to vaccinate them
Till their torsos' filled with holes.
To smoke the nobs out of their holes
we’ll light a fire through all the world,
a bloody fire through all the world –
Lord, bless our souls!
Sometime when you feel that your going
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions
And see how they humble your soul;
And deep and wide the rotten side
Slipped into the hungry hole,
And the phosphorus leapt and vanished
Like the flight of the stranger’s soul.
"But I saw nae mair, for, wi' ae lood cry
That took the last o' my breath,
I lap frae the hole that was like my grave,
An' I ran for life an' death."