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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
TWIX Caramel Cookie Bars were first introduced in 1979
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Coffee beans were chewed for more than 400 years before the first cup of coffee was brewed
  1. Were
    A fine for slaying a man; the money value set upon a man's life; weregild. "Every man was valued at a certain sum, which was called his were ."
  2. Were
    A man.
  3. Were
    A weir. See Weir.
  4. Were
    wẽr The imperfect indicative plural, and imperfect subjunctive singular and plural, of the verb be. See Be.
  5. Were
    To guard; to protect.
  6. Were
    To wear. See 3d Wear.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The first cheerleaders in the U.S. were men
  1. (n) were
    An obsolete form of wear 1, wear, weir, war, vair.
  2. (n) were
    See wer.
  3. (n) were
    Indicative plural and subjunctive singular and plural of was. See was.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The Apollo 17 crew were the last men on the moon
  1. (v.i) Were
    wer the pl. of was, used as pa.t. of be.
Marcus Aurelius
Do every act of your life as if it were your last.
Marcus Aurelius
Arthur Schopenhauer
After your death you will be what you were before your birth.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Experience is what you get when you were expecting something else.
Source Unknown
Experience is often what you get when you were expecting something else.
Source Unknown
Arthur Hugh Clough
If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars.
Arthur Hugh Clough
George Herbert
There would be no great men if there were no little ones.
George Herbert

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride - This means that wishing for something or wanting it is not the same as getting or having it.

Were you born in a barn? - If someone asks you this, it means that you forgot to close the door when you came in.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. wer,; akin to OS. & OHG. wer, Goth. waír, L. vir, Skr. vīra,. Cf. Weregild, and Werewolf

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. wǽre; Ger. war, Ice. vera, to be. Cf. Was.

Usage in the news

Members of the President's Council on Bioethics were told by the White House last week that their services were no longer needed and were asked to cancel a planned meeting, a council staff member said Wednesday.

Parents from the Chicago suburbs were arrested in Kansas after two of their children were found tied up in their vehicle.

Two of the mailboxes were located on North Hall Road and the other three were on Airport Road.

When Judy and Larry Plegge were ready to downsize from their single-family home of 32 years, they were clear on what they didn't want.

(AP) _ Two Nebraska residents were killed when the vehicle they were in collided with a freight train in north-central Kansas.

The Cayman Islands were colonized from Jamaica by the British during the 18th and 19th centuries, and were administered by Jamaica after 1863.

At least 10 people were killed and scores were missing, while at least a dozen more deaths were reported in neighboring Panama.

They were noble, and they were also cranky, dirty and solitary.

"We knew what type of team they were and what they were going to do," said point guard Juwan Staten.

The first Curtiss Hawks for the US Navy were nine F6C-1s, direct equivalents of the Army P-1s, and were delivered late in 1925.

My brother and I were young, but we were also big baseball fans, so we knew getting Feller 's autograph was a big deal.

Where were their creative juices when they were on the picket lines — on strike as well.

Four people were transported to a hospital with critical burns and two were missing.

The couple from Weeki Wachee, Florida were arrested Sunday and both (yes, both) were charged with domestic battery.

The vehicles were roughly 100 feet apart from each other and were heavily damaged by fire.

Usage in scientific papers

Systems of equations with many different color terms were fit, since not all science ob jects were detected in every co-added image.
QSOs and Absorption Line Systems Surrounding the Hubble Deep Field

Science ob jects were matched on all co-added frames in which they were detected.
QSOs and Absorption Line Systems Surrounding the Hubble Deep Field

All the regions were assumed to be in the plane of M33’s disk and were deprojected to estimate the actual radial distance.
Determination of the Distance to M33 Based on the Tip of the Red Giant Branch and the Red Clump

The data from the electronic detectors were analysed and the events possibly originating from the emulsion stacks were identified.
MC generators in CHORUS

The dynamical equations were solved in some cases, in other cases approximations were necessary.
Dynamics of heuristic optimization algorithms on random graphs

Usage in literature

These forts were the sign of power, as they were a source of patronage. "The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation" by Charles Roger

Chairs were used only in kings' palaces, and carriages were but just introduced, and were clumsy and awkward. "A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon" by John Lord

The men were generally tattooed, but the women and children, who were not so, were thought to be as fair as many Europeans. "Captain Cook" by W.H.G. Kingston

In truth the mess were not sorry to get rid of them, for to more than one sense they were somewhat unpleasant companions. "The Three Midshipmen" by W.H.G. Kingston

In July they were saluted with a most fragrant gale from the land they were seeking. "Sir Walter Ralegh" by William Stebbing

Few were the French ships which put out to sea during the year, and they were all taken. "The Political History of England - Vol. X." by William Hunt

They were pale and they were silent. "The Goose Man" by Jacob Wassermann

The eyes were dark and piercing, the features were almost classical. "The Day of Judgment" by Joseph Hocking

Egyptian drivers were employed, though the men serving the guns were all British artillerymen. "Khartoum Campaign, 1898" by Bennet Burleigh

Francois and Basil were about to renew the pursuit, but were prevented by Norman, who counselled them to remain where they were. "Popular Adventure Tales" by Mayne Reid

Usage in poetry
And mony were the mudie men
Lay gasping on the green;
And mony were the fair ladyes
Lay lemanless at hame.
My you ``My Lord,'' God's pity!
And all I knew were out, My Lord, you
Were Lack-land Cino, e'en as I am,
O Sinistro.
Thy throne eternal ages stood,
Ere seas or stars were made;
Thou art the ever-living God,
Were all the nations dead.
A nobler man for that grave peace,
I think, dear friend, I were,
And richer were I than to lose
My love in losing her.
Until Ferdiah sought the Ford,
I played but with the spear and sword:
Alike the teaching we received,
Alike were glad, alike were grieved,
Alike were we by Scatha's grace
Deemed worthy of the highest place.
For there was only you and I, and you were all to me;
And round us were the barren lands, but little did we fear;
Of all God's happy, happy folks the happiest were we. . . .
(Oh, call her, poor old fiddle mine, and maybe she will hear!)