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small letter

smɔl ˈlɛtər
Jug with the letter 'L' in a wreath of leaves surrounded by flowering plants
Jug with the letter 'L' in a wreath of leaves surrounded by flowering plants
Porcelain jug with a pear-shaped body, C-shaped handle and small triangular spout from the rim, painted in underglaze blue. On the wall twice the letter 'L' in a wreath of leaves with flowering plants on both sides. Tendrils on the ear. Speckled glaze. Arita, blue and white.
  1. (n) small letter
    the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type case
Handwritten description that tells how small the note is and what can be seen in it.
Handwritten description that tells how small the note is and what can be seen in it.
Wish letter with inscribed cartouche within a decorative frame with a small hunting scene and depictions of birds. Handwritten message in calligraphy (birthday wish) by Jan Antoni Tnierens to his father Paulus Rauwerhoff.
Wish letter with inscribed cartouche within a decorative frame with a small hunting scene and depictions of birds. Handwritten message in calligraphy (birthday wish) by Jan Antoni Tnierens to his father Paulus Rauwerhoff.
Small mechanical device of unknown nature, pulley (?), On box / pedestal, inscribed letters A, A, V (Volt?), G, k, r, z, S, Z, h, t and 'fig. 180 'written in black ink on front of photo. Compare RP-F-00-6033: photo from the same series.
Small mechanical device of unknown nature, pulley (?), On box / pedestal, inscribed letters A, A, V (Volt?), G, k, r, z, S, Z, h, t and 'fig. 180 'written in black ink on front of photo. Compare RP-F-00-6033: photo from the same series.
Usage in the news

The effect, exaggerated here, causes a smearing of the edges of letters or the small details of distance vision through the lens periphery.

As past manager of the Bonnie Brae Homeowners' Association (BBHA), I'd like to offer a couple small corrections, and perhaps some clarification to Dave Crabtree's letter "Bayview no different than Bonnie Brae " (Aug 31).

Hand-written on a small piece of paper labeled "Pigeon Service," the note consists of five-letter words that don't make sense.

Strong Letter Asks DOC to Answer Vital Questions about Plan's Impact on Consumers, Businesses before, at most, Implementing Small Pilot Program that can be Empirically Evaluated.

A few years ago the reigns were handed over and it became Alberto & Mauricio's Bistro, still keeping " Doña Rosa" in small letters on the sign.

To convey a sensitive message discreetly, a new Web site called will send a letter -- along with an appropriate enclosure to reinforce the message -- for a small fee.

When a watch or clock is repaired, horologists stamp or scratch a system of small letters and numbers inside the back of the case.

A beloved but money-losing county-owned amusement park on prime shoreline outside New York City would be refreshed with a small water park, a fieldhouse, ballfields and a "Great Lawn" under a letter of intent signed Thursday.

Small-town atmosphere In response to the recent letter to the editor about Mayton Inn coming to Cary, I agree with everything the letter writer said.

The small letter to the editor criticizing the benefit ride for the Mahaffeys has obviously generated a lot of noise, even more than the bikes and bikers involved.

Expose the corruption 'small fries': letter to the editor.

Expose the corruption 'small fries ': letter to the editor.

"I couldn't see the small lettering in this book but now I can read".

Mail, or post, is a system for transporting letters and other tangible objects: written documents, typically enclosed in envelopes, and also small packages are delivered to destinations around the world.

GoldStreak® Package Express Rates - effective March 12, 2012 (319K) Use for documents, letters, small packages or items up to 100 pounds per piece.

Usage in scientific papers

Hereinafter, we denote by the corresponding underlined small letter x the dimension vector of a kQ-module X and view x as a column vector in Zn .
A quantum analogue of generic bases for affine cluster algebras

In this Letter we present a method for detecting heavy tails in empirical data that works reliably for small data sets (on the order of a few dozen entries) and is robust with respect to removal of extreme entries.
Correlations of record events as a test for heavy-tailed distributions

We denote the number of elements in each subset by the corresponding small letters, e.g., γ (±)(p, q) (λ(±) (p, q)) is the number of elements in Γ(±)(p, q) (Λ(±) (p, q)).
Diagonal-unitary 2-designs and their implementations by quantum circuits

Letters C, ¯C , c, c denote positive constants, ε is a strictly positive and small enough number, and θ is a constant from the interval (0, 1).
Limit theorems for random walks on a strip in subdiffusive regime

Many of the letters reached their destination, after having been sent on by a surprisingly small number of intervening people.
Interplay between Network Topology and Dynamics in Neural Systems

Usage in literature

Among officials and Lamas small pieces of this silk gauze are enclosed even in letters. "An Explorer's Adventures in Tibet" by A. Henry Savage Landor

A small boat accordingly came alongside, and took the letter. "Great Pirate Stories" by Various

Among my letters on the following morning was a small packet which I opened. "The Stretton Street Affair" by William Le Queux

Beautifully cut, small and large beads alternating, and on the smaller a graven letter he could not decipher. "The Pagan Madonna" by Harold MacGrath

Holmes rushed at the bell-pull, tore back a small sliding shutter, and, plunging in his hand, pulled out a photograph and a letter. "Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes" by Various

The letter to Mrs Denvil was written in the small hours. "Captain Desmond, V.C." by Maud Diver

Even between considerable towns, as representing important centres in the country, the amount of correspondence by letter was small. "A Hundred Years by Post" by J. Wilson Hyde

The letter Z you will notice has only a small space allowed it; X, too, is not much in demand. "Paul and the Printing Press" by Sara Ware Bassett

We were just then approaching the small station where the letter-bag from the great house was taken up. "Mugby Junction" by Charles Dickens

My mother's letters had small comfort for me. "Daisy" by Elizabeth Wetherell

Usage in poetry
So small an I as an attention beggar.
The letter you will find me subscript to
Is neither alpha, eta, nor omega,
But upsilon which is the Greek for you.
Dear Dermot, I hope when this letter gets to you
'Twill find you in health, as now it leaves me;
But I hope you're more happy than I am in Australia
If not, it's small comfort that you have, achree!