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Fine Dictionary


Twig of a fir on a paper with a label with the inscription 'twig of the freedom tree January 21, 1795'. On the back 'ATLAS VAN AMSTERDAM / van DC Meijer jr' and 'Amst / dept / 208'. It comes from the freedom tree that was erected on Dam Square when the French troops arrived in Amsterdam.
Twig of a fir on a paper with a label with the inscription 'twig of the freedom tree January 21, 1795'. On the back 'ATLAS VAN AMSTERDAM / van DC Meijer jr' and 'Amst / dept / 208'. It comes from the freedom tree that was erected on Dam Square when the French troops arrived in Amsterdam.
  1. (n) fir
    any of various evergreen trees of the genus Abies; chiefly of upland areas
  2. (n) fir
    nonresinous wood of a fir tree
Letter belonging to the twig of a freedom tree. Twig of a fir on a paper with a label with the inscription 'twig of the freedom tree January 21, 1795'. On the back 'ATLAS VAN AMSTERDAM / van DC Meijer jr' and 'Amst / dept / 208'. It comes from the freedom tree that was erected on Dam Square when the French troops arrived in Amsterdam.
Letter belonging to the twig of a freedom tree. Twig of a fir on a paper with a label with the inscription 'twig of the freedom tree January 21, 1795'. On the back 'ATLAS VAN AMSTERDAM / van DC Meijer jr' and 'Amst / dept / 208'. It comes from the freedom tree that was erected on Dam Square when the French troops arrived in Amsterdam.
The hall is decorated with garlands and fir trees. In the center a fountain. To the left and right of the center are tables and chairs with ladies and gentlemen, an officer in the foreground. People talk, smoke and drink with each other.
The hall is decorated with garlands and fir trees. In the center a fountain. To the left and right of the center are tables and chairs with ladies and gentlemen, an officer in the foreground. People talk, smoke and drink with each other.
White cover with silhouette of blossom branches and yellow-purple title strip; inside cover, pattern of fir branches; 16 pages, partly numbered: first page, table of contents; second page, fold-out print; 2-13, pictures of people, animals and landscapes; 1-2; text; inside cover, colophon.
White cover with silhouette of blossom branches and yellow-purple title strip; inside cover, pattern of fir branches; 16 pages, partly numbered: first page, table of contents; second page, fold-out print; 2-13, pictures of people, animals and landscapes; 1-2; text; inside cover, colophon.
Indian night heron, to the left, on a snowy fir branch.
Indian night heron, to the left, on a snowy fir branch.
A female temple servant with a court cap (eboshi) and a kimono depicting fir branches for the New Year. She leads a gray by the reins to a bridge. The horse is a ceremonial New Year's gift for the temple. With two poems.
Temple servant with white horse
Black mask, hat and fan on a cloak with the pattern of cranes and fir branches; the attributes of a Noh actor in a Sanbaso role. Sheet, with part of the introduction at the top left, from the Japanese book Yakusha gakuya tsu.
Black mask, hat and fan on a cloak with the pattern of cranes and fir branches; the attributes of a Noh actor in a Sanbaso role. Sheet, with part of the introduction at the top left, from the Japanese book Yakusha gakuya tsu.
Earthenware vase, decorated in sludge technique with fir branches in black and reddish brown on green ground. Marked: engraved: factory stamp, 1804, PROF. LAUGER, Made in Germany, Ed.
Earthenware vase, decorated in sludge technique with fir branches in black and reddish brown on green ground. Marked: engraved: factory stamp, 1804, PROF. LAUGER, Made in Germany, Ed.
Silver crescent moon, fir branch and New Year's decoration of straw rope (shimenawa), ferns (urajiro) and papers against a black background. With one poem.
Silver crescent moon, fir branch and New Year's decoration of straw rope (shimenawa), ferns (urajiro) and papers against a black background. With one poem.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Fir
    fẽr (Bot) A genus (Abies) of coniferous trees, often of large size and elegant shape, some of them valued for their timber and others for their resin. The species are distinguished as the balsam fir, the silver fir, the red fir, etc. The Scotch fir is a Pinus.Fir in the Bible means any one of several coniferous trees, including, cedar, cypress, and probably three species of pine.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) fir
    A coniferous tree, properly of the genus Abies, in distinction from the spruce (Picea): a term also applied, more loosely, to trees of other genera, as Picea and Pinus. See Abies. Among the true firs are the silver firs, Abies pectinata of Europe and A. Numidica of the Atlas mountains; the balsam-fir or balm-of-Gilead fir of the Alleghanies, A. balsamea; the balsam-fir or white fir of the Rocky Mountains, A. concolor; the red firs of the Pacific coast, A. nobilis and A. magnifica; the white fir of the same region, A. grandis; and the sacred fir of Mexico, A. religiosa. Of other genera are the Scotch fir, Pinus sylvestris, and the spruce-fir or Norway spruce. Picea excelsa; the red, yellow, or Douglas fir of western America, Pseudotsuga Douglasii; the parasol-fir of Japan, Sciadopitys verticillata; and the plum-fir of Chili, Podocarpus Andina. The gnetaceous genera Ephedra and Gnetum are known as joint-firs.
  2. (n) fir
    The she-balsam or Fraser fir, Abies Fraseri, of the more southern Appalachian Mountains.
  3. (n) fir
    Same as alpine fir.
  4. (n) fir
    Same as Shasta fir.
  5. (n) fir
    The Douglas spruce.
  6. (n) fir
    Same as Algerian fir.
  7. (n) fir
    Same as bristle-cone fir.
  8. (n) fir
    Same as grand fir.
  9. (n) fir
    Same as Fraser fir.
  10. (n) fir
    Same as white fir.
  11. (n) fir
    Same as Shasta fir.
  12. (n) fir
    Abies amabilis, distinguished as red silver fir.
  13. (n) fir
    Abies Pichta, sometimes called Siberian silver fir.
  14. (n) fir
    The king-pine, Abies Webbiana, often called Webb's silver fir. See king-pine, under pine.
  15. (n) fir
    Same as grand fir.
  16. (n) fir
    Same as lovely fir.
  17. (n) fir
    An abbreviation of firkin.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Fir
    fėr the name of several species of cone-bearing, resinous trees, valuable for their timber

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Dan. fyr, fyrr,; akin to Sw. furu, Icel. fura, AS. furh, in furh,wudu fir wood, G. föhre, OHG. forha, pine, vereh,eih a sort of oak, L. quercus, oak

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. furh (wudu); cf. Ger. föhre.

Usage in the news

Studying Fraser fir in the Smokies.

Friends of Music presents "An Afternoon of Opera and Musical Theater" at 3 pm Sunday, Nov 13, at Calvary Assembly of God, 518 Fir St, Brookings.

View full size Randy L. Rasmussen/The Oregonian Lone Fir Cemetery's first burial in 1846 was of Emmor Stephens, father of landowner James Stephens.

RIDE INFORMATION Distance - 1.5 miles to the Munch Connector;4 miles from Fir Canyon to top of connector;75 miles to East Pinery .

The Alki Homestead/Fir Lodge built in 1905 is getting closer to a clear decision on its fate.

Pliny for Parks and our first visit to The Noble Fir.

Ten Photos from Blonde Redhead 's Doug Fir Show.

Logging town of Darrington reluctantly parts with cemetery's Doug firs.

KINGSTON — A powerful lightning bolt sliced a big fir tree in half Friday morning, threatening a house that stood next to it and the occupant in it.

The pleasant fir aroma is formulated to block a rodent's sense of smell so the pest vacates any area where a pouch is placed, the company adds.

PICTURE ROCKS — A working smoke alarm is credited with saving the life of a man and a woman who were awakened by the alarm early Tuesday morning and found their home on Roaring Run Road on fir.

Softwoods like pine and fir catch easily and burn fast.

Milwaukee's Faux Fir and Fatty Acids Release Spilt EP For A Free Download.

Two of Milwaukee's most interesting bands, Faux Fir and The Fatty Acids, released a spilt EP a few days ago on bandcamp.

Join us on Saturday, October 6th at the Science Museum of Virginia for an exciting competition and hands-on family fun at Virginia FIRS T's Robot Rumble .

Usage in scientific papers

FIRBACK sources: the FIR-mm SEDs tentatively indicate, for plausible far-IR spectra, redshifts in the range from 0 to 0.4 for the ma jority of the sources, while a few may be at z > 1.
High-Redshift Galaxies: The Far-Infrared and Sub-Millimeter View

ALMA – are particulalry needed, in addition to space FIR observatories).
High-Redshift Galaxies: The Far-Infrared and Sub-Millimeter View

Far-infrared (FIR) and radio luminosities imply a high star-formation rate and at a distance of 3.2 Mpc (Burbidge, Burbudge & Rubin 1964) it lends itself well to study with radio interferometry on a parsec scale.
Global VLBI Observations of Compact Radio Sources in M82

Various different indicators of galaxy SFR exist at different wavelengths, and include Hα and [Oii] emission line luminosities, ultraviolet continuum luminosity, far-infrared (FIR) luminosity and radio luminosities (see reviews by Kennicutt 1998; Condon 1992).
Star formation rate indicators in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Here we use this technique to estimate SFRs using Hα, [Oii], u-band, 1.4 GHz and FIR luminosities.
Star formation rate indicators in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Usage in literature

It looks very wild here, the fir-trees are so shaggy. "Life at Puget Sound: With Sketches of Travel in Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California" by Caroline C. Leighton

Even on dark and stormy days the park has its own strange charm as one walks up the gloomy avenue on the soft fir-needles glistening with rain. "Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 26, August, 1880" by Various

Do you see the face in the fir tree? "Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 10" by Charles Herbert Sylvester

I was behind the fir hedge and you didn't see me. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

We have come down to spend a few weeks at Fir Cottage. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Only the sturdy firs and spruces could hold their own against it. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1904" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

From where he sat he saw the new house that Stephen had built beyond the fir grove, with a cheerful light shining from its window. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

To right and left fir-fringed points ran out into the lake, shaping a little cove with the house in its curve. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Behind it rose the seven dark firs which had given to the place its name. "Allison Bain" by Margaret Murray Robertson

They were glad that they were safe in the fir tree. "The Tree-Dwellers" by Katharine Elizabeth Dopp

Usage in poetry
Swiftly I thrust away
This thought of the Woods of Truagh,
My poplar, my fir are you,
My larch a-sway–
No fir-crown'd hills could give delight,
No palace please mine eye;
No pyramid's aerial height,
Where mould'ring monarchs lie.
From the clefts of mountain rocks,
Through the dark of lowland firs,
Flash the eyes and flow the locks
Of the mystic Vanishers!
Beneath yon fir trees in the west,
The sunset round it glowing,
A cottage lies like bird on nest,
With thatch roof hardly showing.
"Still, here it stood! yes, here," he said,
"Its very foot was set!
I saw this fir-tree through the red,
This through the violet!"
And as I gazed there blew a wind,
Loosed where the sylvan shadows stir,
Bringing delight to soul and sense
The breath of dying fir.