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Fine Dictionary


Surreal composition with a woman in a cloak with outstretched arms in the foreground.
Surreal composition with a woman in a cloak with outstretched arms in the foreground.
  1. (v) cloak
    cover with or as if with a cloak "cloaked monks"
  2. (v) cloak
    cover as if with clothing "the mountain was clothed in tropical trees"
  3. (v) cloak
    hide under a false appearance "He masked his disappointment"
  4. (n) cloak
    a loose outer garment
  5. (n) cloak
    anything that covers or conceals
Half-length portrait of Henri de Bourbon, dressed in armor and an ermine cloak. A Huguenot cross around his neck. He holds a command staff in his left hand. In the background horsemen and a burning house are depicted. Below his portrait is a plinth, bearing his name and title in two lines in a cartouche.
Half-length portrait of Henri de Bourbon, dressed in armor and an ermine cloak. A Huguenot cross around his neck. He holds a command staff in his left hand. In the background horsemen and a burning house are depicted. Below his portrait is a plinth, bearing his name and title in two lines in a cartouche.
Half-length portrait of Johan de Witt, dressed in a cloak and standing in front of a curtain with a conference room behind it. In his right hand a seal with the Dutch lion, symbol of the Republic. Below his portrait a plinth bearing his name and title in two lines in a cartouche.
Half-length portrait of Johan de Witt, dressed in a cloak and standing in front of a curtain with a conference room behind it. In his right hand a seal with the Dutch lion, symbol of the Republic. Below his portrait a plinth bearing his name and title in two lines in a cartouche.
Woman in a yellow-brown cloak with leaf motif; collar and cuff of fur. Shoes with heels. Print from the fashion magazine Les Modes (1901-1937).
Woman in a yellow-brown cloak with leaf motif; collar and cuff of fur. Shoes with heels. Print from the fashion magazine Les Modes (1901-1937).
Portrait of Wilhelmina. A fan in her left hand. Left an ermine cloak.
Portrait of Wilhelmina. A fan in her left hand. Left an ermine cloak.
Glass plate in wooden mount. Full-length portrait of a royal figure with cloak and sword. He wears a small millstone collar and the chain of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
Glass plate in wooden mount. Full-length portrait of a royal figure with cloak and sword. He wears a small millstone collar and the chain of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
Henry VIII of England (1491-1547), dressed in a lilac skirt and black cloak with golden-yellow trimmings, sand-colored fur lining, reddish brown under sleeves. Black beret and belt. Elbow piece, head-on against an incorporated curtain, set in a border line, within which the crowned English coat of arms with the Order of the Garter. Above the border, five-line inscription in Dutch. Pendant of Portrait Edward VI of England.
Henry VIII of England (1491-1547), dressed in a lilac skirt and black cloak with golden-yellow trimmings, sand-colored fur lining, reddish brown under sleeves. Black beret and belt. Elbow piece, head-on against an incorporated curtain, set in a border line, within which the crowned English coat of arms with the Order of the Garter. Above the border, five-line inscription in Dutch. Pendant of Portrait Edward VI of England.
Portrait of a standing young woman with a cloak slung over her arm, just short of full length.
Portrait of a standing young woman with a cloak slung over her arm, just short of full length.
Warrior with lance and shield. Half-naked with a cloak over the shoulder, seen from the back.
Warrior with lance and shield
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Cloak
    A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. It is longer than a cape, and is worn both by men and by women.
  2. Cloak
    That which conceals; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense; a mask; a cover. "No man is esteemed any ways considerable for policy who wears religion otherwise than as a cloak ."
  3. Cloak
    To cover with, or as with, a cloak; hence, to hide or conceal. "Now glooming sadly, so to cloak her matter."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) cloak
    Properly, a loose outer garment without sleeves, worn by either sex as a protection from the weather: now frequently used, though erroneously, for a sleeved outer wrap worn by women. In the sixteenth century the cloak was an article of every-day wear, and was made with large loose armholes, through which the sleeves of the undergarment were passed, as is seen in portraits of Henry VIII. and the nobles of his court. Later it was shortened, and became in common use little more than a cape, though large and long cloaks were still used in traveling. In the latter part of the seventeenth century cloaks were abandoned, except for protection from cold and wet, on account of the changing fashion of the outer coat. Under the name of Spanish cloak, this garment was worn from about 1800 to 1840 in Great Britain and America, the shape being a half-circle; it had a broad collar, often of fur or of velvet, which was continued down the edges of the cloak on both sides in breadths of a foot or more. When in use, one of these edges was drawn across the breast and flung over the opposite shoulder with the breadth of fur or velvet turned outward, so as to form a decorative draping, falling from the shoulder behind. The same garment is still worn as the most common winter dress in certain Italian cities.
  2. (n) cloak
    Figuratively, that which conceals; a cover; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense.
  3. cloak
    To cover with or as with a cloak.
  4. cloak
    Figuratively, to cover up; hide; conceal.
  5. cloak
    Synonyms To hide, conceal, mask, cover, veil, screen.
  6. cloak
    To intrigue; hold secret council.
  7. (n) cloak
    In mollusks, same as mantle or pallium.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Cloak
    klōk a loose outer garment: a covering: that which conceals: a disguise, pretext
  2. (v.t) Cloak
    to clothe with a cloak: to cover: to conceal
Under a tattered cloak you will generally find a good drinker.
Spanish Proverb
Thomas Carlyle
Our life is not really a mutual helpfulness; but rather, it's fair competition cloaked under due laws of war; it's a mutual hostility.
Thomas Carlyle
Johann Kaspar Lavater
The craftiest trickery are too short and ragged a cloak to cover a bad heart.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
If someone takes your coat, give him your cloak as well; if he makes you go a mile with him, go with him two. [Mathew]
Of all the characters of cruelty, I consider the most despicable the one that cloaks himself in a garb of mercy.
Anne Fox
Thomas Fuller
Pride perceiving humility honorable, often borrows her cloak.
Thomas Fuller

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Of. cloque, cloak (from the bell-like shape), bell, F. cloche, bell; perh. of Celtic origin and the same word as E. clock,. See 1st Clock

Usage in the news

But combat cloaking , he said, is still "many years down the road.".

Army Eyes Invisibility Cloak .

Cloaking uses materials, known as metamaterials, to deflect radar, light or other waves around an object, like water flowing around a smooth rock in a stream.

Ways to Ditch a Corporate Invisibility Cloak .

Careers / Ways to Ditch a Corporate Invisibility Cloak .

Native leader urges end to ' cloak of victimization'.

White cedars cloak lake's rocky cliffs.

Women scientist discovers real cloak of invisibility.

Researcher Natalia Litchinitser of the University of Michigan department of electrical engineering told the AP that the work appeared to be the first experimental demonstration of cloaking based on metamaterials.

The microwave cloaking device, made of copper rings and wires patterned onto sheets of composite fiberglass.

Scientists have created a cloaking device that can reroute certain wavelengths of light, forcing them around objects like water flowing around boulders in a stream.

See all the pictures from the CLOAK collections from CLOAK .

Imagine an invisibility cloak that works just like the one Harry Potter inherited from his father.

They are laying out the blueprint and calling for help in developing the exotic materials needed to build a cloak .

Maid held 'prisoner' by diplomat makes cloak-and- dagger escape.

Usage in scientific papers

To keep the design simple, in our numerical simulations we simply truncated the cloaked cylinder, as optimized in the previous section, consistent with the geometry in Fig. 1, leaving the ends uncovered.
Plasmonic Cloaking of Cylinders: Finite Length, Oblique Illumination and Cross-Polarization Coupling

However, since this cloaking technique is based on an integral effect , for moderate cross-sections these effects are not expected to significantly deteriorate the overall cloaking performance.
Plasmonic Cloaking of Cylinders: Finite Length, Oblique Illumination and Cross-Polarization Coupling

Improved performance may be obtained by locally tailoring the cloak around the edges, and covering the ends, as described for conical geometries in .
Plasmonic Cloaking of Cylinders: Finite Length, Oblique Illumination and Cross-Polarization Coupling

The small improvements achievable with this fine-tuning of the cloak design are in any case not relevant to the following general discussion.
Plasmonic Cloaking of Cylinders: Finite Length, Oblique Illumination and Cross-Polarization Coupling

II), so we excite the cylinder with an impinging TM wave, and use a cloak with permittivity ǫ = −13.55ǫ0 (ωp = 11.44 GHz) at f0 and thickness ac = 1.1a, obtained in Sec.
Plasmonic Cloaking of Cylinders: Finite Length, Oblique Illumination and Cross-Polarization Coupling

Usage in literature

The man, a well-to-do shopkeeper, looked curiously at my shabby cloak, but directed me civilly enough. "My Sword's My Fortune" by Herbert Hayens

Come, step down upon my cloak and walk with me out into the moonlight. "Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905" by Various

As I have said, I lay down upon my back, covering myself with my ample cloak from the chin to the ankles. "The Quadroon" by Mayne Reid

Then I must have a thick coat or cloak. "Daisy" by Elizabeth Wetherell

Close beside him stood a tall girl wrapped in a long cloak of fur and amber velvet. "A Modern Mercenary" by Kate Prichard and Hesketh Vernon Hesketh-Prichard

Then the flock took flight with much screaming, but one fell dead, and the cloak fluttered down. "The Yellow Fairy Book" by Leonora Blanche Alleyne Lang

And they missed the Scorpion, the miniature crossbow devised by the Hashishiyya, its parts concealed in the hem of his cloak. "The Saracen: Land of the Infidel" by Robert Shea

Her cloak glittered with gold embroidery, and on her gray hair she wore a small silver coronet. "The Saracen: The Holy War" by Robert Shea

Hollyhock, wearing her dark cloak, looked in. "Hollyhock" by L. T. Meade

Those remarkable cloaks were all that saved them. "The Copper-Clad World" by Harl Vincent

Usage in poetry
You have taken away my cloak,
My cloak of weariness;
Take my coat also,
My many-coloured coat of life....
My friend
Spreads wide his cloak in a spring shower;
With every fall
The green fields are
More verdant than ever.
'I make the cloak of Sorrow:
O lovely to see in all men's sight
Shall be the cloak of Sorrow,
In all men's sight.'
No mask nor vizor here can hide
The heart that rotten is;
All cloaks now must be laid aside,
No sinner must have bliss.
Take away my cloak of pride,
And the worthless rags 't would hide:
Clothe me in my angel-dress,
Beautiful with holiness!
Prefer my cloak unto the cloak of dust
'Neath which the last year lies,
For thou shouldst more mistrust
Time than my eyes.