Otherwise; in the other, or the contrary, case; if the facts were different. "For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it."
In another or a different manner; in some other way; to a different purpose; otherwise. -
In another or a different case; if the fact were different; otherwise. -
Besides; other than the person, thing, place, etc., mentioned: after an interrogative or indefinite pronoun, pronominal adjective, or adverb (who, what, where, etc., anybody, anything, somebody, something, nobody, nothing, all, little, etc.), as a quasi-adjective, equivalent to other: as, who else is coming? what else shall give you? do you expect anything else? -
[The phrases anybody else, somebody else, nobody else, etc., have a unitary meaning, as if one word, and properly take a possessive case (with the suffix at the end of the phrase): as, this is somebody else's hat; nobody else's children act so.]
els other -
otherwise: besides: except that mentioned
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. & AS. elles, otherwise, gen. sing. of an adj. signifying other,; akin to OHG. elles, otherwise, OSw. äljes, Sw. eljest, Goth. aljis, adj., other, L. alius, Gr. . Cf. Alias Alien
Why else would Santa screw over those of Jewish descent every year. therockstation99x.com
With our continuing coverage of the debt ceiling debate, I'm struck by how convinced each side seems to be that its economic conclusions should be obvious to everyone else. scpr.org
Anyone else experience this on a savings account. blog.oregonlive.com
Did Anyone Else Cry During Kristen Wiig's SNL Farewell Last Night. villagevoice.com
Sometimes you want pizza and some days you just want cheese on that pizza and nothing else. mix941kmxj.com
When the first European settlers arrived in North America more than 500 years ago, they dreamed of living in a place where freedom would be cherished and revered more than anywhere else in the world. alaskastar.com
I saw it early this morning on one of my favorite cooking blogs, Smitten Kitchen I can't think about anything else. blog.oregonlive.com
Check your chimney or have someone else do it. newsminer.com
Both have been on board since the eighties and have probably clocked more man hours cooking for the event than anyone else. mensfitness.com
The reason it's still going is something else entirely. csmonitor.com
Paul Golla doesn't want to hear it, but it's indisputable: In Central Section Division I football — again — it's Bakersfield High in the penthouse and everyone else several floors below. clovisindependent.com
Along with everyone else affected by the merger, she went to the Emmet Street store, turned in her old phone, and got one that would work on Cingular 's network. readthehook.com
In Miami, execs introduce shows but say little else about launch of network. variety.com
THE LENGTHS SOME PEOPLE WILL GO TO to foist their beliefs on everyone else. riverinteractive.com
At one end of the fire hose were officers deployed by Bull Connor, the notoriously racist police commissioner fond of telling his men to use sticks, dogs and whatever else was necessary to scatter peaceful black protesters. nola.com
Here ˜δa,b = 1 if a = b and a is even, else ˜δa,b = 0.
Large characteristic subgroups of surface groups not containing any simple loops
Therefore the above sum is either zero or else the only possible value of j in it is j = ℓ(λ).
Combinatorial formula for Macdonald polynomials, Bethe Ansatz, and generic Macdonald polynomials
Basically, the first time we fold one of these two creases, the staircase must fit within the frame, or else the second of these two creases is blocked.
When Can You Fold a Map?
Else, choose a leaf (v , w) and remove it, leading to a graph G′ .
Core percolation in random graphs: a critical phenomena analysis
Else, choose a leaf (v ′ , w′ ) and remove it.
Core percolation in random graphs: a critical phenomena analysis
There is nothing else to be asked about a matter; almost nothing else. "The End of a Coil" by
But then Desmond loves a risk better than anything else in life. "Captain Desmond, V.C." by
The lesson must be finished before anything else was done. "Daisy" by
Or else keep your hands well outside of the circuit. "Somehow Good" by
Is there nobody else you could ask to get the things for you? "The Wide, Wide World" by
No; there was something else, he could not conjecture what. "The Cryptogram" by
He was afraid of nothing else, as far as she could see. "The Saracen: The Holy War" by
She kept him in practice when nobody else was at hand. "Phoebe, Junior" by
There was something else she wanted to hear, it was something else she asked for from the Church. "The Rainbow" by
Full of fear of what else he might see, Gray Cloud raised his eyes. "Shaman" by
To an isle he went his way,
And plighted troth to Else,
Who was so fair a may.
Your love-fancies!
—-A sick man sees
Truer, when his hot eyes roll on her!
Fair beyond all things fair;
Though all else vanish, save
Imagination's dream.
Aw've summat else to do;
But yet aw think, withaat a daat,
Aw've seen a thing or two.
Are as they seem to be;
But if its nowt to nubdy else,
Ov coorse its nowt to me.
To play–oh, indeed!
They learnt to sew and needlework
Or else to write and read.