make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. "Decorate the room for the party","beautify yourself for the special day" -
furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors -
be beautiful to look at "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"
Adorned; decorated. -
To beautify or decorate; increase or lend beauty or attractiveness to, as by dress or ornaments; hence, in general, to render pleasing, or more pleasing or attractive; embellish. -
To display the beauty or excellence of: as, to “adorn the doctrine of God,” Tit. ii. 10. Synonyms Adorn, Ornament, Decorate, Embellish, Beautify, Deck, Array, grace, garnish, bedeck, set off. (See decorate.) The italicized words, except deck and array, are expressive of the attempt to add or increase beauty. Adorn has the most nobleness and spirituality; it is the least external. Garments that adorn a woman seem a part of her personality and bring out her comeliness; many virtues adorn his character; the hall was adorned with the portraits of their ancestors. In these examples, no other word in the list is high enough or near enough to take the place of adorn. Ornament and decorate express the addition of something external, which still preserves its separate character and may perhaps be easily removed. Ornament, as kindred to adorn, is nearer to its meaning; decorate expresses that which is more showy: ornamented with pictures; the bare walls were decorated for the occasion with flags and wreaths. Both express the adding of beauty to that which was deficient in it before. Embellish implies previous beauty, to which luster or brilliancy is added by something which perhaps becomes a part of the original: as, a book embellished with plates; a style embellished with figures of speech. The word is sometimes used of over-ornamentation. Beautify is the most direct in its expression of the general idea. Of the first five words, decorate is the least often used figuratively; decorated speech is speech in which the ornaments have no vital connection or harmony with the thought, so that they seem merely ornamental. Deck is to cover, and hence to cover in a way to please the eye: as, decked with flowers. Array is used especially of covering with splendid dress, the meaning being extended from persons to animals, etc.: the fields were arrayed in green. -
Ornament. -
Adorned; decorated.
ad-orn′ to deck or dress: to embellish -
(Spens.) adornment -
(Milton) adorned, ornate
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. aournen, anournen, adornen, OF. aorner, fr. L. aaornare,; ad, + ornare, to furnish, embellish. See Adore Ornate
I saw a glimmering headdress made of miniscule white beads and adorned with beaded butterflies.
Something about a celebration of chocolate calls to mind a French chateau dining room adorned with the glow of a thousand candles.
Nibbles Woodaway is adorned with about 6,000 energy saving LED lights.
A chapel icon that once adorned the front of a beachfront home is one of the few items to have survived what is now known as the Breezy Point fire in Queens.
Leon Reid IV wants to adorn the Brooklyn Bridge with a massive vinyl arachnid for an $800,000 art project he's calling "A Spider Lurks in Brooklyn.".
Fine Art Craft Adornment by Design .
Kransekake is also different from most cakes in that it is baked as a series of rings that are plastered together with a sweet, almond icing and then adorned with a wide variety of candies or other decorations.
The long, heavy drapes that adorn this home theater entrance are just a preview.
TRENTON — Adorned in a mustard yellow jersey, Dave Caruso manned the net for the Titans yesterday afternoon after his return from AHL outpost Charlotte.
This was then blended with fat from animal bone marrow and charcoal, to create paint for human adornment and cave painting.
Hubert has been a familiar presence in galleries and museums for 30 years or more, and his ceramic vessels have had a signature style and adornment that could never be attributed to another.
"True pleasure takes sacrifice," is the tattoo that adorns his chest, sandwiched by likenesses of Karter, 6, and Chamberlain 's father, Harlan.
It's likely no coincidence that "The Evolution of a City," the angular, Carolina blue-tinted artwork by an East Chapel Hill High teen, adorns the cover of Chapel Hill 's simmering master plan, Chapel Hill 2020.
Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Va. Theme park's Christmas Town is back for a fourth season, with six million lights adorning nearly every building.
Second to the horse race (and maybe the parties), the Kentucky Derby, which is May 4 and 5, is known for some fabulous women's hats that adorn the sidelines of the multi-million dollar horse race.
Such program is logically equivalent to magic (P , Q), thus our correctness theorem holds also for this case.3 An important class of magic transformations employs adornments (see e.g. (Ramakrishnan 1991; Beeri and Ramakrishnan 1991)).
A Simple Correctness Proof for Magic Transformation
The original program P is transformed into an adorned program P ad , by renaming predicate symbols into fresh ones. (We omit the details of the transformation.) A symbol p may be renamed into more than one symbols; thus several renamings of a clause C ∈ P may appear in P ad .
A Simple Correctness Proof for Magic Transformation
The new magic program is obtained by applying the magic transformation from Df. 2 to the adorned program: magic (cid:48) (P , Q) = magic (P ad , Q), From Th. 4 we obtain4 correctness of this magic transformation: P |= Qθ iff magic (cid:48) (P , Q) |= Qθ .
A Simple Correctness Proof for Magic Transformation
Comultiplications, counits, and antipodes are denoted as usual by ∆, ε and S perhaps adorned with the name of the coalgebra or Hopf algebra as in ∆H , and we use Sweedler notation with suppressed summation symbol for comultiplication, as in ∆(x) = x1 ⊗ x2 .
Free unitary groups are (almost) simple
The backbone is obviously isomorphic (as a graph) to N, hence the IIC can be seen as N adorned with dangling branches.
Randomly Trapped Random Walks
These artifices of civilized countries resemble the tattooing, nose-rings, etc., with which savage women adorn themselves. "The Sexual Question" by
It was built of gold and silver, and adorned with pearls and precious stones. "The Chinese Fairy Book" by
It was adorned by a perfect cascade of flowers. "Pepita Ximenez" by
The chief adornments consisted of ornaments and jewels of gold and precious stones. "The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 - Volume 40 of 55" by
With these all the finest works have been executed for the artistic adornment of dress and hangings. "Needlework As Art" by
It would be more truthful to say, adorned three walls. "Chicken Little Jane on the Big John" by
The word "=adorns=", in next the last line, should read "=adorn=". "Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922" by
One of his works, his 'Medulla Theologiae,' I believe, adorned the walls of the paternal study. "East Anglia Personal Recollections and Historical Associations" by
Of the edifices and monuments which adorned the fora, only a slight sketch can be given here. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 2" by
Tables of benefactions also adorned the walls. "Old and New London" by
With living jewels set!
Souls won to Christ by thee
Adorn thy coronet!
Forever blessed be
The hand beneficent that wrought
"A temple by the sea!"
And made salvation mine;
Upon a poor polluted worm
He makes his graces shine.
Whose silvery feet did tread
And with dishevell'd hair
Adorn'd this smoother mead.
Haste to adorn her Bower :
From thy long clowdy bed,
Shoot forth thy damaske head.
Whom strength and grace adorn,
Announces, if I read aright,
A master nobly born."