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Queering the Pre-Raphaelites: The William Morris Society & the LGBTQIA Caucus Examining poetry, art, or other media, Queering the Pre-Raphaelites invites proposals exploring the diverse ways same-sex, trans-, and nonbinary desires inform... more
This article looks in more depth at the different ways in which ideas about cashless societies were articulated and explored in pre-1900 utopian literature. Taking examples from the works of key writers such as Thomas More, Robert Owen,... more
Is it possible for the elite criticism of the new modernist studies to engage with devotees of popular culture and fantasy fiction? Can the faeries and dragons of the bestseller lists talk shop with the coteries and little magazines of... more
Proponents of the Arts and Crafts Movement in the United Kingdom put William Morris’s artistic and social ideals into practice by emphasizing a return to handcraft and freedom of individual creative expression, regional or local design... more
En 1855, William Morris n’est pas encore un immense artiste pluridisciplinaire mais un étudiant en théologie. Avec deux camarades d’Oxford, il vient prendre des vacances dans le nord-ouest de la France. Après Abbeville et avant Beauvais,... more
Review of May Morris: Art & Life at the William Morris Gallery, 7 October 2017 to 28 January 2018.
An Open University Teaching text, which looks at both the representations of modern life and the emergence of modern image culture. The essay also considers the romantic anti-capitalism of Pugin, Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites.
The first edition of The Sympathy of Things, published with V2_Publishing, was quickly sold out to later be published in a revised new edition with Bloomsbury:... more
Resenha de John Bellamy Foster, The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2020).
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John Bellamy Foster, The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2020) review.
'News from SOMEWHERE' published in The Journal of William Morris Studies Vol XXIV nos 1-2, a special issue on The Kelmscott Press and its Legacies.
This article begins by considering representations of the legendary English outlaw, Robin Hood, in the broader English socialist movement of the nineteenth century. By and large, they had very little to say about him. Yet he was not... more
Catalogue for The Decorating Business, Oakville Galleries, Ontario. With a foreword by Francine Perinet and essays by David Mabb, Marnie Fleming and Steve Edwards and 20 Questions a project by Matthew Higgs. Designed by Lewis Nicholson.... more
The world is in urgent need of ways to change in order to avert runaway climate change and ecological catastrophe. In this essay I examine the radical alternatives to be found in the utopian visions of two poets and polymaths, one from... more
Fed up with the commercial and moral restrictions of the mainstream press, the diverse avant-garde groups of authors and artists of the Aesthetic Movement developed a new genre of periodicals in which to propagate their principles and... more
Catalogue for Whitworth Art Gallery exhibtion William Morris ‘Ministering to the Swinish Luxuary of the Rich’ curated by David Mabb. Includes The Colonisation of Utopia by Steve Edwards; William Morris: 'Ministering to the Swinish Luxuary... more
The Pre-Raphaelites and Orientalism: Language and Cognition in Remediations of the East redefines the task of interpreting the East in the late nineteenth century. Weaving together literary, linguistic and cognitive analyses of... more
Though we were already able to perceive how fundamental the English contribution was in defining the most current and global concept of Restoration, still a clear overview of the complex events relating to the affirmation of conservative... more
La première œuvre arthurienne féministe. En 1857, dans une Angleterre victorienne patriarcale, William Morris, jeune poète de 23 ans proche du mouvement préraphaélite, s’empare de la légende arthurienne qui connaît alors une popularité... more
Secrets d'ateliers, l'ornement Art nouveau, Bruxelles, Editions du musée Horta, 2020 Secrets of the studios, Art Nouveau ornament, Bruxelles, éditions du musée Horta, 2020 The Horta Museum’s spring 2020 exhibition is dedicated to... more
Late Victorian Orientalism is a work of scholarly research pushing forward disciplines into new areas of enquiry. This collection of essays tries to redefine the task of interpreting the East in the nineteenth century taking as a starting... more
If perhaps somewhat surprisingly, throughout history craft has played a significant role in imagining numerous alternatives to the existing social order. Indeed, the reasons for the emphasis on craftwork, as well as the approaches to the... more
En el último tercio del siglo XIX surgió en Gran Bretaña un importante movimiento artístico llamado Arts & Crafts que tenía como objetivo ofrecer una alternativa al arte mecanizado e impersonal del momento, producto de la Revolución... more
William Morris Gallery and National Museum in Kraków (NMK), in association with Lund Humphries and the Polish Cultural Institute, London, are pleased to announce a major new publication, Young Poland: The Polish Arts and Crafts Movement,... more
Ayraç Dergi 2011 .... Birçokları için Bellamy’nin gücünün en etkileyici ispatı Leo Tolstoy gibi bir kişinin Geriye Bakış’ın ilk Rusça çevirisinden sorumlu olması gerçeğinde yatar...” Otuz yaşlarında bir Boston sakini olan Julien West... more
Tripartile analysis of the Arthurian and Norse imagery in Morris's works, especially his epic poem 'Sigurd the Volsung'.

Undergraduate dissertation, BA English (Hons), Queen Mary, University of London (2014).
William Morris: 19th century founder of the Arts and Crafts Movement, designer and founder of Morris & Co, poet, writer, socialist. David Mabb: artist and Reader in art at Goldsmiths University. The Patchwork Paper got the chance to... more
Review of Kehinde Wiley, The Yellow Wallpaper at the William Morris Gallery. 22 February to 25 May 2020.
During the last third of the 19th Century, an important artistic movement called Arts & Crafts emerged in Great Britain with the aim of offering an alternative to the mechanized and impersonal art of the moment, product of the Industrial... more
This chapter investigates the place of Kelmscott in Morris’s life and its history during his lifetime (1871–1896). It comprises two parts—a comprehensive literature review of existing scholarship on Morris at Kelmscott, followed by a... more
Analyse du concept d'"art social" tel que le forgent John Ruskin et William Morris.
Paper - 2013
Proust has shown little interest in the decorative arts of his time, but his work bears the mark of the "submarine style" distinctive of Art nouveau. The low bookshelves with glass panes in the Grand Hôtel room at Balbec ― the symbol of À... more
Conservator in the Conservation Department of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (IRPA-KIK, Brussels), Wivine Wailliez is at the origin of the wallpaper inventory for this institution. Contacted to suggest wallpapers for the Maison... more
The dark, malodorous wetland called the Dead Marshes ranks among the most memorable and enigmatic landscapes in fantasy literature. While one influential line of scholarship connects the passage to Tolkien’s experiences in the Great War,... more
In Viaggio attraverso Utopia, Maria Luisa Berneri s'è proposta di fornire una descrizione ed una valutazione critica dei più importanti (e il lettore imparerà presto che ella non intendeva necessariamente i più famosi) scritti utopistici... more
The Arts and Crafts Movement of late 19th century England professed to democratize art and the production wares. The most prominent character of the Movement was poet, craftsman and socialist William Morris. I claim that today open source... more