Book History
Recent papers in Book History
Alberto Petrucciani. [Recensione a:] Antonio Iurilli, Quinto Orazio Flacco: annali delle edizioni a stampa, secoli XVXVIII, Genève, Droz, 2017, 2 voll., 1538 pp. (Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 574). «Nuovi annali della Scuola... more
The first Armenian Bible published by VoskanYerevantsi is significant in the history of the Armenian typography also for its artistic composition. With its rich illustrations, 159 engravings, beautiful composition, it is the first one... more
The thesis is divided into two parts and it aims to explain the historical events related to the bibliographical collection of the ancient Jesuit College of Perugia. The first part focuses on the Jesuit librarian history and on the... more
The modern coffee-table book genre emerged in the post-war era as a style of book in which to present a wide variety of topics using a visual narrative. They are not limited to any one field or topic, are found under various categories in... more
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pisa n. 14 del 10.11.2014
Hélène Domon "Yx" and "or:" in 1868, Stéphane Mallarmé spent several months writing a poem that contained only those two rhymes, with Nothingness as its central theme and "Sonnet Allegorical Of Itself" as a first title 1 . He sent the... more
n° 37, marzo 2016 Bollettino trimestrale di informazione sulla storia del libro e delle biblioteche in Italia a cura del C.R.E.L.E.B. Per informazioni Si veda anche qui in "Taccuino" e... more
The Mughal court produced a staggering number of manuscript Paintings During the latter half of the sixteenth century alone, the Mughal emperor Akbar (r. 1556-16o5) commissioned more than twenty-five illustrated manu scripts, some... more
This article is a sequel, and update, to a two-part article published in Logos. Journal of the World Publishing Community in 2008/09, which analysed the state of the book industries in sub-Saharan Africa thirty-five years after the major... more
"Writing as Material Practice grapples with the issue of writing as a form of material culture in its ancient and more recent manifestations, and in the contexts of production and consumption. Fifteen case studies explore the artefactual... more
The best book of the Israel & mossad history
The publication of my transcription of Paul Kane's field notes in 1989 shed a very different light on Kane as both a traveller and, perhaps more glaringly, an author. Not permitted schooling by his father because he wanted to be a... more
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
The legend of Adam and Lilith is uttered by only a few who dare to speak the whispers about the Lilith story. A story in Lilith book is shrouded in death, angst and mystery, her path from helpless child to powerful foe is a dangerous one.... more
Scholars have generally depicted kabbalists within an air of exclusivity. During the second quarter of the eighteenth century, however, a handful of Jewish mystics in Padua, led by Moses Hayim Luzzatto, opened their secret society to... more
déinitif. Même si on aimerait l'interroger ici ou là, F. Marxer domine son sujet. Il a surtout un mérite essentiel : sortir la mystique ou le « mysticisme » (comme on dit souvent) des images pieuses, désincarnées, vaporeuses qui... more
Якимович Надія Олександрівна, аспірантка Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв Науковий керівник -канд. іст. наук, доцент Збанацька О. М. ДО ПИТАННЯ ПРО ОЦИФРУВАННЯ КНИГ ЗАДЛЯ ЗБЕРЕЖЕНОСТІ: ЗАРУБІЖНИЙ І ВІТЧИЗНЯНИЙ... more
Discussion Prompt Questionnaire (please answer as fully as possible where relevant to your research)
Over een ordonnantie uit 1674 door de Utrechtse drukker Willem van Paddenburg (1633-1688).
Örneklem 1 "Türkiye Okuma Kültürü Haritası Projesi" kapsamında Türkiye'yi temsil niteliği olan 26 ilde 6212 kişi ile görüşülmüştür.
Questo volume intende celebrare, col ricostruirne le vicende, i cento anni dalla fondazione della SEI; un secolo trascorso al servizio della “Buona stampa”, esplicata innanzitutto nelle pubblicazioni scolastiche ed educative, ma anche... more
Studie představuje knihovnu Ferdinanda II. Tyrolského v širším kontextu dobových českých a rakouských šlechtických knihoven z konce 16. století; detailně byla srovnávána především s knihovnou pánů z Rožmberka. Studie se soustředí na běžné... more
Na příkladu historických vojenských řádů konkrétních armád je možné charakterizovat některé aspekty života tehdejších vojáků, běžné dobové problémy vojsk a případné vnitřní konfliktní situace, ke kterým v nich často docházelo. Cílem... more
Néhány éve egy grafi kai árverés katalógusának a borítóján, ahogy az általában lenni szokott, az egyik árverési tétel volt látható. Amikor először megláttam a katalógust, a borítója egyáltalán nem keltette fel az érdeklődésemet. Egy ex... more
Daniel Bellingradt: Review of Jan Löhdefink: Zeiten des Teufels. Teufelsvorstellungen und Geschichtszeit in frühreformatorischen Flugschriften (1520-1526), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016, in: sehepunkte 17 (2017), Nr. 1 [15.01.2017], URL:... more
Cette étude trouve son origine dans un double étonnement. En effet, les années 1680-1740 sont marquées par la publication aux Provinces-Unies de nombreux ouvrages en français qualifiés d’« historiques » et consacrés à l’actualité... more
introduzione al volume che l'insegnamento del vocabolario della propria disciplina non è sempre la principale preoccupazione di un docente universitario, e che ciò vale anche per chi «insegna la paleografia e le materie correlate, quali... more