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It has come to my attention that this essay of mine is rather popular on, and, in fact, on the internet in general. I wrote this essay in my second year of studies at the University of Otago, and thus, it serves only as a... more
Chartres Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres (French: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres), is a Roman Catholic church in Chartres, France, about 80 km (50 miles) southwest of Paris and is the seat of the Bishop... more
Overview The beauty and grandeur of medieval cathedrals lies not only in their sheer size, but also in the harmonious proportions that result from using principles of ancient geometry in their design. This experiential learning project... more
En 1855, William Morris n’est pas encore un immense artiste pluridisciplinaire mais un étudiant en théologie. Avec deux camarades d’Oxford, il vient prendre des vacances dans le nord-ouest de la France. Après Abbeville et avant Beauvais,... more
Dit is de documentatiebundel voor de daguitstap van de 'Zomeruniversiteit Antroposofie' (Macon, augustus 2012). Deze bundel bevat informatie over de gothische kathedralen in Reims en Soissons.
Covering the Akoustolith and Guastavino tiling used at the famed cathedral church, Saint John the Divine, New York City, this paper looks at the acoustical impact of large scale implementation throughout the USA and in particular this... more
Ad un anno di distanza dall'Incontro internazionale di studio (25-27 ottobre 2017) è stato pubblicato il volume degli Atti. Curato da T. Leonardi e M. Rainini, è edito dalla casa editrice Vita & Pensiero dell'Università Cattolica del... more
Die Grabdenkmäler der Erzbischöfe von Trier, Köln und Mainz bilden drei einzigartige Denkmalserien, die bereits in der Romanik einsetzen und in der Gotik, der Renaissance und dem Barock zahlreiche Meisterwerke der Bildhauerei von... more
Las relaciones entre Catedral y Universidad son fecundas y heterogéneas desde el origen del Estudio salmantino, que tuvo como precursor en el tiempo a la Escuela Catedralicia asentada en los espacios claustrales. Muchos estudios se han... more
The paper proposes a new lecture of the choir of the cathedral of Bordeaux and of the history of its construction between 1252 and ca. 1389.
On April 15, 2019, Notre Dame suffered from a fire that caused serious destruction of the Cathedral’s wooden roof, total loss of the famous spire, and damage to the masonry. As the heart and soul of Paris, this fire caused an... more
Lecture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, november 14, 2010). Updated english version of: SUÁREZ OTERO, J. (1999), La Tumba de Santiago, entre la Fe y la Arqueología, in VV.AA., Compostela na Historia. Redescubrimento-... more
Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников... more
“A grade medieval da Sé de Lisboa”, Olisipo. Boletim dos Amigos de Lisboa, IIª série, nº17, Lisboa, Grupo “Amigos de Lisboa”, Jul. – Dez. 2002, pp.23-34
The The Cathedral of St. Vitus at Prague Castle, founded in 1344, was still incomplete when the Hussite Wars broke out. King Vladislav Jagiellon took up the project again in 1509, but soon afterwards work on it was halted, evidently... more
Résumé de l'article : J. Barbier, D. Busson et V. Soulay, « Avant la cathédrale gothique. IVe-XIIe siècle », in D. Sandron (ed.), Notre-Dame de Paris, coll. La Grâce d’une cathédrale, Strasbourg-Paris, La Nuée Bleue – Place des Victoires,... more
Katedraller, mimari, estetik, işlevsel ve aynı zamanda binanın yapısal tasarımı arasındaki bağlantıların en güzel örneklerinden bazılarını temsil eder. İnşaat için kuralları başlangıcından beri Tanrı'yı kutlamak, onu birbirine bağlamak ve... more
Cette étude, unique, révèle enfin, l’histoire du plus célèbre sculpteur du XIIe siècle, le Maître de Cabestany, le créateur du tympan de l’église de Cabestany, au sud de Perpignan, et de nombreuses autres œuvres, aujourd’hui dispersées... more
Il volume studia l’evoluzione delle relazioni che intercorsero tra il certosino Niccolò Albergati, vescovo di Bologna dal 1417 al 1443 e cardinale (dal 1426) con il titolo di S. Croce di Gerusalemme, e il Capitolo cittadino. Prendendo... more
The series Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae traces the English cathedral clergy from the Norman Conquest of 1066 to the later nineteenth century. Cathedral positions were often used either to reward individuals of outstanding merit or to... more
Tesoros Hispánicos de la Liturgia Medieval (Catálogo de la exposición virtual), 2018
The role of Bishop Salmon in the communal and spiritual development of Norwich Cathedral in the early fourteenth century promoted a new phase in its architecture and design, which brought Norwich into line with the latest developments and... more
St Vitus' s Cathedral, founded in 1344, is a prime example of 14th-century cathedral Gothic, a product of the cooperation between the ingenious architect Peter Parler and his patron, Emperor Charles IV. The unusual layout consisted of a... more
The Royal portal of the cathedral of Bordeaux. Rediscovery of a masterpiece. Inaccessible behind iron grids during several decades and blackened by pollution, the Royal portal of the cathedral of Bordeaux has recently been restored and... more
About the Illustration: Almost three decades after the publication, I asked the artist: do you recall the process by which you arrived at that composition? Her response: "I don't think anyone ever asked me this question before. Well,... more
The fire on 15 April 2019 was the worst catastrophe suffered by the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris since its construction in the twelfth century. Because of the immense fame of the monument, the emotion shook the planet. Commentaries... more