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Our time is characterized by a crisis of representational practice, fuelled by unprecedented technological and economic changes on a global level. Narrative, therefore, takes a wide variety of forms. This course examines the aesthetics... more
This paper aims to account for what I describe as the gentrification of the humanist tradition by strengthening the bond between the epistemic merger of virtue theory and the still emergent category of political economy in... more
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
Mark Haddon’s Polar Bears (2010) and Nick Payne’s Constellations (2012) are two recent plays of the British stage exploring the minds of women suffering from a psychological or neurological disorder: in Haddon’s play, Kay, an artist, is... more
Ce travail s’intéresse à la poétique de la dissociation mise en œuvre par Helen Cooper dans sa pièce Three Women and a Piano Tuner (2004). Réunies pour mettre en commun leurs talents respectifs de compositrice, pianiste et productrice... more
In this paper I take a deep look into the poem 'The Way We Live', by Kathleen Jamie, in a thorough process of close reading.
A look at the influence of Camus on Graham Greene and John LeCarre.
An early study of representations of Jews and Judaism in British literature a the turn of the 20th century. The overall picture is best characterized as ambivalence - Jews were becoming more recognizably human and their symbolic function... more
Acknowledgements Barbara Korte: Facing the East of Europe in Its Western Isles: Charting Backgrounds, Questions and Perspectives East and West: Mirrorings Elisabeth Cheaure: Infinite Mirrorings: Russia and Eastern Europe as the West's... more
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
Adapted for the screen by Sir Richard and Charles Wood and directed by Sir Richard Eyre,  Iris tells the life story of famous British philosopher and novelist, Iris Murdoch. Her husband, John Bayley writes two books entitled Iris: A... more
A short synopsis on death and grief in contemporary British poetry
This article examines the political satire of Nova Scotian writer and politician Thomas Chandler Haliburton through the lens of early nineteenth-century transatlantic debates over reform and the best form of government. Haliburton’s Sam... more
My chapter analyzes Kazuo Ishiguro’s attraction to genres of speculative fiction according a theory of world literature that relies upon epistemological limits. My contention is that this shift in his novelistic project can be understood... more
In Adam Bede, George Eliot explores the way a society divides its members into categories and how these categories contribute to the formation of an individual’s identity. In the mid-nineteenth century authors in the naturalist tradition... more
Сборник ориентирован на исследование «детства» как культурного конструкта в англо-американском литературном контексте. Авторы рассматривают эволюцию идеи и концепта «детства», анализируют особенности процессов институализации «детской... more
Un viaggio nel nature writing britannico dagli anni Sessanta all'epoca dell'antropocene: da Waterlog a Robert McFarlane passando per Sebald, Sinclair, Self e Ballard.
In Writing against War, Charles Andrews integrates literary analysis and peace studies to create innovative new ways to view experimental British fiction in the interwar period. The cataclysm of the First World War gave rise to the... more
Why did marriage become central to the English novel in the eighteenth century? As clandestine weddings and the unruly culture that surrounded them began to threaten power and property, questions about where and how to marry became urgent... more
Marine insurance made a significant contribution to British success in her wars of the long eighteenth century. As both a defensive and offensive weapon, it allowed British sea-borne trade to continue, and foiled French designs to destroy... more
Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen was an acclaimed dramatist during his times. He had a great pride in his country Norway. In 1877 he was influenced by the social structure of his country. He wanted to extol the values of truth... more
The Edinburgh Companion to the Arab Novel in English: The Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab American Literature and Culture
Important quotations from Julius Ceasar of Shakespeare for the better regerence of competitive examination and so on
The practice of criticism of authors and works in England from 1660 to 1789
Table of contents: Remerciements Avant-propos Introduction. Réfléchir (sur) la sensation (Lucie Lagardère, Anne-Laure de Meyer, Marina Poisson) PREMIÈRE PARTIE : PHILOSOPHIE ET ART Chapitre 1. La couleur : de la sensation à la... more
DAL SITO EINAUDI: Géricault e Courbet, Manet e Cézanne, Vuillard e Magritte, Oldenburg e Freud. Diciassette grandi pittori, perlopiú fra Romanticismo e Modernismo, e un unico dilemma: lasciare che la potenza dei loro quadri parli... more
This is the last catalogue of the Gandophiana collection and library. More then one hundred 18th and 19th Centuries novels have been added since then, all in the original language and, if not in first edition, just published few years... more
The pre-publication praise Natasha Brown received for her debut novel Assembly (2021) from renowned writers like Bernardine Evaristo or Ali Smith is quite remarkable. The author had been virtually unknown to the larger public before... more
The British artist Ralph Rumney never adhered to a fixed sense of self. Of the little documentation that exists of his life and work, most is comprised of his own disparately collected thoughts, letters, notes, interviews, images and... more
本文评介了温特森(Jeanette Winterson)的自传《寻常便好,何必快乐(Why be happy when you could be normal)?》及其第一步小说《橘子不是唯一的水果(Oranges are not the only... more
This essay argues that L. P. Hartley’s novel The Go-Between (1953) fits into the critical tradition of the Bildungsroman in one specific sense: its attention to matters of deception. First, this plot of formation and development involves... more
In this paper, the School for Deaf Children that was opened under the rule of the British Administration in Cyprus is examined. The school was opened in the 1953– 1954 academic year and became the second private education institution on... more
This book review of Emma Young's important monograph calls for more inclusivity in short story theory. Article also accessible here: Contemporary Women's Writing, Volume 14, Issue 1,... more
Contrary to what it might seem like, Stella Gibbons does not create a world. While Cold Comfort Farm is definitely a place like no other, it is actually a place like many others. Entering into the universe of rural fiction so prevalent... more
Academic review of David Mitchell's 2015 novel Slade House, published in Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction (2016), Vol. 45.2, Issue 124, p119-121.