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This book aims to provide the reader of Homer with the traditional knowledge and fluency in Homeric poetry which an original ancient audience would have brought to a performance of this type of narrative. To that end, Adrian Kelly... more
Les Slaves de l'Est (Biélorusses, Russes et Ukrainiens) possèdent une très riche tradition de chants épiques et religieux qui bien souvent renvoient à un fond très archaïque, un fond mythologique qui n'a de chrétien que l'apparence. Ces... more
The vision of Derek Walcott piñatas his writing. He sees colonial politics for what it is. He is not over Art by western might. As a writer and as a cultural agent Derek Walcott stands on his own feet. He trans fuses the spirit of... more
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
A cura di Annalisa Izzo e Franco Tomasi. Questo secondo volume della Lettura dell’«Orlando furioso», nel quale sono compresi i canti XXIII-XLVI – cui si aggiungono due interventi di carattere generale (sui «Cinque canti» e sulla... more
The palimpsest manuscript Sin. ar. NF 66 is one of the treasures of the Monastery of Saint Catherine located in the Sinai Peninsula. Nowadays it consists of a few fragmentary parchment sheets, but originally it was a larger codex of ca.... more
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
CU Boulder - FREN1200 Offered FA2014, FA2015, FA2016 Course Description: The popularity of George RR Martin's fantasy saga A Song of Ice and Fire and its Emmy-winning HBO adaptation Game of Thrones shows us that major themes from medieval... more
While there can be a blessing in reading any part of God’s Word, the promise in Revelation 1:3 motivated me all the more toward this study project, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear... more
A chapbook that highlights the menace in Nigeria and how to tackle it through Poetry
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
The Italian edition of the work by Eleazar M. Meletinsky on the historical poetics of the novella – recently edited and translated by M. Bonafin and L. Sestri ‒ gives us the opportunity to revise the theoretical model by which the Russian... more
Cet article propose de voir à quoi correspond, dans l’Antiquité, la catégorie d’ « épopée didactique » (ou « poésie didactique »), couramment utilisée par les savants modernes pour rendre compte d’œuvres comme les Travaux et les jours, le... more
Fruto de um esforço coletivo que envolveu uma série de pesquisadores de diferentes países, como Brasil, Portugal e Estados Unidos, este livro apresenta algumas reflexões sobre o interessante e fecundo campo de estudos das tradições... more
Melville’s centennial poem Clarel is the American epic about geography, the land, and SPACE. The poem is 18,000 lines, composed almost entirely in iambic tetrameter, most of it in rhyme. It is about a young theological student named... more
This paper offers an introduction to 'multiforms' as associated systems of verbal elements that develop in the memory of an individual and are used in text production. It examines these in the highly conservative kalevalaic mythological... more
À propos de Rappeler Roland (2013), son dernier livre paru, Frédéric Boyer évoque le travail de « translateur » qui a été le sien quand il a traduit une chanson de geste, La Chanson de Roland, dans la langue d’usage de notre présent.... more
چاپ‌شده در «گزارش میراث» پاییز و زمستان ۹۵ - منتشرشده در تابستان ۹۶
Julius Caesar, one of the protagonists of Lucan’s Pharsalia, disappears from the scene for a long time after the Battle of Pharsalus. He reappears at the end of Book 9, when he pays a visit to the ruined city of Troy. The function and the... more
An oral epic is fundamentally a tale about the fantastic deeds of a person or persons endowed with something more than human might and operating in something larger than the normal human context and it is of significance in portraying... more
RESUMEN La obediencia del héroe en el Cantar de mio Cid es una decisión táctica, no estratégica, a partir de la cual se desarrolla un proceso de persuasión de la voluntad regia que contrarrestará el efectuado por los malos mestureros... more
Rather than being a somewhat inept literary work, as it is sometimes thought to be, 'La Chanson de Willame' is rather a cohesive expression of the same strong orally-based epic tradition that produced 'La Chanson de Roland' and other... more
This paper discusses the depiction of ambushes in chronicles of the High Middle Ages. Identifying ambushes in this period is particularly difficult, as the Latin term 'insidia' could also be used more generically to refer to stratagems,... more
An edition of MacPherson's Ossian poems—without the controversy. Edited by Sasha Newborn.
SAŽETAK: Proučavanje narodne igre sveobuhvatan je istraživački zahvat koji, da bi dao najbolje rezultate, mora uključivati kako istraživanje aktuelnog stanja date tradicije na terenu, tako i interpretaciju prethodno naslojenih tragova... more
This is an overview of the Iranian oral epic tradition from pre-Islamic times to the present.  It questions the application of the oral-formulaic theory and the tradition of extemporaneous versification to Persian epic narratives.