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El artículo analiza las vías de castigo del pecado durante la Edad Media: la excomunión, el purgatorio y el infierno. Se contemplan como caminos de la exclusión, en la tierra y en el más allá. Se utilizan fuentes legales, literarias,... more
İntihal /Plagiarism: Bu makale, en az iki hakem tarafından incelendi ve intihal içermediği teyit edildi. / This article has been reviewed by at least two referees and scanned via a plagiarism software.
Christian Speer beschäftigt sich in seinem Buch mit der Frage nach den lebenspraktischen Funktionen von religiösem Handeln am Beispiel spätmittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Frömmigkeitspraxis. Dabei legt er den Schwerpunkt der... more
We examined relationships between seven dimensions of religion/spirituality (RS) (forgiveness, daily spiritual experiences, belief in afterlife, religious identity, religious support, public practices, and positive RS coping) and three... more
Perhaps one of most the common topics brought up in the academic context is cheating and while it is understood that there are rules for everyone's enhancement, cheating, especially in school, is still a common practice. The study aims to... more
Systematische Angriffe auf die Geschlechtergerechtigkeit verschärfen sich weltweit und sind in einigen EU-Staaten bereits Teil des Regierungshandelns. Als Infragestellung basaler Menschenrechte und zumeist rechtspopulistisch bzw.... more
The problem of faith as a phenomenon of consciousness is stated in the article. Noting the similarity of phenomenology of faith and consciousness, the author asserts that there are two types of phenomena both identified by a term “faith”... more
Hem yalnızlık hem de dindarlık temel insanî olgu ve deneyimlerdendir. Ancak söz konusu her iki deneyim de tek boyutlu değildir. Bunlar çeşitli faktörlerin etkisiyle çok değişik biçimlerde tezahür edebilmektedirler. Dolayısıyla farklı... more
RESUMO A pluralidade religiosa brasileira vem crescendo significativamente nas últimas décadas. A busca por identificação com uma corrente religiosa promove um processo de migração religiosa e de consolidação de novas organizações de fé.... more
Středoevropské zbožné ženy ovlivňovalo jak jejich původní, tak nové prostředí, role, v níž se nacházely (svobodná, vdaná, vdova), i období, ve kterém působily. Nepřekvapuje, že byly vzájemně příbuzensky propojeny. Zajímavou se ukázala... more
This paper examines, through a non-probability sample of 451 Finnish lower secondary-school pupils belonging to the 15- to 16-year-old age group, how interreligious sensitivity is related to religiousness profiles of Finnish youth. The... more
Current evidence supports how deviant behavior can be predicted by sociodemographic factors, subjective well-being, and perceived religiousness. However, there is limited research when it concerns specificity such as Muslims justifying... more
This article discusses The Initiative of Muslims Against Violence to Women who interpret Islam with a women's perspective, or in their own words who are trying to disproove the anti-women arguments attributed to Islam within Islam. The... more
The purpose of this study is to examine that whether religiousness (Islam in this study) has a significant effect on organizational silence or not. With this purpose a survey study was conducted with total 130 teachers working in Erzurum... more
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of logotherapy training on the mental image of God, death anxiety, and religiousness, among secondary school students in Ahvaz city during the 2015-16 academic year. The... more
Previous research has recognized shrines in homes as sites of shared cultural memory with the function of contextualising religious narratives and bringing the sacred into the home. For Buddhists, shrines occupy a grey area between the... more
Obwohl das mittelalterliche Böhmen nicht im Zentrum des übernationalen Wallfahrtswesens stand, gibt es schon relativ frühe Zeugnisse, die auf die religiöse Anziehungskraft Prags bzw. der Prager Veitskirche mit den Reliquien der... more
This study was based on an interdisciplinary paradigm for religious research, with the manifestation of inter-disciplinarity in terms of content (the specific field being the psychology of religion which traditionally coincide within two... more
This study intends to reveal the relationships among high school students’ problematic Internet use with their religious beliefs and moral maturity. Data has been collected using the Problematic Internet-Use Scale, Religious Belief Scale,... more
This study intends to reveal the relationships among high school students’ problematic Internet use with their religious beliefs and moral maturity. Data has been collected using the Problematic Internet-Use Scale, Religious Belief Scale,... more
Current evidence supports how deviant behavior can be predicted by sociodemographic factors, subjective well-being, and perceived religiousness. However, there is limited research when it concerns specificity such as Muslims justifying... more
En este trabajo estudiamos la primera fase de existencia de la cofradía del Santo Sepulcro de Lebrija (Sevilla). En concreto, a partir del análisis de escuetas referencias documentales, se ha podido registrar el año de su fundación, la... more
The empirical properties of a revised 24-item instrument called the Thanissaro Scale of Attitude towards Buddhism (TSAB-R) designed to measure Buddhist affective religiosity are described. The instrument was tested on adolescents and... more
In this study, religiousness images of the citizens of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are examined with respect to socio-demographic variables. The form used to collect survey data employed various socio-demographic variables such as... more
Frequenting a temple, while remaining one of the most ubiquitous forms of Buddhist religious participation, is one of the only practices that fails to link with increased affective religiosity. This quantitative study explored, for teen... more
This study was based on an interdisciplinary paradigm for religious research, with the manifestation of inter-disciplinarity in terms of content (the specific field being the psychology of religion which traditionally coincide within two... more
The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a case study of religiousness and the Catholic Church in fourteenth century England. The particularities of the focused historical context and facts related the history of the Church... more
The break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 sharply cast the relationships between the Republics of post-Soviet space and Russia back, mutual trust was lost, economic and cultural interaction was practically stopped. The global changes of... more
This paper describes a quantitative study for teen Buddhists growing up in Britain of the degree to which scripture reading linked with other features of their Buddhist identity and values. A variety of attitude statements including those... more
U ovom tekstu se analiziraju stavovi ispitanika o zakonskom reguliranju pobačaja u Hrvatskoj, koje smo ukrštali s religijskom samoidentifikacijom i praksom te sociodemografskim obilježjima ispitanika. Na taj način smo željeli ukazati na... more