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The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
“Speak Out” against injustices is the doctrine that guides Feroza Rose Mohammed, a woman many know simply as Rose. It is this belief that brought her the glare of publicity and created a storm of controversy in October 2007, when she... more
In April 2013 we conducted a survey on Islamic veiling at the Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) in Kuwait. The purpose of the survey was to establish reasons for veiling within the complex society of Kuwait and, in... more
""An unexpected gem. An innovative book which explores the everyday lived reality of Muslim minorities in Hong Kong. The contemporary focus is framed by a fascinating history of South Asian Muslims which reaches back into the early 19th... more
This paper theorises the teaching and learning of feminist approaches to the Bible and the Qurʾan in a Master’s course with a historically Christian focus. It draws on a critical review of an assessment task, and our pedagogical... more
Afghan women and girls became the portray of the victim of violence since several years ago. The news about the tragedy spread through the newspaper, printed and online, and also in the literature world. The exposure of their sufferings... more
This to show the repression experienced by Afghan women in the novel My Forbidden Face, written by a young Afghan woman writer. The discuss is the problems that when women can no longer speak of their own freedom and independence. During... more
Secular frameworks of rights and empowerment have failed to deliver effective solutions to social issues in many contexts where religious revivalism is on the rise. This has been particularly poignant in the case of secular feminism in... more
Riche d’un parcours personnel et intellectuel varié, N. Tabbara souhaite être une voix parmi d’autres en proposant une manière de vivre sa religiosité en phase avec son temps. Dans son ouvrage « L’islam pensé par une femme », elle prône... more
This article analyses how second-generation Moroccan women are integrating new ways of understanding Islam and morality into their "everyday". For this generation, vindicating their religion and ethnic roots is fundamental because they... more
This book pays tribute to the legacy of Shamima Shaikh, one of the most outstanding muslim feminist in South Africa. It is an anthology marking the twentieth anniversary of her death and celebrating her life of faith, compassion, courage,... more
Author: Alanoud Alsharekh. ISBN 9781872843933, published by Saffron London, 2006. Commissioning editor and Editor, Saffron Asian Art and Society Series [ISSN 1740-3103]. General editors: Shirley Rizvi and Sajid Rizvi. The book deals with... more
Lebanon is often described as having a "vibrant" civil society. While such a description sounds promising, it presents drawbacks that equally affect women's rights and feminist organizations. The number of nongovernmental organizations... more
Born as humans we can't avoid facing many problems as God given as the testing to examine every creator in the world. Since that, many writers interest to take humans problems as the theme for their writings. One of them is Khaled... more
Male leaders have often used women's bodies and dress as a means to regulate their access to formal politics, including to national parliaments. Through an analysis of women's activism surrounding the expansion of headscarved women's... more
Cet article est publié in Hakima Lebbar (dir.): Femmes et religions dans la cité: Points de vue de femmes du Maroc. Editions La Croisées Des Chemins. Décembre 2014. Il présente les figures de proue du féminisme islamique au Maroc et... more
The phenomenon of ‘legal pluralism’ in India is conditioned and facilitated by the democratic state’s commitment to protect religious freedom and uphold sociocultural diversity. Community-based adjudicating institutions such as the Darul... more
Modernity coupled with the Industrial Revolution and rising secularism paved way for a new ensemble of social unity. Individualism that penetrated the core of modern society brought many changes to the application of many pre-modern... more
The Verse IV, 34 of the Koran presents two very important questions concerning women and the relations between men and women in the context of marriage. It concerns the concept of Qiwāmah, and the treatment that the man can reserve to his... more
This article attempts to explain the similarities and differences between Muslim and Christian teenagers’ responses toward the implementation of the body disciplinary code by the government authority in Aceh. It analyses the emerging... more
Author: Amina Wadud ISBN Number: 9789380081366 Blurb - മുസ്‌ലിം സ്‌ത്രീ ജീവിതം അതിന്‍റെ നടപ്പുദീനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ ചികിത്സ കിട്ടാതെ വ്രണപ്പെട്ടു തുടരുകയും വ്യക്തിത്വമുളള സഹജീവിയായി സ്‌ത്രീ മനസിലാക്കപ്പെടാതിരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നതിന്‍റെ... more
Barbara Pasamonik, Rola płci w integracji europejskich muzułmanów, Kraków, Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS, 2013, s. 325 ISBN 978-83-7688-138-6 Link do strony wydawnictwa: Fragmenty recenzji: Islam... more
Women Empowerment becomes an important concern in the contemporary age of globalization. Now either there is a western society (First World) or a Muslim World, women status is considered the same. Evaluation of awareness among women is... more
Colonial encounters were pivotal in the development of feminist consciousness and the women’s liberation movement among women and men in colonized countries like Indonesia. However, the influences of the colonial encounter on the... more
Review of Jean Said Makdisi, Noha Bayoumi and Rafif Rida Sidawi (eds.), Arab Feminisms: Gender and Equality in the Middle East, London: I.B. Tauris Publishers 2014, xxxvi + 440 pp., ISBN 978-1-78076-672-0
Western feminist scholars have been prone to conceptualizing women as a single universal group that faces similar challenges, share the same interests, and require the same needs in their development processes. The last three decades have... more
“Freedom cannot be achieved unless the Women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.” – Nelson Mandela Islam and feminism go hand in hand even before the term feminism came into existence. Advent of Islam placed the paradise... more
There has been a lot of media attention devoted to the Islamic prohibition of interest and how this affects financial transactions such as mortgages. Other key Islamic principles that could have a bearing on business include social... more