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L’affermazione dei regimi popolari alla metà del duecento rappresentò un’importante cesura nell’evoluzione politico-istituzionale dei comuni dell’Italia centro-settentrionale e nel processo di formazione e consolidamento dei gruppi... more
New work over the last thirty years on the archaeology of Syria-Palestine in the later sixth and seventh centuries has significantly questioned the once-accepted view of an economy in decline, seen in part as a contributory factor to the... more
The ideas of Salimbene de Adam about the Roman Empire, the Italian communes and their rulers: temporary officers (whose activity the author express with "regere") and veritable lords (who are thirsty of "dominium").
This paper illuminates the role played by Sicilian cities in state building in the late Middle Ages through their involvement in the intense process of negotiations between the king and his subjects. This study heads in the opposite... more
By reviewing recent studies, the A. highlights the role of notaries of the 'communal period' as copists of manuscripts, both literary and documentary, in littera textualis
"A obra que o leitor tem entre mãos pretende ser uma recolha completa de todos os trabalhos escritos de Armindo de Sousa, publicados além dos seus livros ou capítulos de livros. Porque este historiador já partiu de entre nós há cerca de... more
This essay explores the spread and development of the cults of Scandinavian saints in the historical region of Livonia (corresponding approximately to present-day Estonia and Latvia). The discussion focuses on the veneration and visual... more
The Hungarian Historical Review invites submissions for its third issue in 2022, the theme of which will be Economy, the Connecting Force in Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages The deadline for the submission of abstracts:... more
Los Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo de Nájera se vienen planteando como un congreso internacional en el ámbito de estudio y difusión de la Historia Medieval desde su creación en el año 2003. Debido a la pandemia del COVID’19 la... more
Los Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo de Nájera se vienen planteando como un congreso internacional en el ámbito de estudio y difusión de la Historia Medieval desde su creación en el año 2003. Debido a la pandemia del COVID’19 la... more
In recent years, the period between ca. 1280 and 1330 has attracted a growing interest among scholars who study Italian communes. As regards in particular the greatest popular communes, a specific attention to institutional dynamics has... more
"Cos’era Udine agli occhi di un cividalese del Quattrocento, se non una ‘neonata’ irriverente? Partendo da questa domanda provocatoria, il saggio delinea lo sviluppo e la storia di Cividale durante il Medioevo da un’angolatura diversa:... more
La richesse des archives judiciaires échevinales dijonnaises permet d’observer et d’analyser les comportements contestataires de ses habitants et leurs évolutions. Il s’agit ici de s’intéresser à la criminalisation de propos régulièrement... more
My PhD, funded by an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award, built on my skills as a field archaeologist to develop new specialisms in the use of GIS as a research tools within medieval archaeology, building on current work in historical... more
A period in history which the Renaissance scholars pejoratively called the «Middle Ages» was marked by the emergence of Europe— the rise and development of the Western civilisation. The centuries from the fourth to the fifteenth proved... more
Desde el año 1000) la población europea creció de forma continuada hasta la llegada de las epidemias de peste negra a mediados del siglo XIV. Sin embargo) a pesar de la alta mortalidad causada por esta enfermedad) las poblaciones... more
in D. Cecere et alii (ed.), Disaster Narratives in Early Modern Naples. Politics, Communication and Culture, Roma, Viella, 2018, pp. 93-108
À Venise, le niveau des eaux s'élève inéluctablement, ronge les pilotis qui soutiennent les palais, érode les rives... De pharaoniques travaux sont entrepris pour empêcher que l'eau s'engouffre dans la lagune et inonde toujours plus les... more
Das Chemnitzer Einnahmemanual stellt das älteste nachgewiesene Stadtbuch dar. Es wurde in den Jahren von 1426 bis 1438 geführt und ist nun im Chemnitzer Stadtarchiv verwahrt. Es handelt sich um ein Einzelstück. Ihm folgen erst später ab... more
Städer var nykomlingar i det medeltida Skandinavien. Efterhand blev stadslivet något att eftersträva, en rikare tillvaro med en mångsidig miljö. Städer växte fram ur existerande behov och utifrån nya maktrelationer. Under lång tid hade... more
Old maps convey messages about early spatial arrangements. In some cases, they also tell a story, and hence can be qualified as 'history maps'. The interpretation of such maps is not easy, because they are witnesses to a strong dichotomy... more
One of the most important manuscripts surviving from thirteenth-century England, the corpus of documents known as the Hundred Rolls for Cambridge have been incomplete until the recent discovery of an additional roll. This invaluable... more
Between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, the rise of international trade, the growth of towns and cities, and the politics of diplomacy all helped to foster productive and farreaching connections and cultural interactions between... more
Si la charte de Huy de 1066 constitue un moment-clef dans l’histoire économique et urbaine du diocèse de Liège et de l’Empire germanique, elle n’en est pas moins également une étape essentielle dans l’histoire du droit et des institutions... more
This chapter in the collection Young Medieval Women edited by Katherine Lewis, Noel James and Kim Phillips tries to understand the relative absence of evidence for regulation of prostitution in later medieval England and indeed... more
This paper examines the evidence for ironworking in the town of Kilkenny during the late medieval period. It takes into account both the written and archaeological sources for ironworking and is based on recently completed doctoral... more
En los últimos años, las ciencias sociales han utilizado la noción de consumo como un instrumento esencial para explicar la manera en que el comportamiento de los agentes económicos interviene de forma decisiva en el crecimiento. Los... more