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This thesis examines seven films from the cinemas of Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky—Bergman’s The Seventh Seal (1957), Through a Glass Darkly (1961), Winter Light (1963), and The Silence (1963), and Tarkovsky’s Stalker (1979),... more
The project examines students’ perceptions, attitudes and experiences in coping with the classroom tasks, which are related to both language learning and subject content.
Encountering the Past within the Present: Modern Experiences of Time examines different encounters with the past from within the present-whether as commemoration, nostalgia, silence, ghostly haunting or combinations thereof. Taking its... more
Discussions of “silent cinema” have generally focused on films made during the silent era (1894–1929). Even after the spread of synchronized sound, however, several experimental filmmakers created films without soundtracks, purely visual... more
The essay explores how silence represents a «feminine language» that communicates through a non-uttered voice. The analysis of silence is here conducted in performance art practice by focussing on the work of Guatemalan artist Regina José... more
This article try to demonstrate how the silence takes shape : it becomes a dangerous character against whom the narrator has to act. In The Children’s Chamber, the silence is at first an ally, helping the young Georges to resist to the... more
This chapter investigates whether the Holocaust was the catalyst for the adoption of a number of seminal texts in the postwar 'human rights revolution', including the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... more
Analysis of Cage’s Silence is motivated by a question of the possibility to hear silence. Analysis benefits from Cage’s claim of the impossibility to hear silence when it is understood as an absence of sound as well as from further... more
This article proposes a movement between two sorts of dependency in the secretive bonds of violent men. The first forges an interdependent set of relations between mafia men, independent of the state; the second arises as a dependency of... more
Tension between the ideal of analytic neutrality — although conceived and applied in various ways — and the putative danger of political neutrality is intrinsic to psychoanalytic investigations of culture and society. It presents itself... more
The aim of this draft paper is to investigate the claim of the inhabitants of Farnham, Surrey, that the first observance of the Two Minutes’ Silence was held in their town at 11 a.m. on Saturday, 10th May 1916, 3½ years before the first... more
Este artículo analiza el poemario del manchego José Corredor-Matheos, Sin ruido (2013), desde la óptica de la lítote como figura de atenuación y, con mayor alcance, como meca-nismo que subsume ciertos rasgos transversales característicos... more
Reviews the book "Silence and Silencing in Psychoanalysis", edited by Aleksandar Dimitrijevic and Michael B. Buchholz (2020, Routledge).
Die Besprechung ist in deutscher Sprache abgefasst.
"'Tief unter uns nur Schweigen.'– Die Ästhetik der Stille in Udo Zimmermanns Kammeroper 'Weiße Rose'", in: DIE TONKUNST, Magazin für klassische Musik und Musikwissenschaft, Jg. 11, Nr. 3,  Juli 2017, S. 368-377.
The amount of new semantic content circulated in a society is limited by implicit norms and explicit rules. Belonging to a community means knowing, mastering, and even interiorizing such restrictions. Some of them are imposed by economy,... more
The work of Toshio Hosokawa (born 1955 in Hiroshima) exemplifies a connection between silence and the sphere of the sacred which is characteristic of Far East cultures. The goal of this paper is to determine the role of silence in the... more
This paper appeared in the International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication, published in 2018. Silence, when used in a scholarly or professional context, can take a variety of meanings. It might refer to groups or individuals who... more
This story opens with the post-disaster setting of "Caiseas Blues" [reprinted in Best Small Fictions, Sonder Press 2020; adapted from an unfinished novel "A Terrible Racket"]. The tale breaks ground in its portrayal of senior sexuality,... more
В статье предлагается новое прочтение поэмы "Тишина", дополняющее признанные интерпретации.
When I grew up in Israel, as an Israeli Jew, the Holocaust enveloped us all the time. But as I had no other experiences, I was never actually aware of it. My mother would never listen to Wagner. We did not buy German products and horrid... more
“Be silent, that is my order”. The problem of silence in Abraham Heschel’s works The problem of silence penetrates Abraham Heschel’s entire creative output, beginning with his youthful poetic attempts and up to his most recent studies on... more
This article examines narratives of “ghosting”—the act of cutting off all contact with someone without explanation—in three 21st-century novels, namely Kathrin Röggla’s wir schlafen nicht (2004), Olga Grjasnowa’s Der Russe ist einer, der... more
A bakhtinian approach to discursive study about silence. Firstly, the paper makes a historical discussion of the author´s concept, since his doctoral thesis. Afterwards, some assumptions are presented and, finally, the concept of silence... more
In conversation with Arvo Pärt Enzo Restagno rightly noted: ‘I believe that a real point of contact between Japanese musical tradition and your music is to be found in the role that silence plays in both.’ Indeed, the comparison of... more
The recent sounds of BLM protests can be thought of as reconstituting George Floyd's extinguished voice - amplifying his solitary protest against restraint through creating a ruckus that interrupted the wider silencing of Black... more
The recent sounds of BLM protests can be thought of as reconstituting George Floyd’s extinguished voice - amplifying his solitary protest against restraint through creating a ruckus that interrupted the wider silencing of Black voices. UK... more
Of things not said incorporates prose and theory, non-fiction and interpieces, in an ongoing dialogue about writing and an author’s reflections on creating fiction. As a way of making sense of silence and of things not said this... more
This chapter makes three central claims: first, that the term consensus has been used to identify two different phenomena, mental consensus and interactional consensus; second, that unanimity (everyone agrees) and consensus (no one... more
"Silence as a cultural phenomenon has been the subject of many linguistic theories. In contrast to the 1970s, when absence of speech was mostly seen as a lack of meaning and intention, later studies revealed that silence was anything but... more
On chercherait en vain dans l’œuvre de Platon des développements explicites sur le silence. Mais le génie littéraire de Platon lui fait une place, et la mise en scène des dialogues, comme les interactions des personnages, mettent en jeu... more
Los estudios pragmáticos han señalado que los actos silenciosos son elementos intencionales que suponen un esfuerzo cognitivo de interpretación mayor que la palabra por su plurifuncionalidad y su dependencia del contexto comunicativo y... more
Ένα σχετικά άγνωστο κείμενο, αδικαιολόγητα σε σχέση με την σπουδαιότητα του. Σε αυτήν την απολαυστική επιστολή ο Πλάτωνας κάνει έναν απολογισμό της πολυτάραχης ζωής του, σε 4 χρόνια θα πεθάνει κι έκτοτε τους απολογισμούς και τις ερμηνείες... more
This study aims to (i) understand how the legacies of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi and its aftermath are transmitted to the next generation within Rwandan families and (ii) explore how institutional support plays a role in the... more
My Name is Adam is about the politics of telling and hearing, seeing and blindness, truth and the possibility of finding it. It is about the impossibility of linear stories, the problems of history, the power of fiction, and the many many... more