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This is a work of fiction ca 800 BC in the Alps, Italy, and Greece.  Criticism and comments re. factual content welcome.
The intrusive nature of the Philistine material culture, which suddenly appears in southern coastal Canaan in the first half of the twelfth century BCE, has never been in doubt. Moreover, it is widely acknowledged that the origin of this... more
"The examination of several Iron Age burial contexts from necropolis in central Tyrrhenian Italy – better known and documented – (Osteria dell’Osa, Veio-Quattro Fontanili, Pontecagnano and Pithekoussai) sheds a light on ritual attitudes... more
The part of community affected more than others by a selective process that changes its representativity, is the one composed of subjects deceased before having reached puberty, especially children younger than 3-4 years. The analysis of... more
Articolo pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista culturale ischitana "La Rassegna d'Ischia" (numero 6 dell'anno 35) riguardo il tema giunto alla ribalta negli ultimi anni del presunto restringimento del distacco tra la fondazione di... more
Importanza degli aegyptiaca rinvenuti nel sito enotrio di amendolara, considerati nell'ambito della diffusione mediterranea di questi amuleti, nelle affinità storico culturali con pithekoussai e nel ruolo svolto presso la popolazione... more
This contribution focuses on some specific aspects of production in coarse ware from the two main Greek centres of the Gulf of Naples. Through the analysis of data from the two establishments we tried to underline the distinctive... more
Im Zentrum der Arbeit stehen Kulturaustausch und Akkulturationsaspekte, die auf die Ansiedlung der Griechen in Unteritalien und Sizilien zurückgehen und aus dem Mit- und Nebeneinanderleben der italischen und sizilischen... more
Il bel convegno organizzato da Mario Denti e Mathilde Villette ci ha stimolato a considerare lo scavo di aree di produzione della ceramica, invitandoci a riflettere sui gesti, sulle intenzioni e sulle abilità degli artigiani. Ma come ci... more
The arrival of the Greeks in Campania is regarded as a key event in archaic history. Permanent settlement was preceded by periods of furtive trade and exchange under the term pre-colonization. The establishment of Pithekoussai on Ischia... more
Articolo pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista culturale ischitana "La Rassegna d'Ischia" (numero 3 dell'anno 32), estratto della mia tesi di laurea triennale, che tratta di come, a differenza di quanto si pensasse fino all'inizio degli... more
Table of content and introduction DONNELLAN L., NIZZO V., BURGERS G.-J. (edd.), Conceptualising early colonisation, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi in memoria di David Ridgway (1938-2012): “Contextualising “early Colonisation”,... more
Giuseppe Pipino. Geologist-gitologist, ores prospector, mining and metallurgical history scholar. Born in Naples in 1942, he lived in various parts of Italy, mainly in Genoa and Milan. In Genoa he began to take an interest in the... more
Le ceramiche di Pitecusa, sita nella valle di Lacco Ameno, sono note grazie alle fondamentali pubblicazioni degli scavi di Giorgio Buchner e David Ridgway nella Necropoli di San Montano e da rinvenimenti in altre zone del territorio. Il... more
La produzione ceramica pithecusano-cumana, elaborata nelle botteghe di Pithekoussai e Cuma già in una fase molto precoce di vita dei due siti, presenta fin dall'inizio caratteristiche ben definite che la rendono riconoscibile fra tutte, e... more
Pithekoussai on the island of Ischia in the Bay of Naples is the first foundation of Greek people in the west who, among others, came from the island of Euboea in Central Greece in the eighth century B.C. The present study aims to... more
The cases of Cuma and Pithekoussai here discussed fall into two specific areas of research on which the writer has been working for some time, with results perhaps controversial, but which are based on at least two objective aspects: the... more
Zusammenfassung: Objekte im Grabkontext sollen als Sammlung im Sinne der Konzeption Krzysztof Pomians verstanden werden. Nach Pomian werden Gebrauchsfunktionen und dingliche Aspekte von Objekten durch die Aufnahme in eine Sammlung... more
Il volume “PITHECUSAN WORKSHOPS”. Il quartiere artigianale di Santa Restituta di Lacco Ameno (Ischia) e i suoi reperti rappresenta il risultato di molti anni di ricerche archeologiche e archeometriche condotte dall’Autrice, inizialmente... more
The necropolis of Pithekoussai, in its early phases, was in use for about 150 years. The excavated portion of the burial ground contains more than 600 graves, the majority of which belong to a period concentrated between 740 and 680 BC.... more
"from: "" Les historiens et les archéologues savent combien les fouilles conduites sur l’île d’Ischia par G. Buchner ont bouleversé nos connaissances sur la colonisation grecque de... more
Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di ricostruire il ruolo storico, ambientale ed economico delle isole del Golfo di Napoli nel corso dei secoli, attraverso il caso di Ischia, combinando archeologia, storia, scienze ambientali e scienze marine,... more
Although the Archaic Greek site of Pithekoussai was discovered as early as the late 18th century, it was not until the 1950s and 60s that its importance was fully realized. Dated to the early 8th century BCE by the immense quantities of... more
This project’s goal is the reconstruction of the historical, environmental and economic role of the islands of the Gulf of Naples over the centuries, taking into consideration the case of Ischia in particular. The project combines... more
Gli aegyptiaca della campania pre-romana costiuiscono uno dei nuclei archeologici di tipo faraonico più importanti dell'area mediterranea pre-ellenistica. Le scoperte iniziarono ai primi dell'800 e raggiunsero importanti risultati, in... more
The archeology of colonisation always had to deal with written traditions, especially in searching for confirmations and/or chronological clarifications. This paper briefly traces the debate on these issues that took place during last... more
In the mid-eighth century A.C. the Greeks found in Campania Pithekoussai and then Cuma. The settlers are already at the beginning a mixed group, consisting not only of Hellenes from various proveniences, but also by men of different... more
Although the Archaic Greek site of Pithekoussai was discovered as early as the late 18th century, it was not until the 1950s and 60s that its importance was fully realized. Dated to the early 8th century BCE by the immense quantities of... more
Pithecusan-Cumaean pottery was produced in a period between the middle of the 8th and the late 7th century BC. If the first products appear more closely related to the Euboean background of the settlers, soon new influences and styles –... more