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The article summarizes the research on the emergence of Israel as an ethnic group in the Iron Age, within the broader study of ethnogenesis.
This Forum discussion aims to explore the topic of repatriation from a variety of viewpoints considering twenty-first century realities in the region. The contributions fall into three main categories addressing general background... more
Most scholars in the late 20th and early 21st century believed that cultic activity in the kingdoms of Israel and Judah was practiced in various temples that were scattered throughout the kingdoms. Still, a detailed study of the... more
Temples were nearly ubiquitous across the ancient Near East. Rather than serving as a gathering place for a worshipping congregation, a temple served as a terrestrial divine abode. In it, the god(s) lived amid society, yet carefully... more
Üç semavi dinin kutsal mekânı, Müslümanların ilk kıblesi Kudüs hakkında ne biliyoruz? Uğrunda mücadeleler verilen ve asırlarca farklı hâkimiyetler altında kalan Kudüs tarih boyunca hep “Halilullah” şehri olarak saygı görmüştür. Mukaddes... more
Olga Tufnell’s ‘Perfect Journey’ By Jack Green and Ros Henry Blog published on TrowelBlazers, April 26, 2021. Excerpt: Olga Tufnell (1905‒1985) was a British archaeologist... more
Colloquio in ricordo di p. Michele Piccirillo
Roma, Pontificia Università Antonianum, 17 novembre 2018
This illustrated guide to Jerusalem and the wider territory of Judah combines the latest historical and archaeological research vividly illustrated with archaeological reconstructions of sites most visited in the area. The book covers the... more
Resumen En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser" en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica... more
Practically every culture distinguishes between clean and unclean things, actions, and people. This is true for simple hygiene as well as for ritual or religious purity. While in most cultures both men and women can become polluted,... more
The first encounter between archaeologists and the sites or areas of their study is the topsoil. Still, very little attention is paid to the processes that create the matrix of the topsoil and the archaeological assemblage contained... more
عرض كتاب (العلاقات البحرينية الفلسطينية) لمؤلفه المؤرخ البحريني راشد الجاسم. "باللغة العربية" (كتب هذا العرض: د. علي فيصل الصديقي) The book (Bahraini-Palestinian Relations) was presented to its author, Bahraini historian Rashid... more
Publication of a sixth-century CE Christian funerary inscription, discovered in Beer Sheva and containing an error in its date
The rural sites of the Middle Bronze Age have not received much scholarly attention. A number of sites were excavated over the years, however, and the accumulating data allows a discussion of Middle Bronze Age rural communities. An... more
This entry focuses on the religions in the northern Hejaz and neighboring regions during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages and later (ca. 1500-300 BCE), the first time when there is firm archaeological and epigraphic evidence of local cultic... more
The biblical story of Naboth and his vineyard have come to life in a recent excavation at Jezreel, where archaeologists excavated an Iron Age winery at the foot of Tel Jezreel.
Dans ce volume sont publiées les inscriptions phéniciennes inédites appartenant à la collection de la Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban (DGA), retrouvées et identifiées au cours des travaux d’une mission épigraphique... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
Ancient Israel did not emerge within a vacuum but rather came to exist alongside various peoples, including Canaanites, Egyptians, and Philistines. Indeed, Israel's very proximity to these groups has made it difficult - until now - to... more
In a special thematic issue of Journal of Ancient Judaism edited by Jonathan Kaplan and Kelley Coblentz Bautch. Modern commentators on the Vitae Prophetarum have tended to assume that every prophet’s burial in this text was considered... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
Early balance weights have been found at several Early Dynastic/Akkadian/Ur III sites in southern Mesopotamia since the late 19th century but not all were identified as such and very few have been published adequately. The existence of... more
This article is a response to W. Meacham's comment on the coin-on--eye/coin-in-skull burial custom as published in R. Hachlili and A.E. Killebrew 1983 "Was the Coin-on-Eye Custom a Jewish Burial Practice in the Second Temple Period?" that... more
The construction of the Temple was a massive event in the history of Israel. Many of the sedentary peoples that early Hebrews came into contact with in Canaan had a history of building temples and shrines to their deities. The Hebrews... more
The notion of a United Monarchy of Israel has been a hotly debated topic since at least the 1980s, especially since the archaeological record did not seem to reflect a vast kingdom that many presume to have existed, perhaps rivaling that... more
Kadeš bolo významné starobylé mesto v Levante. Rovnaký názov mal aj mestský štát, ktorého bol hlavným sídlom. Dávna metropola sa rozprestierala v blízkosti brodu cez horný tok rieky Orontes.
¿Pretende la arqueología “demostrar” la veracidad de la Biblia? ¿Puede ser considerada la Biblia como un libro de historia? ¿Cabe hablar todavía de arqueología bíblica? ¿Por qué surgen tantas fake news en torno a la arqueología bíblica?... more
The collared pithos has attracted the attention of many scholars and archaeologists for nearly seventy years, largely owing to its reputation as a container associated with the emer­gence of Israel during the Iron I period. However,... more
In 2002, excavations at Qatna, a Bronze Age palatial site located in Syria, uncovered an elite tomb complex underneath the Royal Palace. The multi-room chamber tomb, associated grave goods, and skeletal remains illustrate some of the... more
The 7th century BCE in Philistia and Judah is characterized by economic prosperity, which is usually regarded as resulting from the “Assyrian Peace”, and from a policy of the Assyrian empire that aimed at maximizing production. The large... more
This Handbook aims to serve as a research guide to the archaeology of the Levant, an area situated at the crossroads of the ancient world that linked the eastern Mediterranean, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. The Levant as used here is... more