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After the first case of Battipaglia, a planned town established during the Bourbon Age, in the Thirties of the 20th century the founded settlements in the Sele Plain mostly consist of workers’ villages built by private entrepreneurs. They... more
The site of Monte Vetrano, at the confluence of Fuorni and the Picentino River valleys, near the main Etruscan settlement of Pontecagnano (Salerno), is one of the most important recent discoveries in the archaeological history of the... more
The ancient Campania is a frontier region, where Italics, Etruscans and Greeks produce over time various forms of relationship. The phenomenon becomes particularly evident in the second half of the eighth century B.C. with the arrival of... more
The part of community affected more than others by a selective process that changes its representativity, is the one composed of subjects deceased before having reached puberty, especially children younger than 3-4 years. The analysis of... more
The analysis of the miniature bronze pyxis of Sardinian manufacture deposited in the burial assemblage of the male Tomb 6107 at Pontecagnano (a Villanovan site on the Salerno Gulf ) and dated 850-780/70 BC leads the author to assume that... more
The paper discusses some theoretical issues related to the definitions of culture, ethnic identity, intercultural dialectics, crossbreeding and hybridization. From an archaeological viewpoint, a knotty question concerns the possibility... more
The University of Salerno has been carrying on some studies for years in Fratte, Pontecagnano and Paestum, which have revealed deep interactions among these sites since 6th century BC. Concerning ceramic productions, we can examine... more
The arrival of the Greeks in Campania is regarded as a key event in archaic history. Permanent settlement was preceded by periods of furtive trade and exchange under the term pre-colonization. The establishment of Pithekoussai on Ischia... more
In questo contributo si tenta di delineare un quadro generale della distribuzione degli oggetti di ornamento entro un lotto di sepolture della Prima Età del Ferro dalla necropoli Orientale di Pontecagnano (necropoli di S. Antonio - Porp.... more
Zusammenfassung Am Beispiel von Grabbefunden des späten 8. und 7. Jhs. v. Chr. aus dem kampanischen Pontecagnano wurde versucht, Dinge in Gräbern als Ressourcen zu interpretieren. Ressourcen werden in einem weiten, allgemeinen Sinne als... more
Gli aegyptiaca della campania pre-romana costiuiscono uno dei nuclei archeologici di tipo faraonico più importanti dell'area mediterranea pre-ellenistica. Le scoperte iniziarono ai primi dell'800 e raggiunsero importanti risultati, in... more
In this paper I respond to Carl Knappett's key note address at a session held at the EAA in Maastricht 2017 (which I co-organised) titled "Archaeological Networks and Social Interaction". The focus was on moving away from the dominance... more
Zusammenfassung: Kontextuelle Archäologie wird als Weg betrachtet, auf der Basis archäologischen Materials ideelle Bereiche vergangener Gesellschaften zu rekonstruieren, und zwar mit Bezug auf anthropologische Konzepte, aber ohne... more
Atti del II Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Paestum 28-30 giugno 2017.
Inquadramento generale della necropoli occidentale di Pontecagnano, presso la nuova area di espansione residenziale della città.
The paper is a preliminary report of the excavations carried out along the Salerno / Reggio Calabria motorway next to Pontecagnano. The preliminary research on the north-western part of the road has been entrusted by the Archaeological... more
The paper is dedicated to the earliest Etruscan inscriptions of Pontecagnano dated to the 7th century B.C. They include the famous inscription from Tomb 3509 that contains the gentilic name RASUNIE. The analysis is focused on the contexts... more
In the orientalizing necropolis of Pontecagnano there is a plurality of funerary behavior, particularly highlighted by different funeral rituals that shape the landscape mortuary. This is organized for groups of tombs around tombs... more
La expresión del estatus social del difunto a través del lenguaje del ritual funerario es un fenómeno común en muchísimas sociedades. En la Italia prerromana, sobretodo en área etrusco-lacial, son bien conocidos los casos de las... more